Dirty Dead Con Men
A cool and dangerous neo-noir crime film that revolves around the disturbed lives of two unlikely partners: Mickey Rady, a rogue undercover cop and Kook Packard, a smooth and charismatic con man. Together they rip off those operating outside of the law...for their own personal gain. But things go awry when one heist suck them deep into a city-wide conspiracy...A cool and dangerous neo-noir crime film that revolves around the disturbed lives of two unlikely partners: Mickey Rady, a rogue undercover cop and Kook Packard, a smooth and charismatic con man. Together they rip off those op... Read more
Starring Peter Dobson, Kevin Interdonato, Louis Mandylor, Chris Caldovino, Kristen Dalton, Hawthorne James, Ione Butler, Brandon Heitkamp, Erin O'Brien, Amanda Clayton
Watch "Dirty Dead Con Men" on Amazon released in 2018. It's a action & adventure and crime movie, and has a rating of 4.7 out of 10 from Imdb which is fairly low for this kind of movie, and is currently only available for purchase or rent.