Money is a British television series based on the 1984 novel of the same name by British author Martin Amis. First aired in May 2010, the two-part series was produced for the BBC, starring Nick Frost in the lead role as John Self, with Tim Piggott-Smith, Hattie Morahan, Adrian Lukis and Emma Pierson also featuring in the series.Money is a British television series based on the 1984 novel of the same name by British author Martin Amis. First aired in May 2010, the two-part series was produced for the BBC, starring Nick Frost in the lead role as John S... Read more
Starring Nick Frost, Emma Pierson, Amanda Abbington, Jerry Hall
Watch "Money" on BBC iPlayer released in 2010. It's a drama show, and has a rating of 5.4 out of 10 from Imdb which is fairly okay for this kind of show, and is currently available to watch for free.