13. Shriek and Destroy
No release date yet
Turkey ranch, Juniper, AZ. Night. A local rancher fixing the roof of his long-low turkey barn hears wood splintering. Looks off. Sees the door is torn off. Hears turkeys freaking out. And terrifying sound (the Shrieker Shriek!). Feathers fly out the barn windows. Guy jumps down, grabs shotgun. Enters barn. Screams! Twitchell (Dean Norris) arrives in Perfection with the news that Shriekers have appeared in Juniper. Another government agent is on the case, but Twitchell’s superiors want Burt (Michael Gross) and Tyler (Victor Browne) to make sure the dangerous animals are eradicated properly.

12. Water Hazard
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A water truck pulls through a set of gates that reads, "Oasis - A Melco Development," and stops at the edge of a small lagoon. A fidgety Melvin Plug (Robert Jayne) pays the driver in cash and he dumps his load of water. As the truck drives off, Melvin confronts a worker tinkering with a pumping system. Melvin wants to see his fountain. The beleaguered worker flips the switch and the fountain shoots up crookedly. Melvin demands he fix it immediately. He powers off in his SUV while the worker rows out in a small boat to check on the fountain. As he nears the fountain apparatus, one of his oars is sucked out of his hands. He uses the remaining oar to begin paddling towards shore. Suddenly that oar is grabbed too.

11. The Key
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Larry Norvel (J. D. Walsh) explores the old Jessup place, an abandoned farm, with his video camera. Prowling around in the barn, he’s scared by a rat darting across the floor. While filming the rat, a fluttering noise descends from the rafters and starts circling him. Something he can't see thumps him on the side of the head. Larry lands in a heap on the floor, his camera knocked away but still running. As he gets up, it looks as though something invisible is carrying off the rat.

10. The Sounds of Silence
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Burt's (Michael Gross) away so Tyler's (Victor Browne) on patrol. In the dusty Perfection backcountry, he runs across Dr. Donna Debevic (Joan McMurtrey) making recordings of El Blanco. She's finishing up a book on animal communications while adding to her collection of animal distress signals and wildlife mating calls. Donna attracts El Blanco with an ultrasonic signal and soon he begins ramming her truck. Donna calmly hangs on and continues recording. Then, bizarrely, El Blanco gives up and streaks away. On Tyler's Jeep-seismo, a second blip appears! Then the seismo-monitor goes completely dead. What is going on?

9. Graboid Rights
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Ready to begin a tour, Tyler (Victor Browne) is shocked to discover five protestors, led by Ray (David J. Wright), have chained themselves to his Jeep. As the protestors chide Tyler for exploiting El Blanco like a sideshow attraction, a convoy of cars and buses trundles into town. More protestors spill out onto the road, waving signs and chanting "Save the Worm." In the desert, Dr. Ellie Bergen (Rebecca McFarland), an earnest young zoologist, digs in the ground. Suddenly El Blanco barrels towards her. She's wearing her wrist seismo on her belt loop, so she didn't feel it vibrating. Ellie races for her car, barely managing to climb onto the hood as El Blanco arrives. His tentacles lash out and latch onto her.

8. Project 4-12
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Cletus Poffenburger (Christopher Lloyd) returns to his hardscrabble haven in a forgotten canyon. Looks like he sleeps under a hammock with only netting for a roof. Cletus heads for a wooden shed built up against a wall and begins apologizing to whatever is inside. "Sorry, 4-12," Cletus says. "I musta picked the valley clean." But he promises to head in a different direction tomorrow. The only response he gets is a low growl.

7. A Little Paranoia Among Friends
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Toluca, New Mexico. Sheriff Tucker (Greg Fitzpatrick) makes his rounds as a bad sandstorm starts up. On the outskirts of town he comes upon a small kiosk that surrounds a giant satellite dish device. One of the attachments has blown off, so Tucker parks his cruiser and goes over to fix it. He radios the station and speaks with his Deputy Manny Garcia (Sal Lopez), asking him if the battery in the I.G.C. is due for replacing. Manny consults a bulletin board and tells Tucker he might as well change the battery since he’s out there. The wind really starts to howl as Tucker installs a new battery. The sand blows more fiercely…and then a blinding light shines down on him. He looks up curiously as the blowing sand slowly erases his figure from view.

6. Hit and Run
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Two Las Vegas players - Max (Troy Winbush) and Frank (Nicholas Turturro)- meet a shady character in a Las Vegas bar. The plan is real simple. Just stay out of the casinos for two days, then get the "thing" to Chicago. On the TV Max and Frank see a local news segment on a "close call" between a tourist (Jason D. Smith) and El Blanco. Frank doesn't believe that El Blanco exists. Max decides to prove Frank wrong. They're going to Perfection.

5. Flora or Fauna
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Chang's Market: Larry Norvel (J. D. Walsh), a recently arrived sci-fi enthusiast, drives Jodi (Lela Lee) nuts with his running commentary on how she could put more of a sci-fi spin on her business. After all, back home in Kenosha, he's a Wal-Mart assistant manager trainee. When El Blanco tunnels past, shaking the store, Larry's in heaven. Meanwhile, two Surveyors take readings in the desert. One of them goes off behind some bushes, hears a strange noise and notices smoke rising out of the scrub brush. He prods at the area with his range pole. Bloosh! Acid shoots out.

4. Blast from the Past
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A hang glider gracefully sweeps across the blue sky, riding the wind currents. A moment after it soars out of frame, a horrible screech is heard, then screaming. Tyler (Victor Browne) drives back from Bixby, on his cell with a special someone, when his windshield is suddenly covered by a billowing cloth - the remnants of the hang glider's sail. He gets out to investigate and, to his horror, discovers a mangled, human foot.

3. Night of the Shriekers
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An explosion rocks the Perfection mountains. Burt Gummer (Michael Gross) barrels along the highway, compass in hand, ready to investigate. He parks his power wagon, grabs his gun and makes his way across a dry riverbed where he finds some discarded peanut shells. Suddenly, he hears an ominous screech from above. It's a Shrieker! Burt lets loose with his H&K 91 and blows the creature to bits. Then he turns to find himself staring down the barrels of four rifles belonging to a private security force. Their leader, Hartung (Patrick St. Esprit), accuses Burt of destroying government property. Burt peppers Hartung with questions about what the government is doing with a Shrieker, but Hartung's not at liberty to say. Burt stalks off, promising to use any means possible to shut them down.

2. Ghost Dance
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Three spelunkers enter an abandoned mine. A few minutes later, Rosalita (Gladise Jimenez) and Harlow (Branscombe Richmond) approach on horseback, inspecting a damaged section of fence. Abruptly, terrified screams emanate from the mine. Rosalita and Harlow ride over to investigate. Upon entering, they discover one of the spelunkers, Lynch (Greg Collins), moaning on the ground. Rosalita gasps as she sees half his face has been desiccated. Harlow rides off to get his truck while Rosalita talks to Lynch, trying to keep him from going into shock. Lynch warns her there's a ghost coming. Rosalita thinks he's delusional until she peers down the tunnel and sees a green vaporous cloud approaching! When Harlow returns in his truck, he's surprised to find Rosalita has dragged Lynch out of the mine all by herself. They load the spelunker onto the flatbed and speed off.

1. Feeding Frenzy
No release date yet
An old Dodge Charger drives into Valley. Radio blaring. Stops at the "Perfection Valley Warning" sign. Tyler Reed (Victor Browne) gets out and takes pictures of the sign. Thinks it's kind of funny. Until a backpacker runs toward him, chased by a Graboid -- El Blanco! El Blanco grabs the backpacker and sucks him into the ground. Tyler tries to save him, but El Blanco wrenches the man out of Tyler's grasp and drags him off. Tyler scrambles into his truck. Bad move. The Graboid smashes it from below! Tentacles shoot up, snaking through the windows. Tyler hauls himself onto the hood. Wham! Wham! Great gouts of dirt shoot from around the vehicle as the truck is pulled into the ground, literally sinking like a ship!