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Where to watch "Men Behaving Badly"

13. Carpe Dino
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Jamie gets an invitation from his old prep school to do a residency in their drama department to teach a master class. Steve is baffled that someone like Jamie would be invited until he learns that Jamie has told his alma mater that he's a Tony Award winning director.

12. The Fur Man Cometh
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During a photo shoot Jamie liberates a luxurious mink coat that's about to fall into the hands of some protesting fur activists and takes it home. It's Katie's birthday, and she's not thrilled with the book of "1001 German Jokes" that Steve has given her, Jamie gives Steve the fur coat to give her instead.

11. Welcome to JamieCo
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Steve thinks it's high time for Jamie to get a job and pay his share of the household expenses. Brenda and Katie are frustrated because they're sure that Bob, the apartment super, is deliberately evading them.

10. The Truth About Cats and Ducks
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Brenda, who's passionate about animal rights, gets upset when Jamie comes home with a stuffed boar's head, so she takes him to petting zoo to help him get in touch with his gentle side.

9. The Tape
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Katie's really angry with Steve because he refuses to go to dinner with some friends she wants him to meet. Jamie kidnaps 'Hootie', the mascot owl from Hooters, and is keeping it in the apartment.

8. Jamie's Got Next
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Steve goes crazy when Katie changes her hair from red to brown: he detests her new look but is afraid to admit it. She says she'll change it back in a month, so Steve begins dropping not so subtle hints and even 'accidentally' puts gum in her hair so she'll have to go back to the hairdressers immediately.

7. Here We Go Again
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Jamie and Brenda have just returned from Kevin's wedding, and Jamie is in tears. Where will he find another roommate? Brenda's not interested in moving in, but she does loan him $200 to help with the rent; he immediately buys a new jacket with the money.

6. The Gift of Jami
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Steve hires an actor to help him weasel out of going to Katie's for Christmas; she catches on immediately and tells him that now she doesn't want him to come. Steve didn't? want to hurt her feelings, but he's relieved he doesn't have to go.

5. Special Delivery
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Jamie gives Brenda a ride to work in exchange for the promise of a date that night. He has tickets to a gymnastics show, but when he gets to the hospital to pick up Brenda she's not ready because she's with a woman in labor; Jamie doesn't want them to be late, so he begins insulting and berating the woman who gives birth immediately.

4. Spoils of War
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Brenda prepares dinner for Jamie, Steve and Katie and makes an elaborate dessert; she's irritated when Katie shows up very late with barely an apology and brings cookies for dessert without having consulted her.

3. The Sting
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Brenda is dating Nelson, a nature enthusiast who Jamie thinks is hopeless. When he hears Nelson invite Brenda on a hiking outing, Jamie decides to take action.

2. Got Milk?
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Jamie proudly tells Brenda he's found a job and invites her out for dinner at a nice restaurant. He confesses to Steve that he's being paid to take part in a lab experiment.

1. No Retreat, No Surrender
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Kevin tells Jamie he's marrying Sarah and moving to Chicago; Jamie's stunned and reminds Kevin he's breaking a "no marriage" vow they made when they were kids, but he agrees to be Kevin's best man when he finds out Brenda will be maid of honor.