8. Episode 8
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Michael and Jimmy find common ground; Amanda proposes an unexpected partnership for mutual survival; Anthony and Nikita try to come to terms with the consequences of their actions.

7. 7. Kin:: Episode 7
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De chaos die Bren creëert bereikt zijn hoogtepunt en de Kinsellas worden gedreven tot chaos, terwijl Michael en Viking allebei liefdesverdriet lijden en Frank op zoek is naar verandering.

6. Episode 6
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Bren seeks out Anna openly against Michael's wishes. Amanda looks global for business opportunities, and Birdy's past and present trauma begin to collide.

5. Episode 5
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Viking gets put in an impossible position, while Amanda loses trust in part of the family and the consequences begin to boil over.

4. 4. Kin:: Episode 4
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Nu Bren Amanda's macht blijft ondermijnen en de Gardai hun aandacht richten op haar operaties, voelt Amanda echt de druk.

3. 3. Kin:: Episode 3
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Familietrouw wordt op de proef gesteld als Bren's invloed doordringt tot elk lid van de Kinsella-clan. Jimmy begint een kant te kiezen, terwijl Michaels geduld een kookpunt bereikt.

2. Episode 2
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All hell breaks loose with the unexpected arrival of a family member. While Viking welcomes him with open arms, the rest of the family are not so pleased, most of all Amanda.

1. Episode 1
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A new threat rears its head when members of a Turkish cartel inform the Kinsellas that Eamon owed a them sizable debt.