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Where to watch "The Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson"

31. The Making of the Adventures of Swiss Family Robinson
1998 - Season 1
Richard Thomas is your island guide for this on-location behind-the-scenes look at the production of this epic series.

30. Book 10 - Boston, Part 3
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The trial goes on and things are looking hopeless. Against all the odds David is able to prove his innocence and is acquitted with the help of Elizabeth, who is an effective witness on the stand. Amidst all the celebration David reveals that he has been approached to return to his beloved island home and to bring with him settlers to colonize the family's island paradise.

29. Book 10 - Boston, Part 2
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The family have discovered that Kwang Sen, who has his own vendetta against the family, has hired a top lawyer to issue proceedings and have the trial reopened. The family finds their lives beginning to fall apart. Ben feels uncomfortable working for Oscar, and Oscar wants to get rid of him. Billy feels redundant and runs away. And Ernst and Emily struggle with their seemingly hopeless love.

28. Book 10 - Boston, Part 1
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After the trial, the family expect life to return to normal but they feel uncomfortable having been used to the freedom of the island. Billy, as an orphaned black boy, is looked down upon by society and ex-seaman Ben is also ostracised by Boston society as beneath them. To the family's horror, David remains in prison.

27. Book 9 - Paradise Lost, Part 3
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As the family arrives back in Boston, they find that modern society might not be as welcoming as they remember and they struggle to settle back into their old lifestyle - missing the routines and freedom of the natural world. David's future in the so called 'civilised' world is put in jeopardy when he is unexpectedly arrested and put on trial.

26. Book 9 - Paradise Lost, Part 2
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The treehouse is set on fire and the family are about to be overrun when an armed merchant ship comes into view, heading for the island. Fearing for her ship, Mary decides to leave. The merchantman is owned by Elizabeth's father, searching for his family. Kwang Sen, the rich merchant to whom Emily is betrothed, is also on board. The Robinsons and all on the desert island set sail back to Boston.

25. Book 9 - Paradise Lost, Part 1
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It's been sixteen months since the Robinsons first landed on the island and the family is preparing for the forthcoming marriage of Ben and Joanna. But unknown to the family, Parsons and Bonnie Mary arrive back on the island in their pirate ship, the Viper. Parsons is bent on revenge.

24. Book 8 - Stacrossed Lovers, Part 3
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While David and Ben search for Joanna, back at the treehouse, Elizabeth starts to give birth. Emily is forced to act as midwife. After rescuing Joanna, David and Ben see a ship on the horizon. Ernst is dispatched to light the beacon. David and Ben return home to find the newborn baby well, but Elizabeth is far from well and has a fever.

23. Book 8 - Stacrossed Lovers, Part 2
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While searching waterfalls and fast flowing rivers, Billy and Christina's raft falls apart. On dry land the youngsters are confronted by a large wild dog. Ben rescues them and takes them safely home. David is grateful but still angry. Ben persuades Joanna to leave with him and David sets off in pursuit to Ben's cave. Joanna gets lost in the caves and Ben and David must work together to find her.

22. Book 8 - Stacrossed Lovers, Part 1
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Ben is now a member of the group. But David tries various means to keep Ben and Joanna apart, despite Elizabeth's view that the more he tries, the more the young couple will seek each other. When Billy overhears Ben declaring his love to Joanna, he tells Christina, who lets it slip at the dinner table. An outraged David banishes Ben. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is in the final stages of her pregnancy.

21. Book 7 - The Treasure Hunt, Part 3
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Ben is caught in a net which whisks him up to the roof of the cave. The pirates soon discover a hidden tunnel deep within the labyrinth. David and Joanna save the day and Joanna persuades David to consider young Ben joining the family as he has clearly severed ties with Parsons.

20. Book 7 - The Treasure Hunt, Part 2
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After the unexpected return of the pirates, Parsons offers Scaggs - the Pirate Captain, the treasure map and Joanna, in return for a passage. David forms an unlikely alliance with Ben and rescues Joanna but things get worse when David, Joanna and Ben fall into a deep crevice in a cave - and are unable to climb out.

19. Book 7 - The Treasure Hunt, Part 1
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Christmas is approaching and sentiments are mixed, with each member of the family reflecting on the life they once had back in Boston. The family improvise the making of gifts and preparations. Whilst searching for treasure, Joanna sees pirates and tries to get home but is captured by Parsons and Ben.

18. Book 6 - The Ghost of Raven Jones, Part 3
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Ernst discovers the strange old man is "Raven Jones", a mythical and legendary pirate who went missing years ago. Driven mad by years of solitude, Jones is paranoid that the Robinsons are searching for an imagined horde of treasure. Parsons gets wind of the 'treasure' and goes after Raven Jones, who proves to be an inspiration to the Robinson family, especially David.

17. Book 6 - The Ghost of Raven Jones, Part 2
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Following the strange sounds during their hunting expedition, a ghostly figure of an old man appears to Christina and terrifies her. When the old man appears to Ernst, he gives chase, only to be captured and held prisoner in a cave.

16. Book 6 - The Ghost of Raven Jones, Part 1
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Monsoon winds and rain has destroyed the family's crops and set their animals free. Tensions run high between family members. Ernst in particular is angry with David for seeming to have given up on the daily ritual of lighting the beacon as if he has given up hope of being saved. During a hunting trip, Ernst, Emily and Billy hear a ghostly sound among the trees.

15. Book 5 - Captives, Part 3
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After falling ill while searching for Billy, David's health is looking grave. Billy, who is also ill but desperately hungry, eats some leaves the gorilla has brought as food, which seem to cure his sickness. The family are unexpectedly reunited and have learned a valuable lesson and all resolve to pay attention to it in the future, realising it is central to their survival.

14. Book 5 - Captives, Part 2
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Billy has run away and becomes lost in the hills, finding himself ill in a cave with a gorilla. Ernst, David and Bruno leave to search for him. Christina is captured by Ben and Parsons, who take her back to their island. Parsons is convinced the Robinsons have a treasure hoard and persuades Ben they should go after it.

13. Book 5 - Captives, Part 1
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It has been approximately six months since the Robinsons have been stranded on the island. The family celebrate their first harvest. All seems peaceful but while out hunting, Joanna and Ernst discover animal spoor of a seemingly large ape-like creature. David is keen to investigate but Elizabeth is concerned for her family's safety.

12. Book 4 - Princess from the Sea, Part 3
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Moya continues to settle into life with the Robinsons but the shaman places Moya into great danger as she dives to search the submerged wreck. She is rescued by David, but shortly after, the family are alarmed to see another war canoe arrive. They flee to their newly-built fort. But can they succeed in defending themselves against another attack?

11. Book 4 - Princess from the Sea, Part 2
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The family revive the girl and discover she is a princess, Moya, daughter of the native King. Moya tells the family her father was killed in a tribal war and she has run away because her life is in danger. The family welcome Moya to their home. Ernst quickly becomes infatuated with her. But unknown to the family, the shaman has stayed behind from the war party and is determined to seek revenge.

10. Book 4 - Princess from the Sea, Part 1
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The family continues their life on the island and decide to build a fort on a hill which is a perfect lookout - and also for them to defend themselves in the event of any more attacks. While searching for driftwood, Ernst sees a native girl arrive alone in a canoe. She is tired and distressed. Whilst trying to befriend her, a war canoe appears on the horizon heading for the island.

9. Book 3 - Invasion, Part 3
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Ernst escapes imprisonment on the pirate ship and almost rescues the family but is quickly overcome by the pirates. Scaggs finds David guilty and sentences him to hang. Elizabeth attempts to convince Scaggs to let David live. But others implement contingent plans for the family and their friends to survive.

8. Book 3 - Invasion, Part 2
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Ernst finds himself a prisoner of the pirates on The Viper. Parsons informs Scaggs all about the Robinson family, who are surprised at night and overrun by the pirates. Parsons convinces Scaggs to put David Robinson on trial, with himself as judge, jury and hangman, intrigued with a role reversal having been on the other end of justice.

7. Book 3 - Invasion, Part 1
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The family are still battling against the forces of Mother Nature (and often themselves) and are looking forward to celebrating their first harvest on the Fourth of July. But unknown to anyone, a ship is heading towards the island. She is 'The Viper', a notorious pirate ship captained by the unsavoury and infamous rascal Samuel Scaggs and his ex-convict partner, Bonnie Mary.

6. Book 2 - The Island of the Gods, Part 3
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The reason for the King's presence is found that he is ill and has arrived on the island for closure and to make peace with his ancestors. After falling into a deep coma, the shaman enters the brother's Dreamtime to try and save Christina. The other children fall into a deep sleep and experience dangerous Dreamtime themselves. Parsons renews his attacks on the tree house.

5. Book 2 - The Island of the Gods, Part 2
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With the arrival of a native tribe, The King threatens the family for violating the sacred island with their presence. Meanwhile, the petulant Emily has wandered into the rainforest and has been captured by Parsons and Ben, who are in turn captured by the King's brother. Parsons makes a deal with the brother to recapture the King - and in return, take over the Robinson's treehouse.

4. Book 2 - The Island of the Gods, Part 1
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It has been one month since the shipwreck. The family are still struggling with living off the land but have been hard at work growing crops, keeping chickens, rearing wild pigs and a goat. But prompted by activity of the island's volcano, they are planning to escape. Parsons and Ben have set up home in a cave on an island nearby - and Parsons is bent on revenge.

3. Book 1 - Survival, Part 3
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David, Ernst and Billy encounte their first unexpected adventure. Emily Chen is discovered hiding on the island and uneasily joins the survivors. The family settles into life on the island and attempts to find a site for their new home. And David is intrigued with the notion of the family gaining new skills to survive on a desert island - but Elizabeth doesn't share the same sentiment.

2. Book 1 - Survival, Part 2
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After surviving the storm, the family (along with Billy the cabin boy) climb on the deck of the listing ship only to discover they have been stranded on a reef, with the rest of the crew and passengers gone... They work together to make a raft and reach nearby land, taking with them useful items from the ship. The island feels like a paradise and deserted. But they soon discover they aren't alone.

1. Book 1 - Survival, Part 1
No release date yet
David Robinson and his wife Elizabeth, their children Ernst, Joanna and Christina (as well as the family dog, Bruno) set out on a sailing voyage to Canton, China, to build a new life for the family. But on the ship they encounter Parsons, an old sea-dog who believes the family has treasure hidden in their cabin. And a sudden storm places all the passengers and crew in great peril.