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Where to watch "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine"

26. What You Leave Behind (2)
1999 - Season 7
Sisko leads, what he hopes will be, a final all-out assault on Cardassia Prime. Kira and Garak mount a suicidal assault on the Cardassian headquarters occupied by the Dominion, who in turn kill innocent women and children village by village in retaliation for the Resistance's attacks.

25. What You Leave Behind: Parts 1 & 2
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With Sisko in command, the Defiant joins the Federation-Klingon-Romulan fleet as the invasion of Cardassia is launched.

24. The Dogs of War: Part 8
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While Sisko takes command of a new ship named in honor of the Defiant, Kira, Garak and Damar barely escape a Dominion ambush on Cardassia.

23. Extreme Measures: Part 7
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When Kira brings a terminally ill Odo back to the station for treatment, he orders her to leave him and return to help the Cardassian Resistance.

22. Tacking Into the Wind: Part 6
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While Kira reviews tactical plans with the Cardassian Resistance leaders, Odo returns from a mission weakened by the disease that's ravaging his race.

21. When It Rains ...: Part 5
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Eager to aid Damar's rebel movement against the Dominion, Sisko orders Kira to put her antipathy for the Cardassian aside and train his staff.

20. The Changing Face of Evil: Part 4
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The crew's relief at Worf and Ezri's safe return is tempered by reports that the Breen have attacked Starfleet Headquarters on Earth.

19. Strange Bedfellows: Part 3
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Worf and Ezri are beamed aboard a Jem'Hadar ship, where the Female Shapeshifter and Thot Gor prepare to sign a treaty to end the war.

18. Till Death Do Us Part: Part 2
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Kai Winn arrives at the station to "assist" Sisko with his wedding, and he admits the Prophets warned he would face a great trial in his future.

17. Penumbra: Part 1
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As Sisko revels in the purchase of Bajoran land, word reaches the station that Worf is missing in action after a fierce battle.

16. Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
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Dr. Bashir is visited by Sloan, the director of Section 31, a secret and unsanctioned extremist entity within Starfleet Intelligence.

15. Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
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While relaxing in Vic Fontaine's Las Vegas holosuite lounge, O'Brien and Bashir are surprised by the arrival of mobster Frankie Eyes.

14. Chimera
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Odo returns from a conference with an unexpected guest: a Changeling who tracked and boarded his Runabout.

13. Field of Fire
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A young lieutenant is found dead in his quarters. An investigation reveals he was shot with a TR-116 rifle, a weapon developed by Starfleet.

12. The Emperor's New Cloak
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Grand Nagus Zek, ruler of the Ferengi Empire and paramour to Quark and Rom's mother, disappears while on a business trip to the Alternate Universe.

11. Prodigal Daughter
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Sisko is furious when he learns O'Brien has vanished while on a secret trip to New Sydney.

10. It's Only a Paper Moon
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After losing his leg in battle, Nog returns to the space station to recuperate. The crew tries to cheer him up, but the young ensign is struggling.

9. Covenant
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Vedek Fala, a Bajoran monk and Kira's former teacher, pays her an unexpected visit. He gives Kira a crystal that transports her to Empok Nor.

8. The Siege of AR-558
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Sisko encounters Starfleet troops that have been decimated during their occupation of the largest Dominion communications array in the sector.

7. Once More Unto the Breach
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To Worf's surprise, he is paid a visit by Kor, an aging Klingon war hero. Kor admits that his ambition has earned him countless enemies.

6. Treachery, Faith and the Great River
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Odo is lured to a secret meeting site, where he finds himself face-to-face with Weyoun, the Vorta leader of the enemy Dominion.

5. Chrysalis
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A group of genetically enhanced humans who were once under Bashir's care escape from their medical facility home.

4. Take Me Out to the Holo-Suite
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Vulcan Capt. Solok brings his starship to Deep Space Nine for repairs made necessary from combat skirmishes.

3. Afterimage
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In addition to coping with the memories of her "past lives," Ezri Dax must deal with the range of reactions her presence generates.

2. Shadows and Symbols
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Sisko meets Ezri, the new host of the Dax symbiont, before departing Earth for the planet Tyree with his father and son.

1. Image in the Sand
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Three months after a possessed Gul Dukat killed Jadzia Dax and sealed the wormhole, life on Deep Space Nine has changed.