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Where to watch "Pocahontas: Princess of the American Indians"

25. From Tenochtitlan to the Condor Mountains
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Arrived in the wonderful city of Tenochtitlan, they are received without particular warmth by Montezuma II. They visit the city and Pocahontas speaks to all from the top of the Sun-pyramid. They visit Tenochtitlan bringing with them an Aztec warrior and go South to arrive in Colombia. From there, one of the Incas roads leading to Cusco starts and they find a patrol that is awaiting them.

24. The Heart of a Unique Word
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After speaking to two Spanish prisoners of the Mayas, the group arrives at the place of the meeting. Pocahontas there has the confirmation that Maya make human sacrifices and she is disgusted by this rite and starts preaching of sharing love towards everybody and all creatures. A Maya warrior joins Pocahontas' group and escorted by an Aztec patrol, heads towards Tenochtitlan, the Aztec Capital.

23. Heading for the Smoking Mountains
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Pocahontas and her warriors leave Cahokia and go to the South.Once in Florida, with the help of a Seminole Shaman,they reach Yucatan and are moved back in time, a few hundred years before the Spanish invaded those lands. When they arrived there, they meet the Mayas and their amazing civilization. They are welcomed by Batab of Ulmax and his sister. Pocahontas makes her speech in front of thousands.

22. The Scared City
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Cahokia is a city rich of pyramid-shaped temples and palaces. The chief shaman explains to them the organization of the city and the powers of Big Sun, the only absolute sovereign of North America. But the times are changing. Outside the walls of the city, Spanish settlers are camped. Their messenger invites everybody to a party in Pocahontas' honor. A ball-game will be played between them.

20. The Blue Star
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Pocahontas and her warriors respect Hopi-Ho's strong and surprisingly healthy grandfather, who gives all of them encouragements and wise advice. Returned at the Mesa, they watch the ceremony Wuwuchin. The Kachina "Blue Star," prophet of woe, tunes in his song confirming to everybody the defeats that their people must suffer in the future and the final triumph.

18. The Great Battle
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Pocahontas, her warriors, and the sacred animals, go to the San Francisco Mountain for the final battle. The fight among the Good and the Evil is terrible, long, and fought at many levels. For the fierce Spider Woman and her warriors, the result is uncertain but in the end the Good succeeds in a triumphing victory.

13. The People of the River and the High Plateau
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While everybody is engaged in the preparations of the Big Party in Pocahontas' honor, she gets to know the tribes of the area and their lifestyle. After the Great Party, Pocahontas who knows how important horses will become to them, offers to teach, all who wish, how to ride. Pocahontas makes her speech to the Tribes. Black Elk and Red Owl decide to join as escort.

12. Twin Falls
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The group goes on horseback towards the Twin Waterfalls, where the tribes of Table-Land and Great Dock are waiting. In the last stretch, Black Elk, a young Shoshoni shaman/chief goes to meet them. At the waterfalls, Pocahontas is hailed by Ute, Paiute, Shoshoni, Nez Percè, Modoc and many other tribes.

10. The Basket Makers
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The group is accompanied by a patrol at the place of the Council, where they find, waiting for them, the areas' Tribes: Miwok, Yokut, Talowa and others. These people transformed the manufacturing of baskets into a real art. Pocahontas gets the opportunity to appreciate the qualities of these tribes before communicating to them the Great Spirit's Message.

9. Heading for California
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Pocahontas, after having communicated the God's Will, leaves the North-West's Indians tribes and heads toward North California. Another escort is added, Elswa, a young Carver and Haida warrior. They travel on the big and powerful Haida canoes and arrive in St. Francisco's Bay. However, not before suffering an attack by a ferocious killer-whale sent by a mysterious enemy.

8. Heading for Another Sea
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Pocahontas bids farewell to the Eskimos and heads toward the North Coast of the Pacific Ocean, accompanied by her escorts to which three very courageous young Eskimos are added: Lel, Nui and Miutlik. They reject a sudden and unexpected attack of Kutchins and then, they head themselves toward the West Coast, where they are welcomed by the Salish, the Haida, and the Tinglit.

6. The Midnight Sun
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Sincere Plume has joined Pocahontas' escorts and together they leave the Winnipeg's Lake Tribes and go on towards the North Pole. After some days, they're attacked by a ferocious gang of renegades and they save themselves thanks to the intervention of the sacred animals. Pocahontas and Hopi-Ho begin suspecting there is an enemy hidden in the shadows, intent on making their mission fail.

4. The Great Gathering
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Pocahontas speaks in front of a great crowd with Niagara Falls in the background. She receives words of support, supplied from Hopi-Ho, the holy animals, and the Corn Spirit. After the speech, she plans to leave for the Arctic Region. Wandering Spirit tells her that the Tribe Council has assigned her new escorts: Miac, Mic-Mac, Ciwa, and Cippewa.

2. A New Friend
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The three friends continue their journey towards the Niagara Falls. Hopi-Ho tries in vain to resist Moc's continues verbal provocations. Moc hides his hypersensitivity behind an arrogant and a little boaster attitude. They are intercepted by a Iroquois patrol that will guide them to the meeting place. The patrol's Chief is Yellow Wolf, young Seneca warrior, tribe enemy of Mohicans.