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Where to watch "HIP"

12. Kukkokiekuu 2/2

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Kausi 3, 11/12. Poliisi löytää yhteyden murhan ja moottoripyörämiehen välillä. Morgane yrittää pitää isänsä osuuden salassa, mutta juttu karkaa käsistä. Lopuksi selviää vielä varsinainen jymypaukku!

11. Kukkokiekuu 1/2

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Kausi 3, 11/12. Korukauppias on surmattu. Tutkiessaan rikospaikkaa Morgan hoksaa, että Sergellä on näppinsä pelissä, jos ei tappajana niin ainakin koruvarkaana.

10. Ukkosta ilmassa

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Kausi 3, 10/12. Rahakätkön arvoitus ratkesi samalla kun Serge sai luodin reiteen. Kesken perhekriisin Morga joutuu säntäämään murhapaikalle, jossa odottaa kuollut jänis - tai siis mies jänispuvussa...

9. Aitoa hopeaa 2/2

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Kausi 3, 9/12. Liikkuuko seudulla tosiaan vampyyri? Morgane ei usko sitä todeksi, mutta miten hänen huippuälynsä onnistuu selättämään uskomukset ja ratkaisemaan jutun?

8. (Dub) Kikeriki

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The owner of a jewelry store is found dead as a result of an attack with a drilling machine. At the crime scene, Morgane recognizes the jewelry that Serge stole from the previous episode

7. (Dub) Thunder

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Serge, a bullet lodged in one of his legs, reveals that he owes money to a biker group. While Morgane, helped by her children, tries to stop the bleeding, she is immediately called to a new crime scene

6. (Dub) Sounding And Tripping

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Salomé Rousseau, 19, was found dead in middle of a dissection auditorium. The investigation takes a rather distressing turn when all the evidence leads us to think that the victim was… a vampire!

5. (Dub) Icy Cold

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Morgane will have to solve Adele Mercier's mysterious crime, killed with a bullet between her two eyes, while her relationship with Karadec gets more and more complicated.

4. (Dub) Benford's Law

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Morgane is called on a crime scene : Yvan Desfard is found dead on the side of a road. Morgane will have to unravel the mystery of this murder while trying to distance himself from Timothy.

3. (Dub) Jet Lag

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Morgane has to solve the murder of 20-year-old Naïma. Morgane will have to get out of this hellish whirlwind by reconnecting with Karadec.

2. 18 carati

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Morgane si trova in prigione accusata di omicidio. Mentre cerca di adattarsi alla vita in carcere, con l'aiuto di Karadec e della squadra fa il possibile per provare la sua innocenza.

1. Simmetria radiale

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A sei mesi dal bacio con Karadec Morgane è molto giù di morale e ha deciso di lasciare la polizia per tornare al suo lavoro precedente. Ma non ha perso la passione per le indagini.

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