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Where to watch "Conspiracy?"

14. TWA Flight 800
2004 - Season 1
At 8:18 PM TWA Flight 800 takes off for France. After just 13 minutes, the plane explodes in mid-air, eight miles off the coast of Long Island, NY. All 230 passengers and crewmembers are killed. Relatives are forced to wait for TWA to release an official list of the passengers who were on the plane - a lengthy process, as TWA needs to account for last minute cancellations and standby passengers. The list is finally released, but now they must endure the painfully slow victim identification process. The delays bring tensions to the boiling point. Investigators believe that the tragedy may not have been the result of terrorism, but of faulty aircraft design. The NTSB issues a series of urgent recommendations to the Federal Aviation Administration, stating that center fuel tank volatility is an issue that must be addressed immediately. Four years after the explosion, the NTSB formally concludes that an explosion in the centre fuel tank destroyed the plane. The board also finds that the wiring in many aircrafts is dangerous. In a series of detailed and emotional interviews with families of victims, eyewitnesses and investigators, this episode will recount the events surrounding the explosion of TWA Flight 800, as well as how each of the lives of those involved in the incident have been irreparably changed.

13. Kecksburg UFO
2004 - Season 1
With no physical or documentary evidence and few willing witnesses, curious investigators futilely struggle to determine what, if anything, happened the night of December 9, 1965 in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania.

12. RFK Assassination
2004 - Season 1
Despite pressure to conduct a solid inquiry of the Robert Kennedy assassination to avoid the controversy following his brother's murder, there are various unexplained details in Los Angeles Police investigation which concluded Sirhan Sirhan was a lone shooter. Two alternative theories are reviewed along with claims that important evidence was altered and destroyed over the years; that Sirhan was acting under hypnosis and that there was a second shooter.

11. Jack Ruby
2004 - Season 1
This program reviews the theory that Lee Harvey Oswald was recruited by organized crime leaders to murder President John Kennedy based on the crack down on crime by Bobby Kennedy (the President's brother and Attorney General) and Oswald's murder by mob associate Jack Ruby.

10. The CIA and the Nazis
2004 - Season 1
Reveals how over 4,000 former Nazis went to work for the U.S. government without the public's knowledge.

9. The Oklahoma City Bombing
2004 - Season 1
Program presents evidence, both plausible and speculative, that Timothy McVeigh's bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal Building was supported at some level by Islamic terrorists.

8. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
2004 - Season 1
The leading alternative to the theory that John Wilkes Booth and a few others conspired to murder Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson and William Seward is a Confederate conspiracy. The details, motivation and evidence for such a conspiracy are presented along with the evidence that challenges the theory.

7. Princess Diana
2004 - Season 1
The senseless death of celebrity Diana, Princess of Wales, while being hounded by paparazzi when she could have been protected by a wall of security cries out to her fans and loved ones for an explanation. While there are clues that suggest someone is to blame for her death, no one has yet to piece it all together.

6. Who Killed Martin Luther King?
2004 - Season 1
For those who believe James Earl Ray did not kill Martin Luther King or did not do so alone, the list of alternative conspirators is long and diverse. This program presents the preeminent theories that have enriched their proponents.

5. Area 51
2004 - Season 1
Program presents Robert Lazar's claim that he worked on alien spacecraft at Area 51 without delving into technical details. Lazar's critics contend he may be a cover to draw attention from the real activities at the site such as testing advanced military technology.

4. The Anthrax Attacks
2004 - Season 1
An investigation into who was responsible for the anthrax attacks that frightened the nation after 9/11.

3. FDR and Pearl Harbor
2004 - Season 1
Several theories surrounding the Roosevelt Administration's foreknowledge of Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor are explored; that they did not have prior intelligence, that they bungled the intelligence, that they had conclusive prior knowledge but chose not to alert forces at Pearl and that they deliberately provoked the attack.

2. Majestic 12: UFO Coverup
2004 - Season 1
This program reviews the research of the more credible skeptics of the US Government's report on the incident at Roswell New Mexico in 1947 where many people believe an alien spacecraft was destroyed in a crash. The focus is on the Majestic 12 committee.

1. TWA Flight 800
2004 - Season 1
Eyewitness observations of the crash of TWA flight 800 off the coast of New York in 1996 suggest the plane was shot down by a surface launched missile. After an extensive investigation the FBI and NTSB conclude the most likely cause was a short circuit in a fuel tank but cannot provide definitive evidence. Alternative theories, which experienced investigators find plausible, abound.