13. My Favorite Mouse
No release date yet
On the anniversary of Anatole's hiring at Duval's cheese factory, his old friend Moliere the mole drops by with a special surprise gift - he's dug an underground tunnel from Anatole's backyard all the way to Duval's!

12. The Perils of Paulette
No release date yet
When Doucette's sister Yvette, world traveler and author of the "Perils of Paulette" adventure stories, comes to visit, Paulette decides her own life is in need of excitement and adventure and resolves to follow in her aunt's footsteps.

11. Bully for Anatole
No release date yet
When a neighbouring mouse mayor comes to visit the whole village gets a lesson on how to handle a bully!

10. World of Cheese
No release date yet
Anatole and Doucette have decided to take a much-needed vacation to a big cheese festival in Switzerland, and Gaston is left in charge of the children.

9. The Mystery of The Dancing Ghost
2001 - Season 2
It's Halloween and Claude and Claudette are reading ghost stories when they hear a mysterious tapping sound on the wind. Deciding that it must be the sad ballerina ghost from one of their stories, they set out in the middle of the night to help her... and unwittingly stumble across two weasels robbing Pamplemousse's mansion! Luckily Anatole arrives on the scene, and with Gaston's help turns the thieves over to the authorities. The children have learned not to let their imaginations run away with them, and are surprised to find out what the real source of that tapping sound is!

8. Anatole and The New Cat
2001 - Season 2
A new and very greedy family of mice has moved into Duval's factory and, despite Anatole's warnings that Duval will notice the large portions of missing cheese, they continue to take more cheese than they could ever eat! Anatole's prediction comes true when Duval sees that Charlemagne can no longer handle the mouse problem in the factory and hires a new heavy - the terrifying Nostromo! Nostromo bullies everyone in the factory, including Charlemagne. When Anatole cannot even get into the factory to perform his cheese tasting duties, he realizes that unless they can get rid of the new cat, not only will the new family lose their home but Duval's will be in dire trouble! Anatole convinces a disgraced Charlemagne - who happens to be something of a card shark - to challenge the competitive Nostromo to a game of ""fish"" and uses the distraction to build a ""cat trap"" that will get rid of Nostromo for good! The new mice learn that it is wrong to take more than you need.

7. Over The Sea
2001 - Season 2
There is to be a big reception at the docks to celebrate Duval's first shipment of cheese to America. Anatole is doing a last check on the shipment when Charlemagne attacks. In the confusion, Gaston is accidentally crated up with the cheese and it looks like he is bound for New York City! At home, Paul and Paulette don't want to go to the reception with the rest of the family - they would rather go to a party with their friends. However, after remembering all the times that their father came through for them and cheered on their accomplishments, they decide to go to the docks after all, to applaud Duval's cheese shipment ... and their father's work. They have realized how important it is to take pride in the achievements of others. Meanwhile, Anatole has scrambled aboard the ship to free Gaston from his crate and they manage to escape the ship and Charlemagne's clutches just in the nick of time, before the ship leaves the dock!

6. Les Mouserables
No release date yet
A spat between the kids during a family photo shoot leads Anatole to relate the story of the mouse village's founding. In the days before its creation, mice were poor, and lived under harsh conditions in Paris.

5. The Long, Long Night
2001 - Season 2
Doucette is taking the children on an overnight camping trip into the woods to teach them more about nature and she insists that Anatole, who's had a hard week at work, take a much deserved night off at home! Anatole knows that Doucette is perfectly capable and well prepared for the adventure... but when Gaston begins badgering him with ""old mice's tales"" of unexplained ""monsters"" in the woods, Anatole finds that he can't stop himself from worrying. He resolves to go out to the woods, check up on Doucette and the kids, and then turn around and come home undetected! Though they are well prepared for the journey, Gaston's unbridled paranoia results first in the loss of their supplies, then lands them in one disastrous situation after another, and soon Anatole and Gaston find themselves soaking wet, hungry and lost in the woods. Doucette and the children, armed not only with the proper supplies but with knowledge of their surroundings, enjoy a cozy campfire and the experience of being one

4. Truffle Treasure
No release date yet
It is Anatole and Doucette's anniversary. Anatole decides to surprise her by recreating the dinner they had when he proposed marriage, Fromage de Provence with Truffles!

3. Tricky You
No release date yet
It is April Fool's Day, and the children love playing tricks on each other. George and Georgette send Gaston and their father on a fool's errand to a bakery, which turns out to be more dangerous than expected.

2. The Mousepiece
No release date yet
When Gaston discovers Anatole building a little car as a birthday gift for Paul and Paulette, Anatole makes him promise to keep it a secret.

1. Anatole and The String of Pearls
1999 - Season 2
Monsieur Duval asks Anatole to watch over his wife's birthday present, a priceless pearl necklace. When a thief breaks into the factory to steal the necklace, Anatole and Gaston are launched on a night full of adventure. Not wanting to let Duval down, Anatole is determined to retrieve the necklace and return it to Madame Duval in time for her birthday party. As always, Charlemagne does his best to hamper their efforts, but in the end the mice prevail. Meanwhile, at home Paul and Paulette are babysitting the other children for the very first time and learn the importance of responsibility and of seeing a task through to the end.