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Where to watch "Survivorman"

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12. Survivorman Bigfoot: Radium Springs
2014 - Season 101
In the second episode of this 2-part special, Les continues his survival in the remote area of Northern Alberta to get as close as he can – if that’s possible – to the legend known as Sasquatch. Full of skepticism, Les enlists the help of a Bigfoot tracker named Todd Standing, who claims to have had multiple interactions with the legendary creature in the area.

11. Survivorman Bigfoot: Nordegg
2014 - Season 101
In the first episode of this 2-part special, Les finds himself in a remote track of forested land in Alberta, Canada, a renowned Bigfoot hot spot. Inundated by requests from fans to uncover the truth about Bigfoot since revealing his own possible Bigfoot encounter while shooting Survivorman in Alaska in 2009, Les sets out to uncover the truth about this elusive and quite possibly fictitious creature.

10. Wabakimi
2014 - Season 101
Les and Logan set out for a father/son fishing trip in a tin boat. Stranded after their motor dies, Les and Logan are quickly plunged into an intense survival situation that could happen on any summer vacation.

9. Survivorman's Lost Pilots: Winter
2014 - Season 101
Launching a new genre of television coined Survival TV, Stranded: Winter chronicles Les Stroud's first time surviving for the cameras in the dead of winter. Les ventures to remote Northern Ontario to endure temperatures of -40 degrees F for a week alone.

8. Survivorman's Lost Pilots: Summer
2014 - Season 101
The genesis of the award-winning show Survivorman, Stranded: Summer is a one-hour special that chronicles Les's first time surviving for the cameras in August of 2001. With just two cameras, a few items and his wits, Les survives in the Canadian wild.

7. Survivorman's Secrets of Survival 6 - Dangers
2013 - Season 101

6. Survivorman's Secrets of Survival 5 - McGyverisms
2013 - Season 101
Danger is inherent in any survival situation. It's how you handle it that determines success or failure. Les Stroud packs 25 years of survival knowledge into one 45- minute crash course in this fast-paced new compilation, Survivorman's Secrets of Survival. Counting down the top five dangers that he's encountered, Les provides intimate behind-the-scenes commentary revealing the secrets you need to survive. Les takes a look at what gets you into a survival situation to begin with, describes how quickly disorientation can derail the best navigator, discusses how to deal with injuries sustained in the field, how to cope with sleep deprivation, predators, vicious creepy crawlies and, of course, the weather. Nature, in the end, rules the day. And Les knows, hot or cold, every survival situation is always at the mercy of Mother Nature. "You sweat, you die" takes on a whole new meaning in this action packed compilation of survival dangers.

5. Survivorman's Secrets of Survival 4 - Food
2013 - Season 101
This show features Les's best tips and tricks – the methods that Les has created over his 25-year career of surviving in the wild that he calls simply "McGyverisms". This is the component of survival that makes what Les has to do fun. It's the ingenuity, the inspiration that fuels his will to live in dire survival situations. Some of his McGyverisms are ideas taken from existing earth skills, but most are those lucky strikes of genius that occur when, confronted with your own hunger, thirst or basic need for shelter, you do what you can with what you have. Mcgyverism is the act of turning one thing into something else, such as making a mousetrap out of a guitar or making an arrowhead spear out of a harmonica. He reveals his secrets to fishing with intimate behind-the-scenes details, discussing how to create a hook and line and fishing nets using junk; how to make your own survival kit, discusses military skills, boy scout methods, and primitive earth skills; Les reveals it all in this stunning compilation of his best McGyverisms in Survivorman's Secrets of Survival.

4. Survivorman's Secrets of Survival 3 - Water
2013 - Season 101
Grubs, ground worms, crickets, frogs, scorpions, snakes and more: Les Stroud has eaten it all. In this entertaining and informative look-back over the last ten-plus years filming Survivorman, Les Stroud reveals his top five favourite methods for securing food while surviving in the most remote locations on the planet. Showing viewers the great effort it takes to catch and eat food in the wild, Les reveals his secrets to building traps for small game, details how to build snare lines and fashions his own fishing tackle out of flotsam and junk found in the wild. Les reveals the secrets to safely eating wild edibles such as Northern Ontario's blue berries, fiddleheads and thistle, enjoys the Arctic's traditional meals of whale blubber, seal eyeballs and Arctic char, and even devours sago grubs with the Mentawai in Indonesia. This ultimate survival compilation recounts the most challenging, difficult and rewarding culinary moments in Survivorman history.

3. Survivorman's Secrets of Survival 2 - Shelters
2013 - Season 101
Water must be clean and free of parasites to drink, but boiling it in a plastic bottle? Filtering it through a few feet of mud? Purifying it from your own urine? In this ultimate survival compilation, Les Stroud reveals behind-the-scenes secrets as he counts down his top five methods for finding safe, clean drinking water in remote survival locations around the globe. Highlighting the most challenging, difficult and rewarding moments in Survivorman history, Les walks viewers through digging for water, collecting rainwater, drinking seawater, and the vital skill of staying hydrated in the winter bush. Les reveals the secrets of his own unique distillation processes, ingredients for survival tea, how to identify water vines, and proves the best way to get water in a survival situation is also the easiest way. There are thrilling secrets to surviving in the wilds and no one on the planet knows them better than Les Stroud.

2. Survivorman's Secrets of Survival 1 - Fire
2013 - Season 101
Did you know that geography has very little to do with survival, yet temperature is of the utmost importance? In this episode, Les Stroud packs 25 years of shelter-building knowledge into an incredible 45-minute crash course on survival shelters. Highlighting the most challenging, difficult and rewarding moments in Survivorman history, Les describes his top five favourite ways to stay out of the elements during a survival ordeal. He explains how to use birch bark and logs as building tools, how to make junk shelters, and how to identify safe places for refuge. There are always tough decisions to make during survival, and building shelters is one of the toughest. Les debunks the myths and misconceptions surrounding survival shelters in this ultimate survival compilation, Survivorman: Secrets of Survival.

1. Survivorman's Top Ten
2012 - Season 101
Les offers an intimate look-back at the most challenging, difficult and rewarding moments in Survivorman history with this ultimate compilation, Survivorman: Secrets of Survival. In the fire episode, we walk through methods such as using a flashlight and fluff, steel wool and a battery, vine and a branch, chemicals and rhino dung, and the comical 'prison match' with his socks and an empty lighter. From hand-drills to Les's sweat soaked, relentless 11-hour first attempt at the fire bow, it takes so much more to get a simple fire going than meets the viewers' eye. The intense amount of research and preparation that goes into pulling off something as obscure as starting a fire with chocolate, sand and a pop can is revealed and explained by Stroud's trusted voice as the spectacle of survival unfolds.