The show's concept places two teams of celebrities and comedians in a series of competitions that have the teams sing, dance and create comedy sketches while overcoming multiple mental and physical obstacles. Instructed by guest team captains, two teams of comedians are instructed to create and participate in a set of unscripted improv skits, some of which take place on a set tilted at 22-1/2 degrees or some of which take place in complete darkness with the audience able to observe through night-vision cameras while the contestants blunder about.The show's concept places two teams of celebrities and comedians in a series of competitions that have the teams sing, dance and create comedy sketches while overcoming multiple mental and physical obstacles. Instructed by gue... Read more
Starring Rove McManus, Brian Palermo, John Ross Bowie, Jamie Denbo, Jordan Black, Rob Gleeson, Meryl Hathaway, Jessica McKenna
It's a action & adventure and comedy show, and has a rating of 3.8 out of 10 from Imdb which is fairly low for this kind of show.
Watch it here
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