Happily Divorced
Happily Divorced is an American sitcom created by Fran Drescher and Peter Marc Jacobson. Inspired by their experiences, the series, which became TV Land's third original scripted series following Hot in Cleveland and Retired at 35, ran from June 15, 2011, to February 13, 2013, and revolves around a Los Angeles florist who finds out her husband of 18 years is gay. Happily Divorced was canceled on August 23, 2013.Happily Divorced is an American sitcom created by Fran Drescher and Peter Marc Jacobson. Inspired by their experiences, the series, which became TV Land's third original scripted series following Hot in Cleveland and Retired a... Read more
Starring Fran Drescher, John Michael Higgins, Tichina Arnold, Valente Rodriguez, Robert Walden, Rita Moreno
It's a comedy and lgbtq show, and has a rating of 6.8 out of 10 from Imdb which is usually fine for this kind of show.
Watch it here
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