The Gadget Show
The Gadget Show is a British television series which focuses on consumer technology. The show, which is broadcast on Channel 5 is currently presented by Jason Bradbury and Rachel Riley with Jon Bentley and Pollyanna Woodward. Originally a thirty-minute show, it was extended to forty-five minutes, then later to sixty minutes. Repeats have also aired on the digital channel 5*, syndicated broadcasts on Discovery Science and Dave, and Channel 5's Internet on-demand service Demand 5. In Australia, it is aired on The Lifestyle Channel.The Gadget Show is a British television series which focuses on consumer technology. The show, which is broadcast on Channel 5 is currently presented by Jason Bradbury and Rachel Riley with Jon Bentley and Pollyanna Woodward. ... Read more
Starring Jon Bentley, Georgie Barrat, Ortis Deley, Craig Charles
Watch "The Gadget Show" on MY5 Free released in 2004. It's a comedy and news show, and has a rating of 6.9 out of 10 from Imdb which is usually fine for this kind of show, and is currently available to watch for free.