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Where to watch "Not On Your Nellie"

10. Nellie
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I säsongsavslutningen av NELLIE får vi lära känna syster Smilla som bjuder på en stor skånsk seger. Vidare får vi även veta att Nellie kommer flytta utomlands när hon fyller 18 år. Något som bidrar till blandade känslor inom familjen. Sist men definitivt inte minst tackar Nellie alla trogna tittare för denna säsong! Avsnitt 10 av 10.

9. Nellie
No release date yet
Detta avsnitt av NELLIE går i kärlekens tecken. Vi får följa med Nellie och hennes pojkvän Kevin under en fartfylld dag där bland annat stallsysslor, tävlingar och matlagning står på menyn. Avsnitt 9 av 10.

8. Nellie
No release date yet
Detta avsnitt av NELLIE går i tävlingens tecken. Vi får följa med Nellie och hennes familj/stall under olika tävlingar som inte riktigt går som de tänkt sig. Frustrationen är påtaglig och hela familjen påverkas av detta. Avsnitt 8 av 10.

7. The Wind of Change
1974 - Season 1
Mr. Smallpiece, from the brewery, has a few good ideas and The Brown Cow Pub is turned into a fancy wine bar, in order to go more upmarket. The changes don't thrill their regular customers or Nellie.

6. Bring on the Dancing Girls
1974 - Season 1
The hostess of the Brown Cow brings in live entertainment to boost business and make more money. Go Go dancers could do the trick. Nellie needs to stop her customers from going to The Rose and Crown pub.

5. The Apartment
1974 - Season 1
Nellie grows tired of living over the Brown Cow Pub, so she begins to look for an apartment. Her choices are not what she hoped.The only places she can find do not measure up.

4. The Restless Spirit
1974 - Season 1
Nellie contacts a spiritualist in an attempt to contact her late mother in the after life. She has an important question, and she needs an answer.

3. The Anniversary Present
1974 - Season 1
The landlord Jed, meets another women on the anniversary of his wife's death, but she is Gladys the twice widowed women Nellie knows. Should Nellie get in the middle?

2. Something in the Night
1974 - Season 1
Police reports of a burglar in the area alarms Nellie, and she wants to be prepared for the crime wave.

1. Nellie Comes to Town
1974 - Season 1
Nellie, the straight-laced daughter of the landlord, takes over the management of the Brown Cow Pub when her father gets sick. Things are going fine until a property developer with plans for the pub comes by to buy the pub.