Fern Britton Meets...
Fern Britton Meets... is a British television talk show presented by Fern Britton which was first aired on BBC One during the four Sundays of Advent from 29 November to 20 December 2009. Each episode featured Britton interviewing a high profile person about their life, career and religious beliefs. The programme attracted particular attention following an interview with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in which he discussed his thoughts about the 2003 invasion of Iraq.Fern Britton Meets... is a British television talk show presented by Fern Britton which was first aired on BBC One during the four Sundays of Advent from 29 November to 20 December 2009. Each episode featured Britton interview... Read more
Starring Fern Britton
Watch "Fern Britton Meets..." on BBC iPlayer released in 2009. It's a show that has a rating of 6.2 out of 10 from Imdb which is usually fine for this kind of show, and is currently available to watch for free.