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Where to watch "Dragons: Rescue Riders"

15. Episode 15
2020 - Season 2

14. Episode 14
2020 - Season 2

13. Episode 13
2020 - Season 2

12. Game of Horns
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At a big town festival, Magnus challenges Duggard in a competition to be chief of Huttsgalor! Can the Riders help their friend keep his helmet?

11. Belly Flop
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The Riders have to save Elbone when he's swallowed by a giant Sea Gronckle, and Dak's awful cooking might be just the thing to do it.

10. Charged Up
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Magnus's superpowered mechano-dragon threatens to replace the Riders. But when it spirals out of control, the town's real heroes have to step up!

9. King Burple
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After Burple and Cutter crash-land in a village of tiny dragons, Burple's unintentional act of courage leads the locals to crown him as their king.

8. High Anxiety
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When a mama Ironclaw dragon gets caught high on a mountain with a broken wing, Hannahr the blacksmith has to confront her fear of heights to help out.

7. Hot, Hot, Hot
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Aggro is embarrassed about big changes she's going through. And when she gets stuck in a volcano, the Rescue Riders seek help from ... Magnus?

6. Puff Enuf
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The Riders find a Puffertail and train her to join the family. She struggles to learn but soon finds herself with a chance to make a big rescue.

5. Treasure Riders
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When a swashbuckling adventurer named Waldondo comes to town, the Riders enthusiastically join him on a treasure hunt for a priceless gem.

4. Summer Holiday
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In need of some rest and relaxation, the Riders head out on vacation. But their supposedly perfect island getaway isn't quite what they hoped for.

3. Mecha-Menace
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Magnus and Axel unveil their new "mechano-dragon." It's impressive at first, but the Riders set out to prove it's no better than a bucket of bolts.

2. Divewings
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When sea-dwelling dragons called Divewings start attacking ships near the island, the Rescue Riders have to find out what's making them so upset.

1. Double Finked
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Magnus's nephew, Axel, arrives on the island and tells the Rescue Riders that he wants to join their team. But is he just a trickster like his uncle?