104. Broussard & Snyder
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In Colony, Tory Kittles is Broussard and Peter Jacobson is Snyder. Find out what's in store for both in Season 3.

103. Will and Katie
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In Colony, Josh Holloway stars as Will and Sarah Wayne Callie stars as Katie - both have had to make difficult choices that have put them at odds with those they love most. Now, find out what's in store for Will and Katie in Season 3.

102. The Story So far
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A recap of the game-changing events leading up to Colony's third-season premiere.

101. Sneak Peek
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Prepare for the epic third season of Colony with this special first look.

13. What Goes Around
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Will makes a sacrifice to protect his family. Katie races to save refugees outside the walls. Snyder struggles to control a Colony amidst the chaos of war. Bram and Gracie make a big decision.

12. Bonzo
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Will and the Outliers fight to save Kynes from Snyder's IGA army.

11. Disposable Heroes
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Will, Broussard, Katie, and Amy help the Outliers deal with an emergency. Snyder makes his play to take over Seattle. Kynes runs damage control.

10. Sea Spray
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Will and Katie question whether their family is safe in Seattle. Snyder digs up dirt on Everett Kynes. Amy parts ways with Broussard.

9. The Big Empty
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Will, Broussard, Amy, and Bram work together to kidnap a high-ranking IGA officer.

8. Lazarus
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Katie suspects there might be a dark side to her refugee case work. Will helps Broussard and Amy with a Resistance operation. Snyder goes back to work for the IGA. Bram starts a new job.

7. A Clean, Well-lighted Place
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Will follows clues that may expose a dangerous secret about the Seattle Colony. Katie helps a refugee family. Bram steps in as a parent to Gracie.

6. The Emerald City
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The Bowman family encounters danger on the road to a possible new home. After getting a hero's welcome at IGA headquarters, Snyder settles into retirement.

5. End of the Road
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Will, Katie, and Snyder struggle to protect their secrets while under interrogation.

4. Hospitium
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Will and Katie fear they might be in danger when the Resistance camp is put in lockdown. A risky plan makes Broussard question Amy's intentions.

3. Sierra Maestra
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Will assesses the Resistance Camp's safety. Katie tries to get more involved. Broussard and Amy encounter survivors outside the walls.

2. Puzzle Man
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Will and Katie put themselves at risk to make contact with the Resistance. Broussard pieces together IGA secrets left behind in LA.

1. Maquis
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Six months after escaping Los Angeles, the Bowmans and Snyder enjoy a simple life in the mountains—until a sudden arrival changes everything.