8. The Lost
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Doctor Who spin-off series. As Corakinus wages war, the gang must fight against the Shadow Kin one last time.

7. The Metaphysical Engine, or What Quill Did
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Doctor Who spin-off series. Miss Quill embarks on an extraordinary mission to reclaim her freedom.

6. Detained
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When the gang are thrown into detention by Miss Quill, they find themselves trapped - inexplicably floating in space. With tensions rising, dark truths emerge.

5. Brave-ish Heart
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Doctor Who spin-off series. There is no going back for April: she must face the terrifying consequences of her actions and confront Corakinus in battle.

4. Co-owner of a Lonely Heart
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Doctor Who spin-off series. April starts to feel greater effects of sharing her heart with Corakinus, and she vows to reclaim her heart as her own.

3. Nightvisiting
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Doctor Who spin-off series. When Tanya has an unexpected visitor come to her window, the team must battle an eerie new threat to stop her from being lost forever.

2. The Coach with the Dragon Tattoo
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Doctor Who spin-off series. Ram struggles to cope, isolating himself from the others. But the gang must unite to fight a dreadful new threat.

1. For Tonight We Might Die
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Doctor Who spin-off series. When Coal Hill School comes under attack from deadly monsters, four students must form an unlikely alliance.