Southern Hospitality
"Southern Hospitality" follows the lives of a dynamic social group of friends living in Charleston, S.C., and working together. There's never a dull day in "Leva Land" with the staff at Republic Garden & Lounge and their powerhouse boss, Leva Bonaparte of "Southern Charm." Leva owns four restaurants on the hottest street in town and Republic is the crown jewel of her kingdom."Southern Hospitality" follows the lives of a dynamic social group of friends living in Charleston, S.C., and working together. There's never a dull day in "Leva Land" with the staff at Republic Garden & Lounge and their power... Read more
Starring Leva Bonaparte, Mikel Simmons, Maddie Reese, Grace Lilly, Joe Bradley, Bradley Carter, Emmy Sharrett, Lucía Peña, Mia Alario, TJ Dinch
It's a reality show.
Watch it here
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