26. Blinky Bill and the Blue Mystery

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When blue items start disappearing around Greenpatch, Blinky gets blamed. So he and his friends turn detective to find the real culprit. At first they think Meatball and the Mayor are the thieves, but when they set a trap using Marcia’s blue chest expander, they catch Mr Bower Bird – a new resident in town. He explains he needed the blue items to build a bower to attract a mate. Fortunately, it works and the whole town looks forward to a bower bird wedding.

25. Blinky Bill and the Lighthouse

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Blinky Bill and the gang stumble into a dispute between a sea bird and a penguin lighthouse keeper. The sea bird keeps trying to extinguish the lighthouse, because she thinks it’s helping the penguins to catch all the best fish, which she wants for her chick. However, when the chick gets lost at sea, Blinky uses the lighthouse to find the bird and the two sides resolve their differences.

24. Blinky Bill and the Winters Tale

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It’s snowing, so Blinky and his friends take shelter in an old house. There they meet a mother owl who has her hands full trying to keep the house tidy and look after her three owlets on her own, after her husband has left to write a book. So Blinky and the others help her out with the housework and child care. Later, when playing in the snow, Blinky bumps into the father owl and persuades him to return home. Blinky also gives him a few tips on how to control the children.

23. Blinky Bill and the Sly Crocodile

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Blinky and his pals are frightened when they meet a young crocodile. But he turns out to be a quiet, sensitive type who has left home because his father and brothers want him to be a macho croc like them. Blinky decides to reunite the crocodile with his family by helping him to win the prestigious Iron Croc athletic contest. The gang helps him train for the contest and then literally pulls a few strings to make him win. The sensitive crocodile becomes a sporting hero after all.

22. Blinky Bill and the Baby Show

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Blinky offers to look after Mrs. Frog’s babies while she runs an errand, and he promises to take them to the town’s Baby Show if she’s not back in time. However, when the show starts, one of the frogs is missing, so Blinky disguises Flap as the missing frog until the child is found. Flap ends up winning the Baby Show, but the prize turns out to be nappies and safety pins.

21. Blinky Bill and the Old Wombat’s House

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When Wombo’s back begins to ache, the doctor tells him he’s too old to care for himself and should move into a retirement home. Blinky and his gang are upset when Wombo decides to go, but they help him move. When they arrive at the retirement home, they are concerned to discover it is strict, dull and cheerless. So Blinky and the gang put on a show, which cheers the residents up and shows them that life can still be fun. Blinky also fixes Wombo’s back problem, so he doesn’t have to stay at the home after all.

20. Blinky Bill and the Possum’s Cinema

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A dust storm drives Blinky and the gang into a deserted town, where they meet up with their old friend, Slick the possum, who’s living in an abandoned cinema. Slick loves showing movies, but the animals in town won’t go out to see them, because of the dust storms. So Blinky and his pals persuade them to come to a special free screening. The crowds turn up, but because of Flap’s bungling, the movie breaks. Meanwhile, some bad rats sneak into the cinema and pick a fight with Marcia and Blinky. The audience think this is part of the movie and are thoroughly entertained. They decide they must get out more often and see more of this ‘possum cinema’.

19. Blinky Bill and the Mystery Pollution

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Mayor Pelican thinks Blinky Bill is to blame for the townsfolk breaking out in spots, but after a visit to Daisy Dingo’s hair salon the animals of Greenpatch believe she is to blame for the outbreak. Blinky discovers Shifty being bullied by his brother Danny and also discovers the cause of the spot epidemic – chemical pollution! Before the adults shut down Daisy’s business, Blinky proves that it was Danny’s hair chemical plant leaking into the towns water supply.

18. Blinky Bill and the House Guest

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In a powerful gust of wind, Mayor Pelican falls from his tree and hurts his leg. The townsfolk offer to take him in while his leg heals – with Blinky’s home the first stop. Not surprisingly, Blinky and the Mayor don’t make ideal house mates. Blinky keeps getting into trouble and the Mayor pretends to be more injured than he is, so he can stay on and enjoy Mrs Koala’s cooking. Finally, the Mayor really injures his leg in a kit-flying accident and gets to stay onger – but the doctor puts him on a strict diet of gumleaves and pondweed.

17. Blinky Bill Goes Camping

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Miss Magpie tells her class she has a nice surprise for them – a camping trip. Blinky and the gang are not too keen because they don’t like the idea of burnt sausages and sleeping in tents. However, once at the camp site they begin to enjoy themselves, pitching their tents and cooking damper. They are surprised, however, to find Danny and Meatball camped nearby. Miss Magpie warns the Dingos they are too close to the creek, but they ignore her until a thunderstorm washes their tent – with them in it – down the creek. Blinky grabs a rope and, with the help of the other campers, hauls the Dingos to safety.

16. Blinky Bill and the Real Estate Swindle

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Mr and Mrs Numbat are told that there is a dangerous monster living near their beautiful home in the bush, and believe moving into a high rise apartment block is their nly option. Blinky decides to confront the monster who is turns out are two real estate agent pigs in costume. The pigs confess their intentions which were to turn the Numbats’ home into a ‘luxurious Mud Resort’ for pigs. The Numbats are relieved but Blinky and the gang decide to give the pigs a ‘taste of their own medicine’.

15. Blinky Bill and the Egg Rescue

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Flap makes it his responsibility to find an appropriate nest for an abandoned Cuckoo’s egg. However, when he and the gang ask Mr and Mrs Plover to look after it, they refuse, as do the Ducks and Mr Wren. The gang see a bulldozer heading towards all the birds’ nests and bravely rescue their eggs from the path of the bulldozer. Soon after their relocation the Plover, Duck, Wren and Cuckoo eggs hatch and all the birds agree to help look after the baby Cuckoo.

14. Blinky Bill and the Polar Bears

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Shifty faints from fright when he bumps into a Polar Bear while playing hide and seek. Boris, the Siberian Polar Bear, is a friendly immigrant, who has joined the circus with his family in the hope of a better life. Boris soon learns that Australia’s customs and climate will take a lot of getting used to. But when news comes from Siberia that their home is to become a wildlife reserve, Boris and his family decide to stay with the circus and go back home. Blinky is left with some interesting Siberian customs to teach his family in Greenpatch.

13. Blinky Bill and the Feud

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A feuding wattle tree community provokes fights amongst the gang when each of them side with the wattle tree animals. But when Nutsy is almost killed from a tree fall, the gang realise how disgracefully they have behaved and pull together to nurse Nutsy back to health. The possum, cockatoo, bandicoot, owl, wattle bird, mouse and frog, however, continue to quarrel. When Blinky and his gang pose as woodchoppers, the wattle tree community co-operate with each other to protect the trees and once again become friends.

12. Blinky Bill and the Earthquake

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Miss Magpie takes the children on a school nature trip. When she is asleep, Blinky leads his gang Nutsy, Marcia, Shifty, Splodge and Flap, into a deserted goldmine. They become trapped and then lost when an evil goanna surprises them with a series of spooky traps. It is this episode the gang become lost and then begin their ”Extraordinary Excursion” home.

11. Blinky Bill Meets Mr. Echidna

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Ms Echidna has finally had enough of Blinky Bill’s mischievous ways and moves out of Greenpatch. Shortly after her departure trees begin to die, birds leave and all the wood in Greenpatch is falling apart. After a visit to the library Blinky and Nutsy get to the root of the problem – whiteants! Greenpatch needs Ms Echidna back to eat the whiteants. When she can’t return, old Granddad Mr Echidna is offered as a replacement. He becomes a full time job for Blinky who has promised to take care of him. The whiteants disappear and the gang form an orchestra to call back the birds. Blinky still has a responsibility to look after Mr Echidna but his troubles are over when Blinky’s step Dad invites old Grandma Echidna to live in Greenpatch.

10. Blinky Bill and the Hypnotist

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Blinky learns hypnotism from a comic book and successfully hypnotises the townsfolk of Greenpatch, making each animal behave and sound like each other. But when some troublemaking goannas begin ransacking the town no-one can do anything as they are all too confused. Blinky hypnotises the goannas who are tricked into believing Greenpatch’s garbage bins are precious jewels and carry it off with them. The animals are snapped out of their trances but give Blinky a dose of his own magic.

9. Blinky and Gretel

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Nutsy tells the gang a fairytale which stars two koalas called Hansel and Gretel, Rumplestiltskin the marsupial mouse. Dummling the Dingo, Robin Hood Flap and Little John Splodge. All the characters are lost in the forest and need each others’ help to get home. The animals become the prisoners of a wicked witch who has turned the forest into a desert and need prisoners to dig for water. The animals escape her clutches but are changed into strange animals by the witch’s magic wand. Hansel Blinky breaks the spell, buries the wand, finds the water and all the characters in the fairytale are led home by an officer from the Animals’ National Council.

8. Blinky Remembers Nutsy’s Birthday

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Nutsy is upset when the gang forgets her birthday, so they plan a surprise. A nearby travelling stage show appears to be the perfect surprise but when they are told by the owner – Captain Possum – that the show can’t go on because the performers are sick, Blinky volunteers the gang to take their place. The real performers are not sick but afraid to tell Captain Possum that they are overworked. They sabotage the show (with comical results) in the fear that they will lose their jobs. Blinky convinces Captain Possum to give his artists better conditions and Nutsy is delighted that her friends went to so much effort for her birthday.

7. Blinky Bill and the Apple Thieves

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Shifty is mistaken for the thieves who have been stealing crates of apples from the human’s orchard. When the gang eyewitnesses the real thieves – a couple of humans – they first rescue Shifty, and then draw the apple thieves into the trap set for them. With the thieves trapped, Blinky and the gang are rewarded with a delicious selection of food from the thankful apple farmer and his son.

6. Blinky Bill’s Holiday

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Blinky spots Miss Pymm – the Greengrocer from Greenpatch’s neighbouring village – on a bus. The gang chases after it, but it stops at a holiday resort. Cedric the budgie has been smuggled into the ‘no pets allowed’ resort by Miss Pymm. Blinky and Cedric devise a plan to get Miss Pymm tossed out of the Hotel in the hope of hitching a lift back to Greenpatch. At first Miss Pymm is too busy with a holiday romance to notice the chaos Blinky and his friends are causing, but she is sent packing when she is caught with an entire menagerie in her room. The gang miss their ride home but have a hearty feed

5. Blinky Bill and the Bird Smugglers

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The gang meets a boy lizard called Henk whose parents have been captured by smugglers. Blinky decides to help Henk but in doing so Flap is captured. Their first attempt of rescue releases only parrots, but once on board the smugglers boat they discover Flap and Henk’s parents. With the villains trapped below deck, Blinky steers the boat back to shore. All the animals, except for Blinky make it ashore – he is captured by the smugglars who are then captured by the coast guard. But Blinky is rescued by the parrots.

4. Blinky Bill and the Balloon

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The gang finds a hot air balloon stuck in a gumtree. They manage to free it but it takes off before they are all aboard – Flap and Splodge are left dangling from the basket. With Greenpatch in sight and no way of stopping, they drop a message overboard. Wombo finds it and alerts the townsfolk that they are drifting towards danger and they set out to find them. Miss Magpie is first in the scene. She helps secure them on a branch while the rest of the crowd catch up. Greenpatch celebrates the reuniting with a party.

3. Blinky Bill Is Kidnapped

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The gang mistakes the ranger’s release cages for traps, and in an effort to ‘save’ some possums, Blinky and Marcia stow away in the ranger’s van ending up in the city. There they meet Slick the streetwise possum, who gives them a taste of city life. When the rest of the gang catch up with them they are all ready to go back to the bush. Stowing away once again, the gang end up back in the bush and this time they take Slick with them.

2. Blinky Bill and the Lost Puppy

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Nutsy hears a whimpering sound and calls the gang who discover a lost puppy trapped underground. Once freed the puppy wants to join the gang. He thinks he is a koala, and Nutsy is his mother. The gang try to teach him the difference between koalas and dogs but the puppy is too young to understand. When Nutsy chooses to sleep under a tree with him, they are awoken and chased by a pack of vicious dogs. With the help of Blinky and the gang, the dogs are scared off but the puppy is scared and homesick. Finally the gang finds his owner – a little human girl – and have a teary farewell.

1. Blinky Bill Down on the Farm

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Flap jumps the fence on a computerised farm and the gang go after him when he is captured by a robot dog. The farm contains a variety of animals who are dependent on computers and two human scientists. Blinky causes chaos when he meddles with the computer system – narrowly escaping the humans and the mechanical jaws of robotic guard dogs. He manages to free the animals – who are happier being ‘free range’ – and the gang are rewarded with breakfast supplied by the farm animals

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