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Where to watch "L'Odyssée"

26. Ulysses' Bow
2003 - Season 1
Poseidon has tricked Penelope by magically finishing her tapestry, which means she would have to marry Pellos. Penelope does not want to get married, but really she has no choice.

25. Hercules' Columns
2003 - Season 1
Pellos, a handsome, yet stupid and lazy prince arrives in Ithaca and claims himself to be the new King. Penelope laughs in his face. She declares that she won't re-marry until her tapestry is finished.

24. The Golden Fleece
2003 - Season 1
The crew have landed on Colchide - a well-known paradise for starving sailors where all they have to do is pick a piece of fruit off a tree to satisfy their hunger.

23. Dazed In The Maze
2003 - Season 1
The companions are sailing near Crete Dates' original home. It seems that there was a small matter of a shipwrecked cargo, belonging to King Tauros of Crete.

22. Cronos' Revenge
2003 - Season 1
When Poseidon gets kidnapped by Cronos the crew realize that in order to get home they have to free him. Reluctantly, they enter the underworld of Tartare where the magic river Oblivion lies.

21. The Enchanted Lyre
No release date yet
While the crew are out looking for drinking water, Philo finds two bandits harassing a dryad who has taken refuge in an magnificent olive tree.

20. The Wishing Well
2003 - Season 1
Ulysses and his crew accidentally find a well that according to Philo fulfils wishes. An excellent chance to find the way back to Ithaca! However, locked up in a cage next to the well is Lycaon, a man with a wolf's head.

19. Atlantis Ascending
2003 - Season 1
Through one of Poseidon's evil tricks Ulysses, Titan, Nisa and Philo get stuck in the sunken city of Atlantis. Here, they meet King Peleas, who is the only remaining citizen.

18. The Mirror Of Attraction
2003 - Season 1
Ulysses and Titan encounter two naughty little dryads, or water fairies, on an island. Poseidon orders them to take Ulysses to beautiful Nausicaa, who suffers from an evil spell.

17. King Of The Titans
2003 - Season 1
The Navis gets damaged and Ulysses and his crew have to stop at Titan's polaric home island Cronus in order to repair it. Here they meet Antipole, Titan's "big" brother and King of Cronus.

16. Queen Of The Amazons
2002 - Season 1
The terrifying Amazons capture Ulysses and his crew. Getting in the evil Tyra's way, Nisa is magically chosen to become the new Queen of the Amazons and foil Tyra's evil plans of taking over.

15. Lotus Eaters
2002 - Season 1
The friendly Lotus Eaters celebrate the arrival of their honored guests by giving Ulysses, Dates and Nisa a gift of their favorite lotus flowers. Poseidon immediately uses the chance to poison them.

14. The Flame Of Eternity
2002 - Season 1
Ulysses and his friends are stranded on Calypso's island. Ulysses' handsome looks have caught her eye so Calypso attempts to gain control of his mind. She desperately tries to break Ulysses' love for his wife, Penelope.

13. I Married A Harpy
2002 - Season 1
Philo gets abducted by Harpies, a strange and unsightly mix between women and birds. Hestoral, their queen, who has been waiting for a king to marry for a long time, confuses Philo with Ulysses and decides to marry him.

12. Duel Of The Centaur
2002 - Season 1
When the Navis faces an attack from killer-seaweed Ulysses steers the ship into a cave. Inside, they meet a group of centaurs who save them from the vicious weed.

11. The Forge Of Hephaestus
2002 - Season 1
The crew of friends run into a terrible storm and are sucked into a threatening twister. To everyone's surprise, Zephyr suddenly knows where they are. He tells them that they are close to where he comes from.

10. Wind Palace
2002 - Season 1
The crew of friends run into a terrible storm and are sucked into a threatening twister. To everyone's surprise, Zephyr suddenly knows where they are. He tells them that they are close to where he comes from.

9. The Gorgon Sisters
2002 - Season 1
Ulysses and his crew encounter the Gorgon sisters Medusa and Stheno. Medusa has a nasty habit of petrifying people with her glance, while her sister Stheno prefers to get them caught in metal objects.

8. Looking For Pegasus
2002 - Season 1
Ulysses meets Bellero, one of Poseidon's sons who has taken Nisa hostage. Only by promising him to help find and catch Pegasus, the mystical winged white horse, does Ulysses see a chance in saving his crew.

7. The Curse Of The Strygons
2002 - Season 1
Poseidon sends the crew to an island inhabited by evil giants: the Strygons. They used to be harmless fishermen until Poseidon put a spell on them because they had tried to catch him, taking him for a giant octopus.

6. Memories
2002 - Season 1
Poseidon sends the "three Fates" to chase Ulysses and his crew. The Fates are knitting an illusionary dreamworld out of nets, in which the crew gets caught.

5. The Eye Of The Cyclops
2002 - Season 1
After the victorious siege at Troy, Ulysses is setting sail for Ithaca when evil Poseidon makes sure that his ship, the Navis, runs aground.

4. Circe
2002 - Season 1

3. The Song of the Sirens
2002 - Season 1

2. A Trip to the Underworld
2002 - Season 1