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Where to watch "Lobstermen: Jeopardy at Sea"
8. A Captain for all Seasons
2009 - Season 1
As lobster season draws to a close, John has a dangerous final trip; Joel hits the jackpot; Norbert and Tim, both face important decisions.
7. The Sea Hath No King
2009 - Season 1
The Captain Bligh invades another boat's territory while Captain Joel faces a power outage and a...
6. Storm of the Season
2009 - Season 1
The lobstermen battle Mother Nature's fury as the biggest storm of the season hits. Norbert is...
5. Here Come the Crabs
2009 - Season 1
The lobsters are on the move as colder weather approaches and making crabs a much more likely...
4. Breaking Point
2009 - Season 1
A rogue wave hits the Direction, Norbert goes to war with a rogue lobsterman and Tim fights with...
3. Cat and Mouse Game
2009 - Season 1
Tensions mount as the lobster grounds finally open up to the dragger boats. Then the Captains...
2. Turf Battle
2006 - Season 1
The captains race to get the pots out of the way of the dragger boats to avoid having their...
1. The Hunt Begins
2006 - Season 1
Another season is about to begin on for the fleet the high seas. Meanwhile, Keith's heading into a storm and Tim struggles with malfunction in the boat.