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Where to watch "Jungletown"

10. The Return

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With the semester coming to an end, some will stay behind and some will be asked to leave. The interns return home and try to adjust to a life they left behind.

9. Let There Be Light

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It's crunch time as interns prepare presentations and Hatch Panama brings lights, leaders and sushi to the jungle. Jimmy is challenged on why he hasn't built more of Kalu Yala.

8. Trick or Treat and Trump

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Unforeseen turbulence puts the community to the test. As the river rises, the US election causes chaos and Kalu Yalans struggle to understand the world they will soon return to.

7. Fall from Eden

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Inspiration week is over, and some interns don't return. Accusations fly about whether or not they are living a lie. Other interns help Jimmy realize his Master Plan.

6. Pilgrimage to Black Jesus

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During inspiration week, the interns go wild while Ryan attempts to hike 100 miles on a pilgrimage to the Cristo Negro festival as the company deals with fleeing interns.

5. Entertaining Jungle-Style

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Jimmy shows off his jungle playground, but is challenged by interns worried about their environmental impact.

4. The Company and the Commune

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Noah and Cahill decide they want to have the full experience of meeting their meat and the interns are forced to see if they can stomach the truth. Jimmy lays down the law.

3. Pioneers or Colonists?

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Interns challenge the purpose of their new community--are they doing more harm than good? Where is their money going?

2. Pied Piper of Panama

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Kalu Yala CEO, Jimmy Stice, welcomes the interns and they learn the lay of the land. While he attends Hatch, an innovation conference in Montana, a student revolt breaks out.

1. Welcome to the Jungle

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