8. Peter: The Resurrection

2019 - Season 1

A simple fisherman, Peter was Jesus’ most devoted disciple, his “rock”. But when a frightened Peter disavows Jesus three times during Jesus’ arrest, Peter despairs. The resurrected Jesus appears to Peter and restores him by commanding him to spread his gospel, and Peter takes on that mission, becoming perhaps the most important of Jesus’ disciples.

7. Mary Magdalene: The Crucifixion

2019 - Season 1

Cured of “seven demons” by Jesus, Mary Magdalene is among his best-known female followers. With his mother, Mary Magdalene witnesses the torment of the crucifixion at the foot of the cross. But her faith is rewarded the most when she is the first to witness the seemingly unbelievable: His resurrection.

6. Pilate: The Trial

2019 - Season 1

Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea, has to make a decision about a troublesome preacher called Jesus. As pressure builds to execute Jesus, Pilate’s wife, inspired by a prophetic nightmare, urges him to leave Jesus alone. Instead, Pilate sends him away to be crucified, and publicly washes his hands of responsibility.

5. Judas: The Betrayal

2019 - Season 1

His name a synonym for traitor even to this day, Judas is known as the devoted disciple who ultimately betrays Jesus. What prompted one of Jesus' closest friends to turn on him remains one of the Bible's great mysteries, one explored as Jesus and his disciples enter Jerusalem for Passover and what will become the Last Supper.

4. Mary Magdalene: The Crucifixion / Peter: The Rescurrection

No release date yet

Cured of "seven demons" by Jesus, Mary Magdalene is among his best-known female followers.

3. Judas: The Betrayal/ Pilate: The Trial

No release date yet

His name a synonym for traitor even to this day, Judas is known as the devoted disciple who ultimately betrays Jesus.

2. Mary: The First Miracles / Caiaphas: The Raising of Lazarus

No release date yet

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is torn between wanting to protect her son and letting him go to fulfill his sacrificial destiny when the time is right.

1. Joseph: The Nativity

No release date yet

The Roman Empire occupies the land of Judea in a time of turbulent unrest, as a simple craftsman named Joseph faces a personal test of faith in the small town of Nazareth

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