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Where to watch "El Tigre"

50. No Boots, No Belt, No Brerro

2008 - Season 1

The Riveras' reckless actions due to family tension causes them to be stripped from their powers and attend family counseling. They soon learn to put their differences aside and work together as a family to save Miracle City.

49. Back to Escuela

2008 - Season 1

To steal an artifact on display at Manny's school, Grandpapi decides to attend school with him.

48. Mustache Love

2008 - Season 1

To help Raul The Mustache win the heart of his date, Manny agrees to go on a date with a not-so-attractive girl named Sophia.

47. Dia de los Padres

2008 - Season 1

Manny teams up with Dr. Chipotle Jr. to give their fathers a gift for Father's Day. But can Dr. Chipotle Jr. be trusted?

46. The Golden Eagle Twins

2008 - Season 1

Manny and Frida start to hang out with beloved local heroes, The Golden Eagle Twins, to learn how to be heroes like them. However, they soon realize The Golden Eagle Twins may not be as noble as they seem.

45. The Cuervo Project

2008 - Season 1

Frida's nemesis, Zoe Aves, is grouped with Manny and Frida for a science fair project. But when Frida starts to suspect Zoe might be Black Cuervo, she and Manny try to prove it.

44. Silver Wolf

2008 - Season 1

Manny and Frida's friendship deteriorates after Frida abandons Manny to spend more time with a popular teen supervillain named Silver Wolf.

43. Oso Solo Mio

2008 - Season 1

Manny and Frida try to help supervillain El Oso win the heart of his true love.

42. Wrong and Dance

2007 - Season 1

Manny enlists the help of Grandpapi to attract a group of mean girls to go to the school dance with him.

41. Love and War

2008 - Season 1

When Dr. Chipotle Jr. and Señor Siniestro fall in love with Frida, they fight to win her affection. But when they realize she prefers to be with Manny, they come up with a plot to eliminate him.

40. Chupacabros!

2008 - Season 1

After finding a chupacabra, Manny decides to keep it as a pet and name it "Chui". But when the local goats go missing, Manny learns Chui eats goats and must release him into the wild to keep him from eating more.

39. The Return of Plata Peligrosa

2008 - Season 1

Rodolfo begins to fall for Maria after she becomes Plata Peligrosa. It's up to Manny and Frida to convince Rodolfo Maria isn't herself when she's a superheroine.

38. Mech Daddy

2008 - Season 1

Manny and Frida take control of a mecha supervillain named Giant Robot Sanchez.

37. Stinking Badges

2008 - Season 1

To win her father's respect, Frida begins to take the credit for all the crimes El Tigre stops. But her older twin sisters soon see through her scheme.

36. The Thing That Ate Frida's Brain

2008 - Season 1

After Frida slowly starts to turn into a zombie hungry for brains, Manny must find a way to cure her before she turns into a complete zombie.

35. Tigre + Cuervo Forever

2008 - Season 1

Manny begins to date Black Cuervo to retrieve information of The Flock of Fury's crimes to tip off his dad so he could stop them. But Manny soon learns why he shouldn't take advantage of a girl's feelings.

34. Animales

2008 - Season 1

The family pets, Little Mule and Señor Chapi, attempt to retrieve a stolen item from the pets across the street.

33. A Fistful of Nickels

2008 - Season 1

After accidentally destroying The Rivera house and killing the family parrot, Manny tries to repay the damages by stealing money from supervillains.

32. The Good, the bad, and the Tigre

2008 - Season 1

In the second two-part episode of the series, Manny is tired of being treated as a child by everyone. But when Sartana Of The Dead announces her retirement, Manny attempts to prove himself by entering Sartana's competition to find her successor, while slowly going into the supervillain side.

31. A Mother's Glove

2007 - Season 1

Manny discovers his mother, Maria, used to be a superheroine known as "Plata Peligrosa" before she quit. But when Manny tricks Maria into becoming Plata Peligrosa, he'll discover why she quit being a superhero in the first place.

30. The Cactus Kid

2007 - Season 1

Grandpapi feels Manny isn't becoming the supervillain he wants him to be so he uses an aspiring supervillain named "The Cactus Kid" to make Manny jealous.

29. Crouching Tigre, Hidden Dragon

2007 - Season 1

When a superhero trio asks Manny due to his street smarts, Rodolfo tries to impress them by being street smart as well.

28. Burrito's Little Helper

2007 - Season 1

Manny is forced to become Davi's sidekick after Davi gets him out of trouble.

27. The Grave Escape

2007 - Season 1

In this two-part episode, Sartana Of The Dead attacks the Riveras during Dia De Los Muertos, which sends Manny and Frida to The Land Of The Dead. There, Manny must enlist the help of his ancestors to return to the living world and save his family before he and Frida become forever trapped as skeletons in The Land Of The Dead.

26. Back to Escuela / No Belt, No Boots, No 'Brero

No release date yet

When Manny, Rodolfo and Granpapi are forced by a court order to give up their Mystic Objects of Power, they find out what it's like to be just a regular family. It's actually pretty great. That is, until all their enemies discover that the Rivera's are helpless and out in the open. Now, it's a race to get away from the villains, grab their mystical objects and save themselves from certain doom. Can the Rivera's do it? You bet they can! Eager to steal a priceless artifact on display at the Leone School, Granpapi enrolls and starts attending classes with Manny. Manny is thrilled. He can't believe his Granpapi was willing to come back to school just to help Manny avoid getting into trouble with Vice Principal Chakal. Eh, yes, that is why he is there. Soon, the pricless artifact is within Granpapi's reach. But, is he willing to risk his relationship with Manny in order to steal this thing?

25. Dia de los Padres / Moustache Love

No release date yet

Both Manny and Dr. Chipotle Jr. have forgotten to get Fathers Day presents for their dads, so they team up to solve the problem. They stage a fake fight in which Rodolfo is "captured" and Manny must "save him" from the evil Chipotles. It"s all going great, and Manny can't wait to give his dad the gift of a heroic rescue. That is, until Chipotle Jr. double-crosses him. Dang! / Raul, the World's Greatest Moustache, returns, and he's in love! All he needs for eternal happiness is for Manny to go on a double-date with him.  Happy to help out his pal, Manny isn't worried about who his date is. But he should be.

24. The Cuervo Project / The Golden Eagle Twins

No release date yet

Worried that Manny is becoming more evil than heroic, Rodolfo sets up a play date with him and Miracle City's goody-two-shoes top teen superheroes, the Golden Eagle Twins. Manny and Frida are initially bummed that they have to hang out with the duo… until they find out the Twins aren't quite as clean-cut as everyone thinks they are. Manny and Frida are forced to work with Zoe Aves on their Science Fair project, and Frida is furious about it. That Zoe is no good! And, you know what, Frida is pretty sure she’s hiding something. Pretty soon, Frida and Manny put two and two together and decide that Zoe is.

23. Oso Sole Mio / Silverwolf

No release date yet

When El Oso saves Tigre and Frida’s lives, they owe him a favor. So, Oso asks them to help him win the heart of the beautiful Bear Princess. The weird thing is, this princess is a real bear, not a bear-person like Oso. And she and her family have real bear teeth, bear claws and bear tempers. I guess it’s true what they say: Love hurts. A lot! There’s a hot new teen supervillain in town. His name is Silverwold, and all the girls are swooning over him. Frida can’t believe that Silverwolf picks her to hang out with. Unfortunately, that doesn’t leave her much time for hanging out with Manny. Or any time, really. Manny is mad, and he thinks there’s something off about this Silverwolf kid. But what could it be?

22. The Return of Plata Peligrosa / Chupacabros

No release date yet

Rodolfo is forcing Manny and Frida to help him spruce up Miracle City, when Maria returns in her superhero identity: Plata Peligrosa. Manny and Frida are psyched. When Rodolfo is distracted by Plata, he completely forgets about the beautification project. In order to get out of the project, Manny and Frida secretly start a crime wave, thrusting White Pantera and Plata Peligrosa together more and more. But will fighting alongside his ex-wife cause Rodolfo's feelings for her to get the best of him? Manny's finds the cutest little dog/rabbit/lizard/monkey-type thing ever, and convinces his dad to let him keep it as his new pet. Unfortunately, the little guy out to be a dreaded goat-eating Chupacabras. Rodolfo and Granpapi insist that Manny get rid of his pet before it destroys Miracle City's goat-based economy. But Manny just can't resist little Chuy and his big, sweet eyes.

21. Stinking Badges / Mech Daddy

No release date yet

Longing to have more in common with her police chief father, Frida decides to join the Junior Police Cadets. Frida's sisters, who are in charge of the troop, are less than thrilled to see her among the recruits. Luckily, El Tigre and Frida figure out a way to work the system, and soon Frida is the top crime-fighting cadet around. Chief Suarez is beaming and he and Frida couldn't be closer. The plan is working great, except that Frida is having a bit of a crisis of conscience about lying to her dad. Who knew Frida even had a conscience! Tigre and Frida beat Giant Robot Sanchez so badly that they actually cause his computer brain to shut down. This would be no big deal, except that Manny and Frida discover that Sanchez has two Giant Robot Kids who were really looking forward to spending the day with their dad. Manny and Frida feel so bad that they decide to operate Sanchez's body manually and pretend to be "Daddy" for a day. But being a Giant Robot Father is harder than it looks.

20. Tigre+Cuervo Forever / The Thing That Ate Frida's Brain

No release date yet

Rodolfo is very disappointed in Manny, and Manny really wants to figure out a way to get back on his dad's good side. So he comes up with a brilliant plan. He'll pretend to like Black Cuervo, who has a crush on him, and, while they're dating, he can dig up inside information on the Flock of Fury's upcoming crimes to pass on to Rodolfo. Ah, Manny… when will you learn not to toy with the affections of a girl who has a rocket-pack and wrist-lasers?

19. A Fistful of Nickels / Animales

No release date yet

Manny destroys the house with a big party, and promises Rodolfo he'll pay for the repairs. But when he realizes it'll take a hundred years of mowing lawns and cleaning garages to enough cash, he decides to take another approach… steal the ill-gotten gains of every supervillain in Miracle City. How could that possibly backfire? Senor Chappi and the Donkey must retrieve their beloved squeak toy from their arch-nemeses, the goat and rooster who live across the street from Hacienda Rivera. But how will they get from one 50th-floor penthouse to another? The answer: painfully.

18. The Good, the Bad and the Tigre

No release date yet

Sartana makes a stunning announcement to the entire supervillain community: She is retiring. Before she steps down, Sartana is holding a huge tournament to decide who will take over her massive evil empire and wield her powerful mystic guitar. Puma Loco and White Pantera are both determined to win (Pantera wants to take over her empire in order to destroy it, of course), and each assumes that Tigre will be on his side. But Tigre wants that empire for himself, even if he has to fight his own father and grandfather to get it.

17. Wrong and Dance / Love and War

No release date yet

Manny really wants to go to his first school dance with someone cool, someone hip, someone who will cement his reputation as one macho dude. So, he sets his sights on the bad girls. The really bad girls. The girls who are so bad the police are scared of them. Naturally, in order to impress these girls he's going to have to do something really spectacular… and really stupid.

16. Dia de los Malos

2007 - Season 1

Manny is rejected as a hero by other superheroes while attending a superhero convention. But when Sartana Of The Dead and other supervillains run amok and trap the heroes at the convention, it is up to Manny to prove them wrong and save the day.

15. Miracle City Worker

2007 - Season 1

Maria tries to reform supervillains into becoming good citizens but Manny isn't convinced they can change.

14. The Grave Escape

No release date yet

When Sartana summons a powerful army of forgotten dead on Dia de los Muertes (the Day of the Dead), it looks like she may finally destroy Miracle City forever. In the midst of an epic battle, El Tigre and Frida find themselves in The Land of the Dead. As the Rodolfo and Granpapi fight for their lives in Miracle City, Tigre and Frida enlist the help of Tigre's powerful deceased ancestors, both heroes and villains, including the most powerful of them all: the Original El Tigre.

13. Fool Speed Ahead / The Ballad of Frida Suarez

No release date yet

It's time for the villains of Miracle City to come together for their favorite event, the annual Miracle City Supervillain Gran Prix, and no one is looking forward to it more than Manny and Granpapi! However, due to Manny's semi-heroic behavior, the villains say he can't race this year! Desperate times call for desperate measures, and Manny takes the gamble of his life by promising that, if he and Granpapi lose the race, the Rivera men will leave Miracle City forever.

12. The Bride of Puma Loco / Miracle City Undercover

No release date yet

Granpapi shocks the entire family when he announces his impending marriage… to Sartana of the Dead! Certain that Sartana is deceiving his beloved Granpapi, Manny enlists Frida to help him drive a wedge between the supervillain couple. When their efforts only bring the Granpapi and Sartana closer together, Manny puts his secret plan into action, giving new meaning to the term "wedding crasher."

11. Clash of the Titan / Eye Caramba!

No release date yet

The Titanium Titan, White Pantera’s ex-sidekick turned supervillain, returns to Miracle City, claiming to have renounced his evil ways. He offers to serve White Pantera and El Tigre as their sidekick. The idea of being part of a superhero team with its own secret hideout and everything gets Manny excited about fighting crime, which thrills his father. But the Titanium Titan may not be the ally he’s claims to be...

10. La Tigressa / Curse of the Albino Burrito

No release date yet

Feeling eclipsed by the superheroic Riveras, Frida "borrows" Manny's El Tigre belt to get a taste of what it's like to have superpowers. At first, Frida is having a great time as the kick-butt super-powered "La Tigressa." That is, until her reckless actions lead her - and Manny's belt - straight into the clutches of Sartana of the Dead. / Manny and Frida, misbehaving as usual, have been given disgusting after-school chores as punishment. They resign themselves to hours of drudgery, that is, until they run into the Albino Burrito.

9. Yellow Pantera / Rising Sun

No release date yet

After hearing a rumor that White Pantera once ran away from a fight with legendary El Mal Verde, Manny confronts his father and learns… it's true! Disgusted with his "cowardly" dad, El Tigre decides to go face El Mal Verde himself to preserve the Rivera family name. Unfortunately, El Tigre is way overmatched and will need his father's help if he's going to have any chance at survival! / Rodolfo's old superhero friend, the Seventh Samurai, is in town, accompanied by his super-polite son, Toshiro, a.k.a. "Cyber-Sumo."

8. Miracle City Worker / Dia de los Malos

No release date yet

Maria is sick and tired of seeing Manny fight the same dangerous villains over and over, just to see them break out of jail and come right back for more. Obviously, the Miracle City Prison isn't rehabilitating them properly. It's time someone helped these villains to really change, via a combination of caring, trust, respect and homemade soups. / Manny is finally old enough to join his father at Miracle City's Annual "Celebration of Heroes," an event honoring every crime-stopper in town.

7. The Moustache Kid / Puma Licito

No release date yet

Longing to enjoy the perks of adult life, Manny decides that he will grow a moustache… no matter what it takes! After a few disastrous attempts, Manny rather foolishly allows the evil Dr. Chipotle, Jr. to use his moustache-growing machine on him. Manny receives a truly glorious moustache, whom he names Raul, and starts living the grown-up high-life. /Afraid that Rodolfo is going to kick Granpapi out of the house because he's bad influence on him, Manny enlists Frida in helping him frame Granpapi… as a good guy! While the good deeds definitely improve Rodolfo and the public's opinion of Puma Loco, Granpapi is totally traumatized. After all, how would you feel if you were a legendary supervillain who is suddenly doing good things that you don't remember doing?

6. The Late Manny Rivera / Party Monsters

No release date yet

Manny and Frida, after an unprecedented string of "tardies," are given an ultimatum by the nasty Vice Principal Chakal: get to school on time or be expelled! Not taking any chances, the two friends plan hundreds of different routes to get to school on time the next morning. What they don't know is that the evil Senor Siniestro and his robot minions are also working against them. Siniestro is determined to make Manny late for school, in order to banish El Tigre from school forever! / When Manny and Frida overhear talk of a party at an abandoned house in the desert, they think their search for awesome weekend plans is over. In fact, they're so excited they accidentally invite the whole school. But things get complicated when the "party" turns out to be just a weekly game night for a group of role-playing geeks, and the "abandoned house" turns out to be the secret lair of the fearsome Moustache Mafia.

5. The Mother of All Tigres / Old Money

No release date yet

Maria, Manny's mother, who has been on tour with her mariachi band for years, comes to visit Miracle City. After Maria discovers that Rudolfo is still living the life of a superhero, despite his "retirement," Manny becomes convinced that she's going to insist he leave Miracle City and go live with her! Manny doesn't want to leave his home, so, with Frida and Granpapi's help, he sets out to make Miracle City look like a safe haven of innocence and goodness… no matter what it takes. / After going over their limit for detentions, Manny and Frida sign up to volunteer at Casa De Adios, an old folks' home… for supervillains!  Their new elderly pals - Comrade Chaos, Mano Negra and El Tarantula - ask them to retrieve all their loot, which was cruelly stolen from them by Sartana of the Dead. El Tigre and Frida are happy to help, until Frida is captured by Sartana and her skeleton banditos. Now, Manny must join forces with these senior citizen supervillains to save his best friend!

4. Fool's Goal / El Tigre, El Jefe

No release date yet

Rodolfo has been coaching Manny and Frida's soccer team. One tiny problem: he won't let them cheat like all the other teams do. If this continues, they're never going to beat their archrivals, the Calavera Zombies (yes, they're actual zombies). Clearly, Manny has no choice but to induce a horrible allergic reaction in Rodolfo so he'll be unable to coach. That way, Granpapi (a.k.a. 'Sir Cheats-a-lot ') can take over and lead the team to an underhanded, dirty victory. Yay! / Encouraged by his father to help others, El Tigre starts out with the best of intentions. But soon, he's no longer "helping" his classmates get better grades, he's tyrannically controlling every kid in school. Frida tries to snap Manny out of it, but he just won't listen. With nowhere else to turn, Frida and her classmates turn to a new kid and his mysterious "friend" to save them from the do-gooding despot, El Tigre.

3. Zebra Donkey / Adios, Amigos

No release date yet

After winning the honor of taking care of his school's mascot, Zebra Donkey, over spring break, Manny has the time of his life with his new four-hoofed friend. Alas, it's too much of a good time for Zebra Donkey, who keels over after a trip to the ice cream parlor. To fix the situation, Manny and Frida steal Sartana of the Dead's guitar, which can bring the dead back to life. / White Pantera's old sidekick-turned-bad, the Titanium Titan, returns to Miracle City to take his revenge on Manny, who he blames for his break up with Pantera. The Titan attacks and, though Manny drives him off, Frida is injured in the fight. Emiliano, Frida's dad, points out that Frida gets injured a lot when she's with Manny, so Manny decides he must end his friendship with Frida for her own protection. As the two friends cope with being apart, they also must deal with the deranged Titan, still on the loose and seeking vengeance!

2. Enter the Cuervo / A Fistful of Collars

No release date yet

Manny's friendship with Frida is put to the test when he starts spending all his time wreaking havoc with Black Cuervo, a bad-girl supervillain. As Frida's birthday party nears, El Tigre must decide whether to remain true to his best friend, or to embrace the dark side of his nature with the alluring and mischievous Black Cuervo. / Manny and Frida want the pricey new must-have item: LuxeSkates! They have no idea how they'll pay for these luxury techno-skates… until they stumble upon the idea of finding people's lost pets for the reward money.  But soon, Manny and Frida want more money for more pricey stuff. They wind up traveling to Calavera, an impossibly tough town of banditos, to retrieve Taco, the lost dog of one of Miracle City's richest families.

1. Sole of a Hero / Night of the Living Guacamole

No release date yet

While "borrowing" Rodolfo's super-charged Bronze Boots of Truth for a late-night spree of fun and destruction, Manny and Frida end up wrecking the prized objects of power. They cover up the misdeed and no one is the wiser… until Rodolfo tries to fight the villainous El Oso with the damaged boots and is beaten to a pulp and humiliated in public. Rodolfo grows depressed, feeling he is now too old to be a superhero. And when Manny and Frida try to fix the boots themselves, Rodolfo ends up in the dangerous town of Calavera, surrounded by banditos and crippled by his malfunctioning boots.

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