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Where to watch "Tibère et la Maison Bleue"

26. This is Your Life, Bear
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Bear wins an all expense paid trip to Sequoia City himself and five of his friends. When Tutter only overhears the part of his conversation where Bear is saying that he really needs a vacation, he and the others decide to show Bear how much they appreciate him. In the end they all share a night at the Sequoia City Resort and Spa together, talking to Luna from the hotel balcony.

25. Let It Go
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Tutter overhears a conversation between Doc Hogg and Bear about the weather that sends everyone in the house scurrying with worry to change their lives in order to meet the demands of the desert landscape Woodland Valley is sure to become. Things get a little out of control, but in the end rain comes, albeit a little too dramatically for some. Everyone in the house ends up cuddled up under a blanket with Bear, safe and sound.

24. Volunteers of Woodland Valley
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When Bear suffers a sprained toe due to some inadvertent extreme skateboarding, Ojo, Treelo, Tutter, Pip and Pop lend a hand around Woodland Valley, volunteering to do Bear’s volunteer work.

23. Tutter's First Big Sleepover Bash
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Tutter’s invited the mice from school over for a sleepover – all of them. As Bear hustles to keep everyone happy, comfortable, and secure in their “home away from home,” Luke finds out that it’s okay to go home from a sleepover if you really want to.

22. Grandma Flutter's 100th Birthday
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Tutter’s trying to figure out what to get Grandma Flutter for her birthday, and he wants it to be perfect! He finds, while shopping at the General Store, what kind of a wonderful life Grandma Flutter’s had and that with age comes any number of terrific experiences.

21. Great Ball of Firefighters
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When the night of the big Firefighter’s Ball arrives Ojo and Tutter expect very different things from the big night. Ojo’s inspired by a Fred Ahare and Ginger Rabbits movie; imagining elegant waltzes and chandeliers. Tutter’s a little hesitant about a night of dancing realizing he’s the only mouse at school who doesn’t know “The Mumble Mambo.” Although the dance turns out to be a hoe-down in the barn, Tutter and Ojo both find that they can still have a ball.

20. To Clean or Not to Clean
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While Bear’s been out of town, a lot has happened at the Big Blue House, and most of it involved the house a mess. The gang has reasoned that cleaning up only takes time away from more important things, like playing. In the end, however, they find that without cleaning up everything else isn’t as much fun.

19. The View from You
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Miss Maxwell’s given the class an assignment to show their point of view. Tutter’s not quite sure what to do until he’s inspired by an Treelo’s art exhibit depicting the way Treelo sees things. All the mice at school cheer when they view Tutter’s project, a film titled “The View from Me.”

18. The Great Bandini
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The mysterious musical genius The Great Bandini is coming to Woodland Valley for a lecture about music. On the way to the event the gang meets a mysterious stranger named Edwina Badger, voiced by Whoopi Goldberg, who helps the gang realize how musical they really are.

17. Show Your Stuff
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Bear’s whittlin’ is interrupted when he finds out Tutter’s quitting the soccer team because he just can’t kick as well as Rita, a particularly talented mouse on the squad. Treelo’s feeling a little left out because he doesn’t have any talents. Tutter finds, however, that talents come easy for some, require work for others, but can be fun nonetheless. And Treelo finds out that he’s the best vine swinger in all of Woodland Valley.

16. A Trip to the General Store
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Bear’s heading to the General Store to pick up a few things when the whole gang decides to tag along, but not until after they earn a few clams to purchase something they’d like. In the end they discover how nice it feels to give, as well as receive.

14. Appreciation Day
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All the mice at school plan a surprise party to show Miss Maxwell how much they appreciate her. When they go off in pairs to get everything ready, Tutter’s a bit concerned because he’s teamed up with quiet little Lilly to create something Miss Maxwell will really appreciate. With Bear’s help, Tutter finds Lilly’s not the mousy little partner he imagined, and their creation, a poem comparing Miss Maxwell to the great cheeses of the world, is a big hit.

13. When Harry Met Hallie
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The big news of the day is that Harry the Duck’s Mama is having a new baby! Harry couldn’t be more excited about the upcoming event until Pip & Pop, Treelo, Tutter and Ojo inform him that the baby will soon enough gain all the attention from his mother, leaving him out in the cold. My, oh my, what’s a little duck to do?

12. Big Blue Home of the Brave
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Both Tutter and Ojo find out a little something about being brave. For Tutter it’s singing the solo in the mouse school recital; for Ojo it’s taking the training wheels off of her bike.

11. Rockin' Rocko
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Pip and Pop’s cousin Rocko comes to town for a visit. Once known as a shy little guy, Rocko seems like the life of the party to everyone at first – that is until things make a turn for the worse, and Rocko gets a little bit bullying about playing what he wants to play, and doing what he wants to do. As it turns out, Rocko was just a little desperate for everyone to like him. Rocko and the others discover an important lesson about playing together when Bear explains in order for people to like you, you don’t have to impress anyone – if they’re real friends, they’ll like you just fine the way you are.

10. The Amazing Skippy
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Treelo’s good friend Skippy the squirrel comes by for a visit. Upon introduction, Tutter, Pip & Pop and Ojo learn that Skippy is blind. At first, they are a bit skittish around him – how do you treat a person with a disability? In the end, Skippy shows the gang that he simply wants the same things they do, and that he’s really no different from anyone else.

9. At the Old Bear Game
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Pip and Pop are delighted to find out that Bear personally knows their hero, the great baseball player, Ferret Jeeter. After a cool afternoon of hanging out with “The Ferret,” Pip & Pop soon find that their good friend Bear still has a few tricks up his sleeve as well – and good old Bear is a hero in his own right.

8. Welcome to Woodland Valley, Part 2
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All our friends in Woodland Valley come together to rebuild after a terrible storm knocks a tree into the roof of the library. Bear and the other residents, organize a potluck dinner to help resolve the issue at hand, while the youngsters successfully gather books for the library as a contributing surprise for everyone!

7. History, Herstory, Bearstory
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During an afternoon game of hide and seek, Ojo finds the remains of an old house. She calls the gang over at which point Bear helps them uncover the mystery behind the story of old Hephaestus Tortoise, old Jeremiah’s great, great grandfather – the very first settler of Woodland Valley!

6. Welcome to Woodland Valley, Part 1
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All our friends in Woodland Valley come together to rebuild after a terrible storm knocks a tree into the roof of the library. Bear and the other residents, organize a potluck dinner to help resolve the issue at hand, while the youngsters successfully gather books for the library as a contributing surprise for everyone!

5. Let's Hit the Road
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While Tutter frets over a field trip with his classmates from mouse school, Ojo convinces Bear that it would be a great idea to explore the open road on her new bike. Distracted by the beautiful view, Ojo momentarily becomes lost until Bear finds her her. Both Tutter and Ojo find that even though it’s a great big world out there, Bear will always be right behind them, whenever they need him.

4. Tutter Gathers Some Moss
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It ain’t easy being blue! At least that’s how Tutter feels when trying to make friends with the new guy. Moss is great! He’s funny, artistic and a great soccer player to boot! Tutter tries a lot of different things to impress his would be compadre, but in the end, the mouse finds that when making friends, it’s the simple things that count.

3. Show and Tell
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Ojo feels her playmate Tutter is neglecting their friendship when he becomes, in her opinion, too preoccupied with school. The little bear feels her mouse friend is leaving her behind. It becomes even more of a problem when Tutter brings a “Show and Tell” project home for the weekend. In the end, however, all is made right when Tutter brings Ojo – and the rest of the Big Blue House Gang to school on Monday. His show and tell project is to show and tell everyone at school how much his friends at home mean to him!

2. First Day at Mouse School
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It’s a big day for Tutter – one of the biggest – his first day at Woodland Valley Mouse school. He becomes a bit insecure when he realizes that Bear won’t always be going to school with him, but after a little time spent with his new teacher and classmates, he finds he’s ready to go it alone. It’s a bittersweet moment for Bear – after all, Tutter’s really growing up.

1. Step by Step
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Tutter’s teacher, Miss Maxwell is coming by for a visit before his first day of mouse school. Tutter informs his friends of the fun he’s going to have and is genuinely excited until they bring to his attention all the things he’s going to have to learn. In typical Tutter fashion, he becomes worried upon realizing that he doesn’t know how to read or write or do math, and it takes Bear and Miss Maxwell to set his mouse mind at ease. Learning is a step by step process. Ojo, meanwhile, learns of the importance in taking things one-step at a time when learning to ride her new bicycle.