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Where to watch "Section Genius"

18. the new york experiANTs
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Everyone accompanies Zoltan to the opening of the new flagship Z-Store in New York City.

17. meANT to be?
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Chyna is elated to find out that Olive and Fletcher are now dating.

16. unwANTed
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When Dixon dumps Olive for another girl, Chyna tries to cheer her up.

15. silANT night
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A major power outage in the area causes everything Z-Tech to shut down.

14. finANTial crisis
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Chyna and the ANTs face a crisis when defects with the Z-phone cause a consumer backlash.

13. feature presANTation
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Cameron comes to visit Chyna at Z-tech and tells her he has a new dream to go to film school.

12. mutANT farm 3.0
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The mutants arrive at what they think is a new boarding school for monsters.

11. uncanny resemblANTs
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Chyna is thrilled when Zoltan arranges for Madam Goo Goo to come to the school to mentor her.

10. product misplacemANT
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Chyna and the others try to sneak out to go to a karaoke competition.

9. pANTs on fire
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Chyna accidentally ingests Dixon's truth serum that forces her to always tell the truth.

8. unforseen circumstANTs
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Chyna can't stand that Kennedy doesn't like her, so she helps Kennedy plan a party for Fletcher.

7. angus' first movemANT
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Zoltan asks Angus to write a jingle for the new Z-phone commercial.

6. past, presANT, and future
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Teen Zoltan arrives in a time machine that Zoltan had built in the 1980's.

5. secret agANT
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Tensions arise when Chyna and Lexi both have crushes on the chess prodigy ANT, Dixon.

4. animal husbANTry
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Chyna agrees to help watch zoology ANT Seth's animals while he's out of town.

3. independANTs
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Chyna and the ANTs delight in being free from the supervision of their parents.

2. trANTsferred, part 2
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To help prove that Chyna belongs at Grundy Academy, Olive and Fletcher help her find the music room so they can tape her singing.

1. trANTsferred, part 1
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Chyna, Olive, Fletcher, Angus and Lexi all audition for an exclusive and prestigious ANT boarding school.