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Where to watch "The Assistants"

13. The Roomies

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Danny and Nate are at their wits’ end - Rigby’s moved out of her apartment and has been crashing on both of their couches for the past two weeks. They want her out, so to Gillian’s she goes. When Rigby tries to criticize Gillian’s lifestyle, Gillian snaps at her - causing Rigby to take a step back and evaluate the way her life’s going. Suddenly, Rigby’s being nice to everyone. This would be great, except that the assistants are all in the midst of planning a major dinner party for Zak, and without strict taskmaster Rigby around, nothing is getting accomplished on time. Meanwhile, Danny’s having problems with Melanie, and as he shares them with Gillian, the two find themselves getting closer again. Ultimately, Rigby snaps back to her mean-girl self just in time and Zak’s dinner is saved.

12. The Loophole

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After a Hollywood psychic tells Zak he’s going to die that day, it’s up to Rigby and Gillian to be his bodyguards and fend off the Reaper. Gillian thinks her boss has lost it, but Rigby takes advantage of the situation by getting Zak to bequeath all his wordly goods to her, along with a raise and development deal. Hoping to set things straight, Gillian comes up with a plan to trick death by planning a fake funeral for Zak. Meanwhile, Danny volunteers to be the victim in a CPR class so he can lock lips with the hot instructor. When a dummy gets the job, Danny ends up feeling like a dummy, especially when Nate begins making his move on the instructor.

11. The Competitions

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When Rigby starts dating Gillian’s totally made-over ex, Dave, Gillian finds herself jealous. The two women end up battling over him with office supplies, until finally Danny and Nate have to intervene and convince the girl that Dave’s the creep for pitting the two of them against each other. The assistants cook up a plan to humiliate Dave that makes use of the all new digital Kinky Bunny security system that the paranoid Zak has recently installed. The end result is hilarious-but Zak ends up getting rid of the cameras, saying watching the assistants all day is just too distracting.

10. The Break Up

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Gillian’s elated to hear that her short film has been accepted into a film festival-until she learns that the festival producers strongly suggest she trim a section…Danny’s section. Ultimately, she decides she can’t do it, gaining Danny’s respect and appreciation. Besides, she’s got bigger fish to fry: Zak wants Gillian to break up with his girlfriend, Alicia, for him. After she does that, it’s up to Nate to get Zak’s stuff back-and Nate ends up “confronting” Alicia in a way no one expected.

9. The Bully

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While changing after a workout at the gym, Gillian overhears Paulette, an assistant who works for another hotshot producer on the lot, saying that her boss, Valerie, has stolen one of Zak’s movie ideas and is planning to pitch it to the studios before he does. When Gillian shares this with Zak, Paulette gets fired and wants to beat Gillian down. While Danny tries to train Gillian how to “fake fight” Rigby goes undercover to find out more information on Valerie’s pitches, and in the process manages to convince Zak to improve the conditions for the assistants.

8. Rehab

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Zak is hellbent on getting the ultra-hot and equally unstable Tabitha Tinsdale to co-star in his next movie – the only problem is, she’s in rehab. Back at the office, Zak desperately tries to kick his addiction to caffeine and Gillian has no choice but to join Tabitha in rehab-which, she realizes, is basically a spa. Gillian is in heaven; this is just the vacation she was looking for. Gillian and Tabitha hit it off and she sells Tabitha on the script-which sends Zak back to the land of the living by lining up shots of espresso and downing them like tequila.

7. The Wrap Party

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Gillian’s finally finished shooting her short film, and decides to host a wrap party and screening. After overhearing Danny say that he’s bringing a date to the party, Hope suggests that she set someone up with Gillian-and Gillian hesitatingly agrees. On top of having to deal with a blind date on one of the biggest nights (thus far) of her life, Gillian’s also got to deal with the fact that Zak has accepted her invitation to the party. With her own pet project going nowhere, Rigby is in no mood to celebrate Gillian’s film at the party. Despite Rigby’s negative attitude, Gillian’s film is a major success if only she weren’t so jealous of Danny’s date, Melanie.

6. The Addiction

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Something is definitely going on between Gillian and Danny. They try to hide it, but you can see it in the electric glances they sneak at each other. They start to hook up-but Gillian pulls back, trying to be professional. As Gillian attempts to figure out her personal life, Zak approaches Nate with a special mission-he want a “magic” cupcake. That is, one that’s filled with pot. Nate, in a fit of paranoia after leaving the bakery, ends up eating all the cupcakes (in order to conceal the evidence from the police that he believes are following him). Uncharacteristically, Zak ends up taking care of Nate, who’s totally high and even more paranoid than he was before.

5. The Pen

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When Hope selects Gillian instead of Rigby to attend a pitch meeting with Zak, Rigby decides to sabotage her fellow assistant by stealing her pen and replacing it with one that’s totally dried up. In the meeting, where Gillian’s supposed to be taking copious notes, she finds herself inkless. As a result, she must use everything she’s learned on the job thus far to get a copy of the notes from Heston (who was also in the meeting), and get back at Rigby.

4. The Morning After

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The reviews are in for Zak’s movie, and they’re awful. The only way Zak’s going to survive the next few weeks is with Mr. Blanky, a security blanket, that in a fit of generosity, he gave to his young nephew and now he wants it back. Danny and Gillian set out trying to get the blanket-with Danny all the while trying even harder to woo Gillian. Meanwhile, Rigby wakes up next to Heston only to discover that she’s taken something very precious from him-his virginity. He thinks that they’re going to get married; but Rigby has to inform him that that’s not the case, and Heston’s heartbroken…and furious.

3. The Premiere

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After three weeks of surviving the thankless tasks of her job, Gillian is eager to attend the premiere of Zak’s new movie-until she finds out that she’s the one who has to prepare a hotel room for Zak’s premier night ritual. As she goes about laying out rubber chickens and locating his precious “Chicken Parm” (which she eventually discovers is the code-name of a high-class escort), the rest of the assistants schmooze at the premiere-Nate tries to nab Gillian’s roommate, Sandra, a VIP gift bag and Rigby ends up sleeping with Heston Nidalu.

2. The Star

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Still settling into her new job, Gillian is surprised and pleased when office rival Rigby passes on what seems to be a totally exciting assignment: ‘assistant in charge’ for a press junket for Zak’s movie starring Shane Baker, one of the biggest young stars in Hollywood. The reason Rigby gave up the junket is because she’s trying to pitch her screenplay to Heston Nidalu, her intense and impeccably groomed “D-Guy.” Gillian finds out that Shane is far from the person she thought he was-and by the end of the day, she’s sick of his spoiled star ways.

1. The Car

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It’s Gillian Young’s first day as an assistant to Zak Del Toro, a high profile, high pressure producer in Hollywood, and her first task seems relatively easy; sell one of Zak’s old cars by the end of the day. The problem is, the car isn’t just old, it’s a beater. While Gillian struggles to find an effective selling tactic, the other assistants continue scrapping their way to the top, whether it means impersonating a young director (Rigby), or recording a new outgoing message for Zak’s cell phone (Nate). In the end, Rigby’s deceit gets discovered, Nate thinks he’s going to get fired for the angry message he leaves (but Zak ends up loving it), and Gillian accomplishes her first task as Zak’s assistant, proving that she can sell anything.

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