52. Love Is Not a Scientific Fact
2021 - Season 1
As Squish prepares to make the three best friends horror movie ever with Pod and Peggy, Lynwood threatens him to eat his friends unless he gives him the best role. Pod doesn't want to have this bully in the film. Instead of firing him, Squish teaches Lynwood how to act, to protect his friends from this hideous blackmail. In the meantime, Peggy feels like they've lost their best friend, thinking he's now close friend with the big fat amoeba. As Peggy and Pod try to get him back to them, Squish breaks down and fires Lynwood. Too bad: the mean guy swallows his friends…it's too much for Squish who reveals to him he's the worst actor ever. Offended, Lynwood finally leaves them alone so they can do their three best friends horror movie.

51. The Luck of the Squish
2021 - Season 1
Peggy attempts to make a documentary about Squish, claiming he is the luckiest boy in Small Pond. Squish argues that he is not so lucky - and Peggy's documentary seems to be making everything worse as he suffers a series of hardships during filming. However, once Squish sees the final film, he realizes that he is luckier than he ever imagined.

50. The Shopper's Revenge
2021 - Season 1
For years, Squish has been accidentally disrupting a local shopper as he runs to school. The shopper is always get smashed, bumped, or otherwise injured as he tries to avoid the speeding Squish…who is completely unaware of the trouble he is causing. The Shopper is determined to finally get his revenge. Meanwhile, Pod, Squish and Peggy have formed a club to help others in town. However, in their efforts to help others, Squish causes even more harm to the shopper, who keeps trying to thwart Squish. Will these do-gooding kids ever actually do some good and help the hapless shopper?

49. Principal Peggy
2021 - Season 1
Peggy is always happy to help people around her. She even agrees to help Planaria clean up his office! But when Planaria mysteriously disappears, Peggy finds herself taking over his job. Running a school is not an easy task and Peggy reveals an unknown side of herself! Not everyone is happy with "Principal Peggy," so Squish and Pod attempt to find out what happened to the missing Planaria.

48. Copy, Paste, Fail
2021 - Season 1
Shirley the Microshrimp is jealous of the friendship of Pod, Peggy and Squish. She wishes she had the same kind of relationship with her pals Brian and Gusfun. She confronts Peggy, demanding to know the secrets of their friendship. Peggy is happy to explain the bonds she shares with Squish and Pod, but her recollection of their best moments together make Shirley realize that every friendship is unique, and that's what really makes it so special.

47. The Trend Podder
2021 - Season 1
Squish has a hard time keeping up with the ever-changing trends at school so Pod programs his robot to predict upcoming trends so Squish can stay ahead of them. The problem is: once Squish adopts a trend, he somehow finds a way to make it seem lame. Can the robot predict a trend that even Squish can't ruin?

46. Coolest Kid Ever?
2021 - Season 1
The unexpected results of a school poll declare that Pod is the coolest kid in school. Squish is jealous, and doesn't understand how a "nerd" like Pod can be so "cool?" Squish tries to be nerdy too, but fails miserably. Meanwhile, Pod hates being popular and begs his friends to make him "less cool." Squish realizes he is an expert in being "uncool," and soon helps Pod convince the rest of the school to leave him alone.

45. Blobs and Slippers
2021 - Season 1
Squish is excited that Peggy will be staying with him for a week while her family is out of town. But once Peggy moves in, she completely takes over his room and his house. Squish gets so frustrated that he tries to go live with Pod. Peggy realizes he is upset, and vows to go stay with her relatives in the Puddle of Weeeee! But once she's gone, Squish misses her. Can he make things right with Peggy?

44. The Actor
2021 - Season 1
When Squish learns that tough amoeba Lynwood always gets less detentions than him for the same infractions, he begs Lynwood to teach him his secrets. Lynwood explains that Squish can get anything he wants by taking his acting lessons and becoming a "great actor." Squish gets carried away exploiting his newfound theatrical skills, causing himself unexpected trouble. He eventually learns that the only way to help himself is to prepare for his most difficult "role." It's called..."learning how to act like himself."

43. Journey to the Center of Friendship
2021 - Season 1
Peggy thinks everyone needs friends, and gets very upset when she learns that there is a hermit bacteria living all alone deep underground. She makes Squish and Pod accompany her on a journey to the center of the Earth to befriend this "poor bacteria." However, once they reach the bacteria, they learn that he really likes being alone. Peggy refuses to believe this. Can Squish and Pod save this "poor bacteria" from their friend Peggy and her obsession with friendship?

42. The Brothers Grin
2019 - Season 1
Squish is thrilled to hear that the annoying Algae Brothers have been transferred to the "Smart Kid School" across town, but Pod is concerned because the Algae Brothers are not that smart. Something does not seem right here. Pod convinces his friends to investigate, and they eventually learn that the smart kids only brought in the Algae Brothers so they could perform an elaborate experiment. Squish, Pod, and Peggy manage to "save" the Algae Brothers and turn the tables on the smart kids.

41. The Sounds of Brian
2019 - Season 1
Brian is a bacteria and one of the biggest and toughest kids at school. Squish is an amoeba, who always tries to be Brian's friend. But Brian never says a word. He just hits Squish with his big fists. This is frustrating for Squish. It's even worse when Squish learns that Brian has just "told" the funniest joke ever. However, the only kids who heard the joke are other bacteria who can understand Brian's bacterial signals. Pod tries to help by creating a device that translates Brian's bacterial signals into words. Finally…Squish gets to "communicate" with Brian, who is so happy, he won't stop "talking"…and "talking" to Squish. Now Brian won't shut up. It gets frustrating for Squish, so he ends up breaking the device. But now how will he hear Brian's funniest joke ever?

40. The Queen P.
2019 - Season 1
Popular girl Helen is so mean to her minions Holly and Heather that the two girls "dump" Helen and instead because minions to…Peggy. However, Peggy doesn't want minions who imitate her every move. Squish and Pod decide the only way to help Peggy is to make Holly and Heather jealous by becoming Helen's new "minions."

39. Out of Memory
2019 - Season 1
Squish makes a deal with Planaria to cancel all of his detentions, but then an accident causes Planaria to lose his memory. Plus, Planaria now thinks he is a swashbuckling knight from the book he had been reading just before the accident. While Peggy thinks the new "Lord Planaria" is so much fun, Squish desperately struggles to get Planaria to remember his real identity…and the promise about the detentions!

38. The Influencers
2019 - Season 1
Pod's parents mistakenly think Squish and Peggy are a bad influence on him so they create a robotic guardian to keep Pod away from his friends. Peggy insists on proving that Pod's friends are actually a "good influence," while Squish enjoys the newfound social cachet he enjoys as a trouble-making "bad influence." While Squish doubles down on his "bad influencing" and Peggy powers up her "good influencing," both of their efforts end up causing Pod even more problems. Ultimately, the friends discover that the robotic guardian is the worst influence of all. Will they ever have just right kind of "influence" to get their friend back?

37. Pod Squared
2019 - Season 1
Pod is frustrated that Squish never wants to join him in his science based hobbies, so Pod creates a miniature replica of himself that will share the same interests. Squish is hurt that Pod has a new "friend," but Peggy tries to bring everyone together. At first, Pod and "mini-Pod" get along great, but the replica gets extremely possessive and tries to keep Pod all for himself. That's when Pod asks his old friends for help in freeing himself from the clutches of the clingy "mini-Pod."

36. Acid Friendship
2019 - Season 1
Squish gets assigned to work on a school project with Abby, who accidentally dissolves things with her body acid whenever she gets nervous. Squish tries to build up her confidence so she will stop vaporizing desks, walls, and even other creatures with her acid. Nothing seems to work until Abby asks to borrow Squish's ballcap. She suddenly becomes the most confident kid in school while cap-less Squish turns into a "nobody" failure. Who knew this headgear had so much power? When Squish asks for his ballcap back, Abby refuses to return it. Will Squish ever get back his cap - and his confidence?

35. It's My Party
2019 - Season 1
Squish unintentionally insults Shirley the Microshrimp and gets "dis-invited" to her huge, "Sweet Molting" party. Squish desperately tries to find someone…anyone…to hang out with on the night of the party, but all are attending the event - even his best friends Pod and Peggy, and his father too! Squish takes desperate measure to sneak into the party, but ends up unwittingly "crushing" the party's main "attraction." And that's when he meets something called..."Ghost Shirley."

34. Fluffy Fright
2019 - Season 1
Squish gets stuck planning a big celebration for Principal Planaria, and Peggy insists on bringing her pet Fluffy to do some tricks for the event. But pets aren't allowed at school, so Pod figures out a way to shrink Fluffy so Peggy can carry the pet in her backpack. However, when various items and students at school start to disappear, everyone thinks Peggy is stealing them…not realizing that Fluffy is sneaking out of the backpack to eat everything in sight. When it comes time for Squish to throw the celebration for Planaria, no students are left to attend it. Planaria is devastated. Can Squish, Pod, and Peggy, and Fluffy too, find a way to make things right?

33. We Can Beat Weeeee!
2019 - Season 1
Squish attempts to convince the founder of Microtopia Theme Parks to build his next amusement center in Small Pond. But Squish's civic-boosting presentation is abruptly interrupted when Peggy's relatives from the Puddle of Weeeee! show up, and make their own pitch for building the theme park in their town. Peggy is torn between helping Squish and supporting her relatives from Weeeee! This upsets Squish, who accuses her of betraying him. But the real traitor is someone he never even suspected.

32. Big Data Brian
2019 - Season 1
Pod freaks out after failing to get an "A" on Mr. Rotifer's test, but Squish claims it probably won't affect his final grade. Seeking to reassure Pod, the three friends set out to retrieve Pod's final grades from Mr. Rotifer's laptop. But gaining access to the laptop requires them to follow the boring Mr. Rotifer all over town, where they learn some very not-so-boring things about their teacher. They are most stunned to realize Rotifer hides his grades…inside a pet owned by big-fist Brian!

31. The Emotionizer
2019 - Season 1
When Peggy and Squish complain that Pod is too unemotional, Pod invents a device to increase his emotional response at appropriate times. However, the device breaks, just as Principal Planaria asks the normally-calm and rational Pod to convince a group of brilliant, prospective students to enroll in their school. Pod is now a roller-coaster of emotions, thanks to his busted "emotionizer" device. The prospective students are freaked out, until Pod's emotionizer "infects" them too. Now everyone is emotionally out-of-control, and it is driving the Principal nuts!

30. Plankton Burger Party
2019 - Season 1
Squish invites everyone in school to his backyard barbecue…except for Benjamin the Methanogen, a bacteria that is so disgusting and stinky that no one wants to be around him. However, when Squish runs out of fuel at his barbecue, his only option is to convince Benjamin to come to the party and use his unique methane emissions to power his barbecue. Benjamin ends up being the hit of the party!

29. Bellyful of Friendship
2019 - Season 1
Pod freaks out when he almost runs into his academic rival from the smart school, Franny the Panny. He begs Squish to "eat him" so he can hide from her in Squish's belly. The plan works. Later, when Pod and Peggy have exclusive tickets to a movie premiere, Squish begs Pod to let him hide in Pod's belly so he can sneak into the movie. Pod refuses. Squish thinks this is unfair, and tries to climb inside Pod's mouth (and stomach) anyway. He succeeds…just as Pod ends up on accidental movie "date" with Franny! Talk about being a "third wheel!"

28. My Lunch With Planaria
2019 - Season 1
Squish hopes to win a video game during a fundraising raffle at school, but instead wins another prize, which turns out to be…Lunch with the Principal. Squish is horrified, because Principal Planaria is always punishing him. However, the lunch event turns out to be more fun than he ever expected! He enjoys himself so much that he grows concerned that his new "closeness" with the Principal will ruin his "troublemaker" reputation. Can he be both a "cool kid" and a "friend of the Principal" at the same time?

27. The Trick of the Trichocysts
2019 - Season 1
Peggy discovers that she, like all paramecia, has trichocysts - harpoon-like tethers she can use to capture prey. Or in this case…her friends. Peggy uses her "Peg-poons" to instantly pull Squish and Pod over to her, regardless of where they are or what they're doing. At first it seems fun to "Peg-poon" her friends, but Squish and Pod soon get annoyed at being pulled out of bed, the bathroom, or other areas, and demand that she stay away from them. Peggy vows to keep her distance. But then...Squish and Pod miss her. How will they ever get their best friend back…without having to be "Peg-pooned?"

26. Like, Share, Comment and Subscribe
2019 - Season 1
Squish accidentally posts a ridiculous picture of himself on his Germbook page, and the post becomes a huge hit on the site. So Squish posts more absurd images of himself and quickly becomes a social media sensation.

25. Squish the Virus
2019 - Season 1
Vinnie the Virus returns to Small Pond. Squish is wary at first, but Vinny claims that he is only here to help Squish. Vinnie has the ability to make himself look just like Squish, and then do all his chores and schoolwork.

24. The Amazing Moeba
2019 - Season 1
Squish is a big fan of the fictional super-hero, Super Amoeba. While discussing a recent episode of the Super Amoeba TV show with Pod, Squish jokes about saving a baby bacteria like his TV hero.

23. Card Sharks
2019 - Season 1
Squish, Pod and Peggy arrive at school to find all the students are missing! They soon learn that everyone broke so many rules that Principal Planaria sent them all to detention.

22. Smarty Pod
2019 - Season 1
When a list of the smartest students in school is posted, Pod is shocked to learn that Peggy ranked higher than him, while they both got the same grades.

21. To All the Blobs I've Loved Before
2019 - Season 1
Helen the mean-girl Hydrozoan threatens to show the school an embarrassing video of Squish unless he agrees to act as her boyfriend so she can make another boy she likes jealous.

20. Fun in the Sun
2019 - Season 1
Squish's Dad is looking forward to taking him to a father-and-son Slime Hockey Game, but Squish would rather go to a party with Pod and Peggy.

19. Finding Nematode
2019 - Season 1
The Algae Brothers mock Squish when he claims the school is being invaded by a monster worm that only Squish has ever seen.

18. Squishleader
2019 - Season 1
Helen the Hydrozoa, who has several extra limbs, won’t let Peggy on the cheerleader team because she only has two arms. Squish convinces Peggy to form her own competing team of cheerleaders, filled with an eclectic collection of microbes.

17. Fool's Gold
2019 - Season 1
Squish spends all the money his father gave him for supplies on what he thinks is a “gold-making” plant. But the plant only produces poop…which Squish proudly claims is “real” gold, until Pod corrects him.

16. The Glow of Truth
2019 - Season 1
Pod gets hurt when Squish “lies” to him about an art project. Pod then mixes some glowing substance inside Squish’s cupcakes, making him glow every time he “lies”.

15. Family Tied
2019 - Season 1
Due to a unique activity of amoebas, Squish accidentally gets stuck to his best friend Pod like a Siamese Twin.

14. Cyst Fight
2019 - Season 1
Squish thinks the massive tough-guy student Lynwood is after him so he forms a protective cyst around himself - sort of like a large, round shell.

13. A Very Small and Salty Story
2019 - Season 1
Squish has a rivalry with the tiny bully Shirley the MicroShrimp, but when an encounter with a pile of salt accidentally shrinks him to her size, Squish must rely on Shirley to show him how to survive as one of the smallest kids in school.

12. Peggy the Fashion Victim
2019 - Season 1
High-fashion student Helen the Hydrozoa befriends Peggy and gives her a “makeover” as she tries to turn her into one of her “mean girl” minions.

11. Not So Ready to Rock
2019 - Season 1
Squish resists when his Dad wants to join the garage band Squish has formed with Peggy and Pod. Dad used to be in a band when he was a kid and he offers them plenty of “helpful tips.” Squish keeps dismissing his advice as “uncool.”

10. Pet Cause
2019 - Season 1
Hoping to raise money to buy a special ballcap, Squish and Pod start a pet-sitting business.

9. Ooze Crying Now
2019 - Season 1
Squish signs up for Peggy's charity race thinking it's only 27 millimeters long, but it's actually 27,000 millimeters (a huge distance for an amoeba).

8. A Star is Fissioned
2019 - Season 1
Peggy gets kicked out of the school play when Squish accidentally gets cast in her starring role - not for his acting ability, but because he can physically transform himself into the shape of a star.

7. A Very Dirty Story About Pod
2019 - Season 1
Hygiene-obsessed Pod keeps making his friends late for events with his constant need to stop and clean himself. When Squish and Peggy attempt to cure him of this obsession, their efforts work too well.

6. Gifted and Transferred
2019 - Season 1
Genius Pod gets transferred to a special School for Gifted Microbes across Small Pond. He is the first amoeba to attend the school, which is filled with a type of brilliant student bacteria called Paenibacillus Vortex (or “Panny”).

5. Peggy's Personal Magnetism
2019 - Season 1
Pod gets mad at Peggy for always breaking his stuff so Peggy makes a “Powee-Wowee Paramecium Pinky Promise” to never touch anything belonging to anyone ever again.

4. I Broke the Principal
2019 - Season 1
Pod builds a rocket so Squish can get to school on time, but he accidentally crashes the rocket into Principal Planaria, breaking him in half. There are now two Principal Planarias. One is as strict as ever. The other seems groovy and fun.

3. Escape From Detention
2019 - Season 1
Squish is wrongly accused of stealing Principal Planaria's special box of confiscated student items. In order to prove his innocence, Pod and Peggy must help him “break out” of detention and track down the real thief.

2. Happiness Invasion
2019 - Season 1
When the home puddle of Peggy’s extended family dries up, Squish suggests that she invite them all to stay in Small Pond.

1. Vinny the Virus
2019 - Season 1
When Squish's best friend Pod doesn't have time to hang out with him, Squish makes a new friend named Vinny, who seems nice...at first.