Digimon Adventure 02
Digimon Adventure 02, commonly referred to as Digimon Zero Two and known as the second season of Digimon: Digital Monsters outside of Japan, is a children's television anime series produced by Toei Animation. It is the second series in the Digimon franchise, which takes place three years following the events of the previous season, Digimon Adventure. The series aired in Japan between April 2, 2000, and March 25, 2001. An English language dub produced by Saban Entertainment aired in North America between August 19, 2000, and May 19, 2001. It was succeeded by Digimon Tamers, which takes place in its own timeline.Digimon Adventure 02, commonly referred to as Digimon Zero Two and known as the second season of Digimon: Digital Monsters outside of Japan, is a children's television anime series produced by Toei Animation. It is the second ... Read more
It's a kids show, and has a rating of 7.4 out of 10 from Imdb which is usually fine for this kind of show.
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