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Where to watch "The Kids in the Hall"

22. 522
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Sketches: God Is Dead, Hobby Horse, Penny, Play Back, Please Please Please, How To.

21. 521
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Sketches: Finale: Bellini Opening, Armada: But Does Armada Make It?, Tribute to Berman, Empty Bar, Things We Couldn't Show, AT and Death, Bellini Speaks.

20. 520
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Sketches: Armada: Check 2, Crowd Control, Encyclopedia, Junk Mail, Armada: Nice Face, Liquidation, Sam and Janet, Stair Climber.

19. 519
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Sketches: Francesca Syntax, Sperm Bank 1, Unannounced, Sperm Bank 2, Impulsive, Sperm Bank 3, Operation, Sperm Bank 4.

18. 518
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Sketches: Cops: Why, Personal, Exercises, Steps: Cause of AIDs, Bye Stan, Bellini Day.

17. 517
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Sketches: Creative Possibilities, Butch's Phone Sex Party, Weekend With Daddy, Living Proof, Big Bucks.

16. 516
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Sketches: Secret Pleasure, Errands, Gazebo, What If?, Experiment.

15. 515
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Sketches: Uncouth, Play Back, Penny, Brucio, All's Fair in Love, Fran: Identity.

14. 514
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Sketches: Cops: Looting, It's Nothing, The Bikini Inspector, Cops: Guns Fired, Yes Minister, Written in Haste, High-Tech Car Alarm.

13. 513
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Sketches: Poor Richard, Bartending Wedding, Hookers: Hopeful, Darn Near Puked, Hookers: Boyfriend, Activist: Die, Armada: Mute, Dance.

12. 512
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Sketches: Good Connection, Extreme Roommates, Armada: Check 1, Shoe Shine, The Monkeys, Under Dog, Armada: Camera Man, Danny Husk: Husk Musk.

11. 511
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Sketches: Test Tube Baby, Dry Cleaners, Hookers: Kid, Dignity, Let Sleeping Dogs Lie, Hookers: Mom, Problem With Relationships.

10. 510
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Sketches: Small Town Pride, Last Call, Lovers 3, The Bank, Elk, The Trick, Lovers 4, My Training.

9. 509
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Sketches: Steps: Parents, Loud American Shopping, Loves Ya, The DT's, Great Ideas, At the Movies.

8. 508
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Sketches: Call Me 1, Hobby Horse, Old People, Got Ya, Call Me 2, Step Class, Call Me 3, Needed Elsewhere.

7. 507
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Sketches: Slo-Mo, Relocation, Hookers: Heart, Lookin' For Love, Take a Letter, Hookers: Date, Duck Blind, Hookers: Skanky, Big in France.

6. 506
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Sketches: Cruisin' For a Bruisin' 1, Teen Reporters, Mad With Power, Sick About Crime, Business Opportunity, Cruisin' For a Bruisin' 2, New Poets New Philosophers and more!

5. 505
No release date yet
Sketches: Lesbian & Gay Pride, Waiter With Stumps For Hands, Squealin', Gavin: Leaking, Protest, Good to Cry 2, Drag Queens & Leather People, Sounds.

4. 504
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Sketches: God Is Dead, New Boots, Hookers: Porno, Rockey, Hookers: Price List, Montreal 2, Dessert.

3. 503
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Sketches: Hookers: Drum Up Business, How To, Just One Guy, Hookers: Rap Music, Por-eef, Jug Head, The Hit.

2. 502
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Sketches: Cops: Interrogation 5, Please Please Please, Special Sauce, Chance Meeting, Cops: Interrogation 7, Document, Grizzly, Cops: Interrogation Finale.

1. 501
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Sketches: Idiot Boy: Assistant, Cops: Interrogation 1, Feelyat, Cops: Interrogation 2, Catching Up, Martyr, Cops: Interrogation 4, The Beard.