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Where to watch "Never Ever Do This at Home"

12. Episode 12
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Teddy and Norm want an outdoor patio for the second floor. The supreme powers of thermoplastic polycarbonate. Saying goodbye to the house Never Ever style.

11. Episode 11
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Making popcorn with Teddy's car hood. Springing patio furniture with air bags from cars. The dangers of DIY solar paneling.

10. Episode 10
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A new way to detail a truck; why you should never play with matches; building a giant deep fryer; a faster, better way to put up holiday lights.

9. Episode 9
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Making the back-breaking work of unloading the groceries a thing of the past; the practicality of vacuum sealing; the dangers of spontaneous combustion.

8. Episode 8
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Making a skylight; building an indoor ice rink; creative ways of getting rid of a bug problem; how dangerous paint fumes can be.

7. Episode 7
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Ted and Norm discover why you shouldn't mess with an oxygen tank; an easier way to portage a canoe; the dangers of methane gas. Using bacon to cut through metal!

6. Episode 6
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Teddy and Norm find an innovative way to change truck tires without a jack; reinventing the game of darts; convert chimney to smoke house; opening safes the destructive way.

5. Episode 5
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The lawn sprinkler bbq cook off; house painting with a lawn mower; chemistry in the kitchen: sugar vs artificial sweetener rockets; how not to gas a boat.

4. Episode 4
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Making a medley of snacks and hot chocolate with a washer and dryer; do-it-yourself tennis machine. Playing with big guns and propane tanks; monster Crème brûlée.

3. Episode 3
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White water rafting with a swimming pool; defrosting a fridge with thermite; the great canoe race; remote control a life-sized boat.

2. Episode 2
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The dangers of woodworking at home; how to cut the grass faster; inflating a giant bouncy castle indoors; building a couch boat.

1. Episode 1
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Teddy Wilson and Norm Sousa return with their unique approach to home improvement projects and household chores; moving a bathtub upstairs; a new spin on a lazy susan; a mobile hot tub with a pickup truck.