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Where to watch "GhostForce"

52. Criângulo
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Mike pensa tanto sobre as coisas que acaba congelando na hora de enfrentar o Criângulo, um fantasma geométrico.

51. Ninja Ki
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Para derrotar Ninja Ki, um fantasma telecinético e invisível, Liv deve aprender a controlar sua raiva.

50. Kaboom
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Os Ghost Force têm dificuldade para lutar com Kaboom com pouca energia boo.

49. Geleiajack
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Os Ghost Force terão que encarar o Geleiajack que entrou no modo energizado e pode permanecer selvagem para sempre.

48. MedoCrescente
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Os Ghost Force enfrentam MedoCrescente, um fantasma ancião que foi despertado por fertilizantes químicos.

47. Rei da Quadra
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Para ganhar a competição de cestas, Mike pega emprestado um fantasma com a Senhorita Jones, mas perde o controle sobre ele.

46. Dinozos
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Os Ghost Force vão enfrentar Dinozos, apesar de não poderem usar seus poderes boo.

45. Piraniak
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Os Ghost Force têm dificuldade para lutar com Piraniak, quando o fantasma hiptoniza a Liv.

44. Caorion
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Os Ghost Force enfrentam Caorion, um fantasma que veio do espaço e pode destruir a Terra.

43. Prehistorrível
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Andy enfrenta o Prehistorrível sozinho, enquanto o Mike e a Liv estão presos no gelo.

42. Mascarada
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Enfrentando o Mascarada, Mike e Liv se surpreendem quando Andy tenta mudar sua personalidade.

41. Batata
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Desesperado para provar sua bravura, Mike continua se arriscando para lutar contra Batata na escuridão.

40. Balãoboo
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Quando o Mike e o Andy ficam com inveja da Liv, o trabalho de equipe deles fica prejudicado contra o Balãoboo.

39. Turbomilho
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Os Ghostforce têm que aprender urgentemente a pilotar o Carro Fantasma para parar o Turbomilho.

38. Scorpod
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Os Ghost Force se esforçam para capturar Scorpod e reverter o estrago.

37. Colagoma
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Enquanto o Andy e a Liv enfrentam Colagoma, o Mike precisa esconder a identidade secreta deles de sua turma.

36. Hipnoleão
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Liv tem dificuldade em aceitar que sua ídolo, Senhorita Jones, adotou a estratégia errada contra Hipnoleão.

35. Jinpiada
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Mike tenta melhorar seu senso de humor, enquanto enfrenta Jinpiada, um fantasma arteiro.

34. Sablirok
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Os problemas de Mike com seu pai comprometem a luta contra Sablirok.

33. Paniclick
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Se ele quiser impedir Paniclick, Andy deve aprender a não subestimar as tecnologias antigas.

32. Gravisfer
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Para parar Gravisfer, Mike precisará que sua invenção mais recente funcione, com a ajuda de seus amigos.

31. Graffurioso
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Acusado erradamente por vandalizar uma parede, Liv tenta expor o culpado enquanto luta contra o Graffurioso.

30. Biscoitochama
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Para parar o Biscoitochama antes que seja tarde demais, Mike precisa aprender a confiar em si mesmo.

29. Meta e Lix
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Liv e Jane começam a ficar amigas até que Meta e Lix liberam seus poderes magnéticos gêmeos.

28. Problemesticam
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Para lutar contra Problemesticam, Liv precisa entender que suas habilidades não têm anda a ver com sorte.

27. Sonobuu
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Mike deixa Glowboo funcionando mal, enquanto precisa se juntar aos Ghost Force para enfrentar Sonobuu.

26. Ninja Ki / Criangle
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Ninja Ki : Liv is having a very bad day and it gets worse when she accidentally awakens Ninja Ki, a telekinetic Japanese ghost. Unable to control her anger, Liv keeps making mistakes in the fight, and gets mad at her friends and at Miss Jones, struggling to deal with her emotions. Criangle : When Charlie gets attacked by Criangle, a ghost that turns New-York and its citizens into geometric shapes, Mike gets so stuck in his over-thinking habit that he can’t act anymore. To save his friends, he’ll need to learn how to get out of his own head.

25. Jellyjack/ Kaboom
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Jellyjack : Liv accidentally lets Glups escape from Miss Jones’ lab after feeding it too much. While Liv is torn between protecting and fighting it, Glups merges with an armor and becomes the powerful Jellyjack. The Ghostforce has to deboost it quickly or Glups will stay wild forever. Kaboom : The Ghostforce have to go straight from an exhausting practice into a fight with Kaboom, an explosive ghost, while their boo energy is already running low. Liv surpasses herself, feeling pressured to try and be the perfect superhero, but learns to know her limits.

24. Dunky Boss / Scaregrow
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Dunky Boss : When Mike’s dad cancels their father-son day to arbitrate a dunk contest, Mike decides to enter for a chance to win a day with him. To boost his chances, he borrows a ghost from Miss Jones, but all hell breaks loose as it escapes and starts spreading lava everywhere. Scaregrow : When he uses a chemical fertilizer to grow his plant faster, Andy awakens an old ghost that turns into a giant scarecrow trapping its victims with roots. While the Ghostforce fights to stop it from breeding, Andy tries to hide his responsibility from his friends.

23. Dinozos / Piraniak
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Dinozos: Andy’s upset with Liv for criticizing Roland’s hot-dogs too harshly: raw honesty can be hurtful. As for Andy, he loves his hot-dogs, and he’s not the only one: their smell awakens Dinozos, a terrifying T-Rex ghost! And the Ghostforce can’t use their powers to face it… Piraniak: The Ghostforce struggles to stop Piraniak, a ghost hypnotizing its victims with its golden glow, when it takes control of Liv and turns her against her team… just as Andy keeps getting distracted by his obsession for the latest smartphone he’d dream to own."

22. Prehistorrible / Chaorion
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When a prehistoric ghost traps Mike and Liv in an ice stalagmite, and merges with a subway train, Andy struggles to fight it on his own, because he’s too focused on keeping the promise he made to Carla, for once: get her the autograph of her favorite comic creator. Mike gets resentful of Liv when she shows better knowledge than him in astronomy class. But to fight Chaorion, a powerful ghost from space that menaces to crush earth with an asteroid, Mike will have to stop listening to his ego and work with his friend.

21. Mascarade / Batata
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Andy fears his personality isn’t interesting enough and tries to appear more mature. But Mike and Liv are thrown off by his sudden change in behavior while they fight Mascarade, a ghost that manipulates its victims’ emotions and makes them laugh, cry, or angry. To show his bravery to Charlie, Mike sneaks into Mr. Vladwosky’s terrifying office and accidentally awakens Batata, a bat-like ghost that absorbs energy and plunges the city into darkness. Desperate to prove his worth by facing his fears, Mike puts himself in danger.

20. Turbokorn / Biballoon
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When a ghost merges with a racecar, becoming the unstoppable Turbokorn, Ms. Jones has no choice but to send our three heroes the Ghost Car, even though they never drove it before. The Ghostforce struggles to master the vehicle, especially when Liv and Andy bicker. Mike and Andy are upset when Liv receives a medal of honor from the city as “leader of the Ghostforce” and doesn’t mention them. Their jealousy makes their teamwork with Liv very tense as they try to stop Biballoon, a creepy ghost that turns its victims into balloons.

19. Gumglue / Scorpod
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Gumglue: Mike, Andy and Liv are stuck in a museum with their class while a ghost wreaks havoc outside. Andy and Liv get out to fight it, while Mike stays behind to protect their secret identities from their schoolmates… Who have decided to try and expose the Ghostforce ! Scorpod: The worst happens: Scorpod, a tadpole ghost that petrifies its victims, manages to escape the Ghosforce and goes back to sleep, replete with energy. While the three friends search for it in the sewers, Liv is terrified they might fail to capture it and reverse its damage.

18. Jinjoke / Hypnolion
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Mike improves his sense of humor while fighting Jinjoke, a prankster ghost. Liv struggles to accept that her role model, Miss Jones, got the wrong strategy against Hypnolion.

17. Paniclick / Sandyrok
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Andy must learn to not underestimate old technology if he wants to stop Paniclick. Mike’s issues with his father compromises the fight against Sandyrok.

16. Graffurius / Levisfer
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Liv tries to expose the culprit who tagged a wall while fighting Graffurious. To stop Levisfer, Mike will need to make his new invention work, with his friends’ help.

15. Meta&Lix / Cookieflame
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Liv and Jane start becoming friends until Meta and Lix unleash their magnetic twin powers. To stop Cookieflame before it’s too late, Mike must learn how to trust himself.

14. Somnibou / Troublestretch
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Mike makes Glowboo malfunction while it must join the Ghostforce to face Somnibou. When a ghost merges with her lucky charm, Liv is convinced she’s been jinxed.

13. Scream Scratch / Creepop
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Asta, Professor Pascal’s dog, awakens Scream Scratch, a trickster ghost. Mike stops being afraid of ridicule while facing Creepop, a ghost forcing New Yorkers to dance.

12. Bubble-Brush / Glougloux
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Mike must accept things don’t always go as planned when Bubble-brush ruins his plans. Andy lets Glougloux, a powerful ghost that hatches hundreds of eggs, escape from the lab!

11. Cyclopee / Gmagicard
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Our heroes face Cyclopee, a ghost making copies of everything! To stop Gmagicard, a magician ghost, Mike will have to accept he can’t understand everything right away.

10. Vochaos / Agia
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Liv accidentally reveals that Andy can’t swim! Liv battles Agia, a ghost with the power of making anyone act much younger or much older.

9. Katastrophe / Jellystery
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Andy faces off against Katastrophe, a three-headed ghost! Liv borrows Miss Jones' ghost-blaster without permission so she can battle Jellystery alone.

8. Raijin / Chronoklok
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GhostForce has to face Raijin, a terrifying electric ghost! Mike battles against Chronoklok.

7. Krik Krok / Burghorror
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While trying to cheat on a test, Andy awakens Krik Krok! Liv and Andy get overwhelmed by a ghost that turned into a giant burger!

6. Xhypno / Sporofungus
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Andy dreams of being an extra in his parents’ movie. Andy gets lost instead of joining his friends on the Ferris wheel, and awakens Sporofungus, a disgusting mushroom ghost.

5. ZipZap / Artiflame
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Mike gets addicted to a new mobile game. Andy battles Artiflame, a super-fast ghost that merges with a firework rocket!

4. Mastaar / Arakgum
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When Liv is about to perform at a talent show with Mike and Andy, she gets stage fright. Professor Pascal makes his class study spiders, much to Mike's dismay - he hates spiders!

3. Mizuo / Sharkoak
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Andy and Drake battle it out on the basketball court. After a misunderstanding, Liv believes Marlo is in love with her.

2. Trashotic / Mikroo
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To charm Carla, Andy uses too much perfume and accidentally awakens a smelly ghost. Our three heroes face Mikroo, a tiny ghost that’s got the power to shrink anything.

1. Bananice / Pharaok
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Andy and Drake’s basketball rivalry awakens Bananice, a ghost that freezes everything in its wake. The team battles a pharaoh ghost dead set on turning everyone into mummies.