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Where to watch "Conan the Adventurer"

52. A Serpent Coils the Earth (3)
1993 - Season 2
part 3 of 3 part season finale

51. A Serpent Coils the Earth (Pt. 2)
No release date yet
Set invades Tarantia; Conan and his grandfather visit the tomb of Epimetrius.

50. A Serpent Coils the Earth (Pt. 1)
No release date yet
Wrath-Amon completes the pyramids needed to bring Set back to Earth.

49. Into the Abyss
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Conan and Jezmine journey into the Abyss to recharge the Amulet of Vathelos.

48. The Star Metal Monster
1993 - Season 2
In search of friendship, a young orphan girl with innate sorcerous powers breathes life into a grotesque metal statue. Dubbing the extremely protective beast "Titainus", she feels safe at last. Unfortunately for her the statue was forged entirely from star-metal, which means that her new friend has earned the attentions of Wrath-amon!

47. Escape of Ram-Amon
1993 - Season 2
On a quest to destroy Wrath-Amon, Conan finds the long-imprisoned Ram-Amon, predecessor of Wrath-Amon and sets him free, the two then team up to destroy Wrath-Amon.

46. Escape of Ram-Amon
No release date yet
Conan finds and frees the imprisoned predecessor of Wrath-Amon.

45. The Stealer of Souls
1993 - Season 2
no summary for this episode.

44. Full Moon Rising
1993 - Season 2
Greywolf and Conan thwart the attempt of a rogue wizard to steal forbidden knowledge, resulting in his expulsion from Xanthus. Vowing revenge on Greywolf, he teams up with Mesmira, with devastating effect. Can Conan, Sasha and Misha to mount a rescue before the full moon is over?

43. Sword, Sai & Shuriken
1993 - Season 2
Conan is asked to return to Phenion to face an unstoppable warrior. Who has defeated every ninja in Phenion. Will Conan suffer the same fate?

42. The Sword of Destiny
No release date yet
A young man wishing to be a hero steals Conan's star-metal sword.

41. Full Moon Rising
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Greywolf is thrilled at the coming of the full moon, as it means he will be able to see Sasha and Misha in human form once again. The happy time is tempered, however, when the banished wizard Lokkar returns to seek revenge on Greywolf.

40. Sword, Sai, and Shuriken
No release date yet
Conan takes on an unbeatable warrior.

39. Bones of Damballa
1993 - Season 2
Fearing he is to be replaced, Wrath-amon sends Skulkar to assasinate his potential replacement, a shaman named Shadizar- who happens to be an old enemy of Skulkar's. However, things go wrong and Shadizar turns Skulkar back into his original human form. With no other choice, Skulkar must team up with Conan and Zula to restore himself to his undead form.

38. The Vale of Amazons
1993 - Season 2
Conan is taken prisoner by the Amazons and made a slave, and it is up to Jasmine to defeat the treacherous queen of the Amazons and rescue her friend.

37. Thorns of Midnight
1993 - Season 2
Conan, Jasmine, and Greywolf finally manage to track down some lycanthrus flowers to return Sasha and Misha to normal, but it looks like they have competition: Mesmira is after the plants as well!

36. Frost Giant's Daughter
No release date yet
Conan accompanies Snagg on his search for a flower from the garden of Atali.

35. When Tolls the Bell of Night
1993 - Season 2
An evil warlord enlists the aid of Windfang to free an evil demon of fear and darkness imprisoned in ancient times. But when the demon turns out to be more powerful than they thought, an unlikely alliance may have to be made to vanquish the beast.

34. Cornucopia of Grondar
1993 - Season 2
Conan and friends seek the lost Cornucopia of Grondar, a mystical horn of plenty with the ability to create any object. But when the horn falls into Wrath-Amon's hands, will they be able to stop him before he creates enough star-metal to free Set?

33. The Frost Giant's Daughter
1993 - Season 2
Eager to win the heart of a fiery warrior woman, Snagg brings Conan along into the wilds in search of a flower from the garden af Atali, the Frost Giant's Daughter. But will they find more than they bargained for?

32. Torrinon Returns
1993 - Season 2
The diminutive and incompetent magician Torrinon frantically summons Conan, Snag and Jasmine for assistance after he accidentally provokes Wrath-amon's wrath with a magical prank.

31. Down to the Dregs
No release date yet
Needle and Dregs work together to escape an evil collector of rare animals.

30. The Wolfmother
1993 - Season 2
Conan and Greywolf travel to an unnamed country of frost, when Sasha and Misha run away, Greywolf goes in search of them and vanishes, Conan goes to a nearby lodge to solicit the aid of its residents. Meanwhile, a mysterious woman teaches Greywolf to understand the plight of his siblings, will they be forever lost to their wild instincts, or will they follow Greywolf?

29. Amra the Lion
No release date yet
Gora attacks Conan and Zula.

28. Down to the Dregs
1993 - Season 2
Needle and Dregs are forced to team up to escape an evil collector of rare animals.

27. Conn Rides Again
1993 - Season 2
Conan and Snag are in deep trouble after a visit to the mysterious "Isle of the Naiads", home to magical spirits of water, trees and stone, results in them losing their strength to the enchanted waters of weakness. Especially seeing as how Wrath-amon and Windfang are now laying seige to the island!

26. Son of Atlantis
1993 - Season 2
Wrath-Amon finds a magical horn that controls the people of Atlantis, the Cimmerians, with the blood of Atlantis flowing through their veins, are called to Stygia by the horn's power, will Conan defeat Wrath-Amon's plot, or are the people of Cimmeria doomed?

25. Nature of the Beast
No release date yet
Mesmira kidnaps Sasha and transforms herself into a wolf of the same appearance. She uses this guise to trick Greywolf and steal his staff.

24. Hanuman the Ape God
No release date yet
Conan and Jezmine discover a magical golden city surrounded by desert.

23. The Queen of Stygia
1993 - Season 2
Things get rough, when on the way to stop the building of one of Wrath-Amon's pyramids, Conan is tricked and enchanted by Mesmira and turned against his friends. Can they set him free, or will they all meet their doom?

22. Dragon's Breath
1993 - Season 2
Conan returns to Phenion, when his master Dong Hee tells him that he may have found a way to help him. He tells Conan that he may find the answer from an old friend the Kari Dragon.

21. Blood of my Blood
1993 - Season 2
Conan, Jasmine, and Greywolf travel to the Temple of Tomes to research how to break the spell of living stone, and it is revealed that Conan is unable to read. As Jasmine attempts to teach the barbarian, he finds a barbarian much like himself, only this fellow is unable to speak very well. The evil Mesmira learns of their presence and begins a nasty plan of her own.

20. An Evil Wind in Kusan
1993 - Season 2
Falconer is captured by Windfang and a native of Kusan exiled for his ties to Set, who force him to don a cursed mantle that transforms him into the demon Harock who then attacks Kusan. The only hope for Kusan's survival is a "Duel of Champions", where Harock will battle Kusan's champion, determined by the fact they must wear the Mantle of Winds.Unfortunately, the only one with the blood able to do so is a weak scholarly lad. Can Conan teach the lad how to fight well enough to defeat a demon? And will they be able to discover Falconer's fate and save him from Harock?

19. Final Hours of Conan
1993 - Season 2
A false trail instigated by Wrath-amon leads to Conan being stung by a hideous imp created by the evil sorcerer. To the group's horror, the sting slowly starts turning Conan into a Serpent-Man; can they find a cure or will they lose their friend to Wrath-amon's control?

18. The Amulet of Vathelos
1993 - Season 2
Conan travels to Stygia where he insults some demon-worshippers in a large city. He walks away from that encounter to eventually meet a man whose friend has been turned into stone by the same demon. This man knew Conan's grandfather when he was young, and we hear the entire story of how Conan's grandfather stole the amulet of Vathelos. In the end, Conan kills the demon.

17. Labors of Conan
1993 - Season 2
Conan, Jezmine, and Greywolf are traveling by the mountains when they are attacked by Serpentmen. Zulanti, a wizard, comes to their aid and helps them drive away the Serpentmen. Zulanti quickly shows his power to the group and they are quite impressed. Conan is impressed even more when Zulanti breaks the stone curse on a group of people. Conan soon believes that he may have found the answer to help his family.

16. The Book of Skelos
1993 - Season 2
Conan, Jasmine and Zula, in search of the second Book of Skelos (the first having been destroyed in "The Crevasse of Winds"), enter an ancient ruin that leads to a nightmarish pocket dimension controlled by a monstrous demon.

15. Dregs-Amon the Great
No release date yet
A new rules takes the throne in Stygia.

14. A Needle in a Haystack
1993 - Season 2
Needle gets kidnapped, with the thieves hiding in a massive city.

13. The Treachery of Emperors
1993 - Season 2
The Princess of Venga has been abducted by Sarenshaw the leader of the hooded ones. The Emperor promises that whoever saves his daughter shall be made King of the western province. Fortunately, Conan is in Venga and hears the proposal and agrees to save the princess so he may become a king.

12. Earthbound
1993 - Season 2
Windfang tired of being Wrath-Amons unwilling henchmen steals a spell that can take him to Queen Fridgia to mystic Askaloon where he can break his curse. He kidnaps Jazmine because he needs a witness and they break the curse. Wrath-Amon learns of this and decides to take vengeance against his former slave.

11. Birth of Wrath-Amon
1993 - Season 2
Conan, Zula, and Falconer travel to the mountains and find the Spellbinder. They ask him to break the curse on Conans family but he refuses. Through some bargaining from Conan, he provides a solution; to send Conan back in time before the spell happened. Conan agrees and is sent through a portal, but the place he arrives seems different and Wrath-Amon is no where to be found.

10. In Days of Old
1993 - Season 2
Conan, and Jezmine travel to village where they are meant to rendezvous with Greywolf. When they arrive he is no where to be found. Until his siblings Sasah and Misha lead them to him. They find him apparently drained of his youth. He tells them that he journeyed to the mountains to find a Sorcerer. The Sorcerer used his magic to take his youth and left him to die. Conan and Jezmine decide to pay a visit to the Sorcerer but will they suffer the same fate as their friend.

9. Earthbound
No release date yet
Windfang kidnaps Jezmine in his quest to free himself from Wrath-Amon.

8. Thunder and Lightning
No release date yet
Conan becomes frustrated with Thunder and lets him go.

7. The Crevasse of Winds
1993 - Season 2
In search of the mystical Book of Skelos, which may hold the secret to releasing Conan's family from Wrath-amon's Spell of Living Stone, Conan and Falconar climb to the infamous Crevasse of Winds, where they discover that the Book has a guardian; a tainted adult Phoenix. Problems arise over precisely where Needle's loyalties lie; with the Phoenix, or with his friends?

6. Thunder and Lightning
1993 - Season 2
Conan is becoming more frustrated with Thunder's free-willed nature. They soon reach the city of Ranoako. There they find weapons similar to what his father made and ask where the blacksmith duplicated it. He tells them he copied it from the village of Rempier from a blacksmith named Morgo. On the way there Thunder meets a female and decides to meet her. This drives Conan angry and he decides to let Thunder go luckily they meet another horse which Conan decides to become master of and names it Lightning. Has Conan found a permanent Horse?

5. In Days of Old
No release date yet
Conan and Jezmine try to help Greywolf, who has been drained of his youth by a sorcerer.

4. The Birth of Wrath-Amon
No release date yet
Conan, Zula and Falconer ask the Spellbinder to break the curse on Conan's family.

3. The Master Thief of Shadizar
1993 - Season 2
Conan and Jasmine team up with an arrogant and notorious thief to plunder a wizard's tower, but trouble arises when the wizard turns out to be an old enemy of theirs.

2. Curse of Ahx' oon
1993 - Season 2
Conan and Zula must deliver the mask of Axh'oon to the Wasai, ancient enemies the Orashawa as payment from Gora so he may be made their king. Conan and Zula are skeptical but agree to the task, for it may deliver peace to the two kingdoms... or it may deliver danger.

1. Tribal Warfare
1993 - Season 2
When Snag's tribesmen, the Vanirmen, are attacked by what appears to be Cimmerians -Conan's tribe- Conan and Snag's friendship is tested. To compliment the matter further, men who appear to be Vanirmen attack the Cimmerians. This escalates to war between the two tribes and now between two friends.