Gary the Rat
Gary the Rat is an American television program adult-oriented animated series animated by Spike Animation Studios, produced by Grammnet Productions and distributed by Cheyenne Enterprises. It began as a Web cartoon in 2000 for The series aired on Spike in 2003, lasting for one season. The series was created by now re-structured studio BLITZ, formerly known as eStudio. The complete series has not come to DVD. However, all episodes are available on the iTunes Music Store and the Zune Marketplace.Gary the Rat is an American television program adult-oriented animated series animated by Spike Animation Studios, produced by Grammnet Productions and distributed by Cheyenne Enterprises. It began as a Web cartoon in 2000 for... Read more
Starring Kelsey Grammer, Billy Gardell, Rick Gomez, Rob Paulsen, Vance DeGeneres, Spencer Garrett, David Hyde Pierce
It's a comedy and animation show, and has a rating of 6.5 out of 10 from Imdb which is usually fine for this kind of show.
Watch it here
Not found streaming from Colombia.