An indie film called "Bola" is currently making waves as it delves into the controversial subject of corruption in the setting of small-time barangay basketball leagues."Bola" stars newcomer Kenneth Salva as Lester, a star player of their community basketball team who dreams of playing at the country's premier league but encounters a problem on the way to PBA (Philippine Basketball Association).An indie film called "Bola" is currently making waves as it delves into the controversial subject of corruption in the setting of small-time barangay basketball leagues."Bola" stars newcomer Kenneth Salva as Lester, a star pla... Read more
Starring Kenneth Salva, Arnell Ignacio, Simon Ibarra, Sofia Valdez, Geeca Topacio, Dustin Jose, Marx Topacio, Rico Lazaro, Ligaya Bustamante, Jeff Luna
It's a drama and romance movie, and has a rating of 6.6 out of 10 from Imdb which is usually fine for this kind of movie.
Watch it here
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