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Where to watch "The Lightbulb Moment"

11. LIKE BUTTON: The Unintended Consequences of the Facebook Like Button
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När han först presenterades för gilla knappen (senare kallad "den fantastiska knappen") hade Facebooks vd Mark Zuckerberg en enkel reaktion: "Nej."

10. Edison: How Edison Reinvented Invention
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Edison var pionjär med världens första forsknings-och utvecklingscenter i Menlo parken, New Jersey, till att fokusera in på elektricitetens heliga graal.

9. Interstate: How the Interstate Connected and Divided America
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Dwight Eisenhowers mellanstatliga motorvägssystem var det största infrastrukturprojektet på sin tid, en järv plan att sammanbinda alla Amerikas hörn.

8. Streaming: The Invention That Revolutionized Streaming Video
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A technological breakthrough in streaming video sets the foundation for the era of Netflix.

7. Wi-Fi: The Hollywood Actress Who Laid the Groundwork for Wi-Fi
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Hedy Lamarr invented a technology that laid the groundwork for the wireless internet of today.

6. Vanilla: The Bean That Shaped the Future of Food
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The vanilla bean takes the world by storm, sparking the artificial flavor revolution.

5. Mauve: The Fake Color That Made Our Modern World
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År 1856 skapade en kemistudent oavsiktligt en konstig substans med en rik, lila nyans - världens första syntetiska färgämne.

4. Florida: How Real Estate Rogues Invented Florida as We Know It
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An army of real estate boosters changes Florida from a backwater to a vacation destination.

3. BARCODE How The Barcode Shaped Our Modern Economy
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Streckkoden har radikalt förändrat global handel och bidragit till uppstigningen av allt från enorma företag likt Walmart till världsmakter likt Kina.

2. Cubicle: How the Cubicle Became Universally Hated
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The cubicle was originally designed to set workers free, originally designed by Robert Propst.

1. WIFI: The Hollywood Actress Who Laid the Groundwork For Wi-Fi
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Hedy Lamarr had a knack for inventing. During WWII, she devised the foundation of wireless internet.