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Where to watch "Louis Theroux's Forbidden America"

3. Porn's MeToo
No release date yet
With platforms like OnlyFans on the rise, a new generation are using their online platforms to call out alleged predatory behaviour by prominent industry figures. Louis Theroux heads to Los Angeles to meet those grappling with this new wave of #MeToo.

2. Rap's New Frontline
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In Florida's multimillion-dollar rap scene, some of the biggest rappers stand accused of participating in the lawlessness their music describes. Louis immerses himself in this scene, meeting those who have risen fast to those who have fallen hard.

1. Extreme And Online
No release date yet
Louis Theroux meets the latest incarnation of the American far-right: a political movement born out of the internet. Louis tries to understand their recent surge in popularity and challenges the divisive rhetoric that is being streamed to millions.