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Where to watch "Vuelo 29 Perdidos"

4. The Hotel Tango (Pt. 4)
No release date yet
Captain Russell threatens revenge after the accidental destruction of his boat. There is a race to get back to the beach to protect Daley, Lex, Taylor and Nathan before Russell can do any damage.

3. The Hotel Tango: Part 3
2007 - Season 3
The expedition party finds an abandoned hotel, in ruins, with chickens. There are also the pilot, captain Russell, who became loony after an infection, presumed malaria, as well as Ian, who broke his leg, and Jory. They figure the boat he's building may be their only chance to get off to island, but only if they steal it, which plan alas goes up in smoke. back in the camp, Lex invents a brilliant signal and tells failure Daley to quit wining and try harder.

2. The Hotel Tango: Part 2
2007 - Season 3
Nathan creates a new signal to grab the attention of passing ships. Daley sets it off when she thinks she sees a ship, but it turns out to have been a whale. After Melissa saves Eric from drowning, she starts to lose her patience with him. Finally, the group which is exploring the island spots a building. Could this warrant hope to get saved?

1. The Hotel Tango: Part 1
2007 - Season 3
Eric, Jackson, Melissa and Abby set off on their expedition to around the island's coasts, hoping to find the captain's party or a way out. Even without the camp's procedures, decisions must be made, which somehow works out. Back in the camp, Lex finally blames his step-sister's self-righteous errors for breaking up and refuses to listen to her anymore. Lex also questions if staying behind isn't another wrong choice, and leaves to join the expedition quartet. The others catch up, and Taylor persuades him to stay in the camp because he alone can keep their quartet ...