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Where to watch "Mano a mano"

22. Leavin' Stevens

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The family ties up loose ends before leaving town: Louis makes a video telling Tawny how he feels about her, Ren finds a replacement for herself, Steve tells off his boss and Donnie lets Tugnut know he's leaving. Eileen loses the seat in an election recount and the family must scramble to undo the "damage".

21. In Ren We Trust

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As Louis and friends decide how to each spend their share in a sudden cash windfall, Ren uses the entire amount to buy a pair of outrageously expensive pants.

20. Surf's Up

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Louis invites himself along surfing with Twitty and ends up ruining everything. Ren meets a guy’s who's perfect in every way, except he's a fish.

19. Model Principal

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A new principal's policy of cruelty forces Ren and Louis to work together in an attempt to bring Wexler back. Donnie uses Beans to win a skee-ball competition.

18. Stevens' Manor

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In order to fund a snowboarding trip Louis turns his house into a Steven's Manor Bed & Breakfast with Twitty. The guests, Louis, Edna, Kenny & Kerry (twins) Manning, quickly become disgruntled with the facilities. Ren & Ruby, given the good-looking twins, are eager to pitch in. When Eileen calls to check in on Louis she gets Edna who informs her 'Louis is in pain' meaning her husband Louis who underwent a back massage from Beans. Edna doesn't know who Eileen is but doesn't like the way she refers to Louis as 'her baby'. This phone call puts the Mannings on the rocks. Things are going well until the gang realizes their parents will be back in 2 hours. Louis cleverly hides what went on by passing off Edna as the school nurse. Eileen & Steven find out by when their house is featured on a travel show.

17. Beans on the Brain

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Louis literally can't get Beans out of his head after ditching him to be with Beans' attractive cousin, Chris. After an embarrassing injury, Donnie gives up football to open a beauty parlor.

16. Snow Job

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Tawny & Twitty find Algebra fascinating due in part to their outstanding teacher Mr. Lopez; however, Louis doesn't get Algebra at all in spite of the fantastic teacher. In order to dodge an Algebra mid-term Louis tries to fake a blizzard in order to cancel school. His plan doesn't work. Eileen tries to help Louis but he is resistant to Algebra. Louis must ask Mr. Lopez for help and Mr. Lopez asks Louis when he got lost in class. Louis' answer: Kindergarten. Mr. Lopez traces Louis back to the early math principles he learned in Kindergarten, brings him up to speed and with a lot of hard work and effort Louis is soon able to solve an equation with two unknowns. After injuring the star pole-vaulter, Ren must learn to Pole Vault in one week for a big track meet. Most people don't think she will be able to clear the bar but Ren stays open to learning the skill & gives her best effort.

15. The Big Splash

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Louis joins the dive team to sabotage the dive meet. His antics make him a shoe-in for class clown and embarrasses Steve in front of his boss. After talking with Steve, Louis realizes that there are more important things in life than joking around. Ren competes for "Best Smile" at Lawrence.

14. Boy on a Rock

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Twitty breaks up with his girlfriend Allison and it seems evident that Allison now has a crush on Louis. In reality, Allison wants to use Louis as a model for her painting. Ren and Tom battle each other for a slot on the flag team.

13. Dirty Work

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Ren becomes overwhelmed with Wexler's demands that seem to increase with his new sports car purchase. She loses her Student Assistant job to Larry and resorts to being Tugnut's Student Assistant. With 50 student signatures collected Louis starts a Lumberjack Club and is given $200 in school money. The club faces being terminated (plus they'll have to return $$$) unless it is able to put on an educational presentation. Louis, Tawny, Twitty & Tom put on a presentation that ends with Louis yelling: 'Timber!'

12. The King Sloppy

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Ren hosts an important foreign exchange student, Princess Jane. The Princess is quickly bored with Ren's tours of galleries, sites & symphonies and sneaks off to the Burger Bonanza where Louis and Twitty plan to eat 72 lbs of meat in one sitting in order to get it free of charge. By the time Ren realizes the princess is missing Wexler brings over her father, the Duke, who is in town for the day. Ren later convinces the Duke that ‘scarfing down the King Sloppy no matter how disgusting it is' gave Jane a chance to experience a rich cultural experience, '_and I don't think me or Mr. Wexler should have to apologize for it.'

11. Hardly Famous

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There is a possibility that Tawny may switch from the standard public school to attend the Sacramento Arts Conservatory for Creative Youth. Louis gets antsy as Tawny prepares her auditions for the SACCY theater department; suddenly, Louis is compelled to audition for their Interpretive Dance program. He is totally shocked when Tawny tells him she did not get admitted into the prestigious school. Later, Louis learns from Ren that Tawny did in fact get accepted but chose not to take it-it seems Louis is at least part, (maybe the only??) reason Tawny chooses to stay at the regular public school. Ben Hudson, a big time movie star comes to town. Ren & Eileen are star struck to the point that they must battle each other for Ben's attention.

10. Hutch Boy

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In Beauty Class Ruby inadvertently mixes the wrong chemistry turning Ren into a Platinum Blonde. Ren uses her new hair as a passport to take a serious vacation from her disciplined, overachieving self in exchange for a more stereotypical blonde personality. It gets to the point where real blondes throughout the school protest Ren's behavior, as it gives blondes a bad name. In Shop class Lloyd Offler, a bully who locks him in a hutch, torments Louis. Louis is rescued through Tom Gribalski's 9 years of Karate skills; however, Louis he goes on to becomes known as 'hutch boy' He challenges the bully to a Karate match after school, but this becomes a likely mistake as Louis has a lot of Karate moves to learn. The boys design a 'crouching-tiger' like device to help Louis simulate the scary moves. Luckily, none of this becomes necessary because Lloyd is interested in the contraption design & in having Louis for a friend.

9. Short Story

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Various kids are relocated and Ren becomes locker mates to a guy and is quick to accept an invitation to accompany him to a semi-formal dance. Ren is devastated to learn he is severely short. She plays out various scenarios the height deficit might bring on & decides it's in her best interest to cancel the date. Louis' counterpart from the other school Loomis is caught doing elementary pranks. Louis must prove he is above the pranks and bring Loomis down.

8. Close Encounters of the Beans Kind

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Louis and Twitty begin to question Beans' origin after a visit from a mysterious government official. Fears are compounded when Ren finds a mysterious manuscript written entirely in strange symbols. When the government agent returns, Beans pleads with Louis to help him.

7. Raiders of the Lost Sausage

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Steven is ticked off when Louis & Twitty do some damage on the house while digging up the basement in search of secret tunnels which will lead them to fortunes left behind by Slutzki, a sausage entrepreneur. Steven starts to reseal Louis & Twitty's efforts but is then enlightened by Louis' comprehensive historical research. The guys' quest comes to be a reality but quickly caves them shortly after their discovery. Ren and Larry have on going spats and are sent to the school counselor. They become victims to an experimental counseling technique that involves the two being tied together by a 9-foot tetherball rope. Louis' Emu order does not help his ambition to 'get rich quick' however Donnie & Eileen are now able to cook gourmet Emu Egg recipes.

6. Little Mr. Sacktown

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Louis preps Beans for a Mr. Sacramento Pageant and his primary opponent is two-time winner, Grayson Gribalski (Tom's little cousin). After much sweat and toil to find Beans a Talent, (among other obstacles) Louis declares Beans 'totally hopeless.' Beans overhears this. At the Bacon Barn Beans wallows in his hurt feelings and consumes bacon. Louis tries to convince Beans that preparing for Mr. Sacramento solo is no easy ride and recaps to Beans his own tragic experiences. Beans chooses to keep Louis cut off. During the pageant Beans surprises everyone with his charm, insightful answer during the interview, ability to stay neck to neck with Grayson, and rendition of the song 'Wolly Polly' in the final talent division. Bad vibes erupt between Ruby & Monica over a googley-eyed pen; Ren tries to appease both friends by not intervening.

5. Band on the Roof

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Rock-u-mentary on The Twitty Stevens Connection-Beans saves the band on Bass guitar, while Ren & Louis write songs together as the band prepares for a concert on Roof of the school. Ren learns the school prohibits students on the roof and doesn't want to break school rules. She is promptly kicked out of band. Ren contemplates whether she is too afraid to take risks. The band becomes further doomed when Twitty has a dental appointment, Beans gets his head caught in hamster cage. Ren is given an opportunity to take a risk.

4. Your Toast

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Ren begins working with Ruby, Hector and Monique at the hottest counter at the mall-Your Toast. When Ruby breaks the boss Squirreli's 7th commandment-never nibble, she is fired and believes it is Ren who has told on her. In Squirreli's absence Ren is left in charge; Monique and Hector abandon Ren and watch on as she struggles to serve a massive group of German tourists. When Squirreli returns with a Your Toast District Manager, Hector & Monique prepare to get blamed; but instead, Ren sticks up for her friends' rights to have a break. Just as the kids are ready to quit, the District Manager agrees with Ren's valid points and they resume toasting. Louis gets drum lessens from Nikki Pox a musician who once opened for KISS.

3. My Best Friend's Girlfriend

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While playing in a dumpster of defective packing peanuts, Twitty catches sight of Allison Wong and the two become an item. Louis is nauseated by the way Twitty, (now goes by Alan) has changed. Feeling left out Louis resorts to assigning Tom Gribalski as his new best friend & even checks in with Tawny about being 'back on'. Tawny reminds Louis he doesn't want a girlfriend but is merely trying to fill a void. Eventually Allison & Alan have a break up which stems from an argument over defective packing peanuts. Louis has a change of heart and initiates the event which brings Allison & Alan back together. Donnie has a rock climbing wall at school named after him but must defend his winning streak against Ren. After suspecting Ren has let him win Donnie must decide how desperate he wants the title.

2. Where in the World is Pookie Stevens?

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In order to purchase $200 drums, Louis organizes a yard sale and in the shuffle Ren's treasured sock puppet Mr. Pookie is sold off. The Stevens family comes together in order to find Mr. Pookie but are unsuccessful. After a guy disses Ren, Louis realizes his sister needs Mr. Pookie now more than ever but there is not much he can do. At the antique shop ready to buy new drums he discovers Mr. Pookie on the shelf, only now Mr. Pookie is an 'original' and worth $200. Louis sacrifices his drums in order to buy back Mr. Pookie for Ren.

1. The Kiss

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As Louis clears a random crumb out of Tawny's eye the two are caught in the moment, kiss and become an item. Ren, who is directing Tawny, Zach & Tom in a school play, takes advice from Coach Tugnut to rewrite her boring play. Ren's rewrite now consists of a passionate kissing scene between John (Zack) & Abigail Adams (Tawny). Louis is horrified about this scene. Ren will not exclude this scene and Tawny will not drop out of the play. Louis tries to be cool but on the night of the performance loses it, holds Tom Gribalski's pants hostage and causes other live theater catastrophes. Ren feels her play is a total failure but Mr. Stevens points to the 'one audience member' she was able to reach out to-Donnie.

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