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Where to watch "Toy Hunter"
13. Episode 13
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12. Episode 12
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11. 90s Flashbacks
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Because of Portland's young demographic, Jordan recruits sidekick Travis to help find the best toys from the 90s and 2000s. A $10,000 set of Transformers could be the high-ticket item he's looking for.
10. Episode 10
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9. Superhero Sanctuary
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Jordan is on the hunt for superhero memorabilia.
8. Episode 8
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7. The Duke of Toys
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Jordan sells at his first international Comic Con in Birmingham, England.
6. Episode 6
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5. Episode 5
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4. Episode 4
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3. Giant Toys
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Jordan's on the hunt for rare toys for a 3-D manufacturing company.
2. $28K Wonder Woman
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Jordan is attending his first ever Stan Lee Comikaze show and wants to stock up on superhero and comic book memorabilia. His sale goal is $35,000.
1. Rapping DMC Toys
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Jordan is surprised by the legendary rapper of the hip-hop group Run DMC.