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Where to watch "Tom and Jerry Tales"

39. Catfish Follies
2008 - Season 2
Tom and Jerry go fishing and are pitted against Butch in the form of a catfish, who wants to eat Jerry, but has to avoid becoming a catch for Tom.

38. Babysitting Blues
2008 - Season 2
Tom and Jerry babysit their nephews for the day, which leads to more trouble than usual courtesy of their being very mischievious.

37. Game of Mouse & Cat
2008 - Season 2
In a twisted alternate reality, mice chase cats and Jerry's owner orders him to get Tom out of the house by whatever means possible. But in reality, it's a virtual program in which Jerry gets to live his dream. Afterward, Tom tries out a program in which he gets to chase a fearful Spike around.

36. Monkey Chow
2008 - Season 2
Fed up with Jerry in the house, Tom and his owner move to Malaysia. They are touring the exotic monkey garden when Tom finds out Jerry followed them so he throws him down the river and gets gumballs as a reward. Meanwhile, one mischievous monkey swipes the woman's purse. She orders Tom to get it back for her, but not before he goes through its various contents, which leads to more trouble, including going for a joyride in her car and using her cell phone to make a long distance order for pizza.

35. Kangadoofus
2008 - Season 2
When Tom and Jerry travel to Australia, Jerry is able to blend in with a family of kangaroos after being chased by Tom, who schemes to get the mouse away from their mother by any means possible.

34. You're Lion
2008 - Season 2
Tom and his owner go on a safari in Africa where he gets to meet his fellow felines, the wild lions. However, the encounter is less than friendly as instead, Tom and Jerry are chased by the lions who desire to make a meal of them.

33. Flamenco Fiasco
2008 - Season 2
In old Spain, Tom enters a Flamenco dance contest to try to win the top prize of the Golden Guitar awarded by El Presidente himself. However, this disrupts Jerry's date and he tries to sabotage the cat's efforts to win. But the two, along with their girlfriends vie in a danceoff and Tom wins by bringing the house down--literally!

32. Kitty Cat Blues
2008 - Season 2
The episode is an updating of the classic Tom and Jerry film The Zoot Cat (1944); it also has some elements of Solid Serenade (1946), with Tom wooing a female cat by singing and accompanying himself on strings. Tom is drawn the way he looked in the films from that period, and the episodes featured the same girl cat (Sherkie), though modernized. Tom now sings to her with a guitar, and in 1950s style blues. He is more interested in pursuing Jerry than in the girl, however, and wrecks the house during the chase which leads him and the mouse to getting the boot in the end.

31. DJ Jerry
2008 - Season 2
The record store owner asks Tom to charge the store for the night. As his owner leaves, Tom has discovers Jerry is having a party under the store. After his efforts fail, Tom turns into a rat, but is caught and out of the party. The owner returns to see his store ruined and kicks Tom out, hiring Spike to guard the store. This is the first time Tom has had an African-American master since Mammy-Two-Shoes; his owner here is a Rastafarian guest stars Phil LaMarr as The record store owner.

30. Snow Mouse
2008 - Season 2
Tom and Jerry encounter a giant abominable snowmouse during a chase in a forest in the winter. The creature begins to chase them as well, but when he's exposed to hot springs, it shrinks down to size and the duo literally blow the puffy-furred mouse away.

29. Snow Brawl
2008 - Season 2
A truckload of spilled magic hats bring Tom and Jerry's army of snowcats and snowmice to life. The whole opening scene is likely an homage to Chuck Jones' "Bugs' Bonnets". The wizard's hats may be a nod to the Harry Potter franchise.

28. Hockey Schtick
2008 - Season 2
On a cold winter day, Jerry decides to freeze the pond go ice skating. But Tom wants to play hockey and attempts to engage the little mouse in a physical confrontation.

27. 24 Karat Kat
2007 - Season 2
Tom and Butch travel back in time to the 19th Century at a Sutter's Mill, Tom and Butch scheme to steal the gold from Jerry's claim, by digging a hole into the pond, which ends up becoming a geyser that leads them into a junkyard filled with spiky thorns, and trying to stop him once he collects the gold. But in the end, they are foiled by their own bad efforts which lead them to be tossed into jail by Sherrif Spike while Jerry becomes a very wealthy mouse.

26. Kitty Hawked
2007 - Season 2
A museum tour mouse tells young mice about Jerry's role in the Wright brothers' aerial experiments, leading to the historic first flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in 1903. Tom plays his own role courtesy of the duo's usual chases.

25. The Declaration of Independunce
2007 - Season 2
Just after Thomas Jefferson writes the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, Tom proceeds to lose it by making it into a paper airplane when throwing Jerry out of the house. Jefferson sends the cat out to retrieve it, but as usual, the mouse and Redcoat dog Spike make the task difficult for him.

24. Game Set Match
2007 - Season 2
Tennis champ Tom tries to teach Tyke the game, at his father's behest. But, he was tired and lots of disasters happened. When Tom uses a ball thrower. Jerry turns it to fast and the balls goes to Tom and he hits all. Until the last ball pops out, it hits Tyke's nose, causing him to cry and his father turns Tom into a tennis racket. Then, Jerry ties a racket in Tyke's tail and Tyke hits the ball and his father takes a last shot and he misses the ball. Spike's glad that his son has skills and turns Tom into a ball and they play all time.

23. Endless Bummer
2007 - Season 2
Tom, Jerry, and Droopy enter a surfing competition. To everyone's surprise, Droopy wins for the big cash prize. Tom narrowly beats Jerry for second place and wins a lifetime supply of cheese!

22. Bend It Like Thomas
2007 - Season 2
Tom's emphatic soccer playing annoys Spike and Jerry. Look for a cameo from the hawk from "Flirty Birdy" and an homage to the classic leash gag from "Fit to Be Tied".

21. Little Big Mouse
2007 - Season 2
During a brutal heatwave, while Tom and his ower, Mrs. Two Shoes, are relaxing by the refrigerator, Jerry takes all the food for a picnic which leaves the cat to take the rap for the thefts-and get expelled from the house. Tom manages to retaliate with a help of an ant.

20. League of Cats
2007 - Season 2
Butch invites Tom to join the League of Cats, a secret organization that believes in a more effective way of catching mice by ganging up against them. Jerry counters by organizing a League of Mice to outnumber the cats.

19. Summer Squashing
2007 - Season 2
Mrs. Two Shoes assigns Tom to keep all the pests, which includes Jerry, out of the garden, but the job gets pretty complicated for the cat as Jerry has a number of lookalikes with him (they all wear different coloured bandanas).

18. Sasquashed
2007 - Season 2
Whilst on a camping trip, Tom, Jerry and Tuffy come across the legendary sasquatch - who happens to be a big-footed, short but friendly creature named Sheldon.

17. A Life Less Guarded
2007 - Season 2
Tom competes against Droopy as a role for lifeguard at the local pool.

16. Xtreme Trouble
2007 - Season 2
Jerry dresses up like a skateboarder in an effort to get food from the refrigerator. Afterward, he pursues a truck with a shipment of cheese with Tom hot on his trail on a dirtbike with hijinks to follow.

15. Over the River and Boo the Woods
2007 - Season 2
Tom and Jerry get lost in a haunted forest where Butch, as a bat (with the same size as Tom) , tells them that only one of them can escape. Butch uses this chance to escape, while Tom and Jerry try to outrun him to the exit.

14. Monster Con
2007 - Season 2
Van Helsing, the famous legendary monster hunter, and his assistant, Tom, stop at a hotel, where a Monster Convention is taking place. While there, the cat uses some of Van Helsing's equipment to try to catch Jerry, but he catches a few ghosts instead. Later, Tom gets bitten by a werewolf and transforms into a panther, which makes him a target for Van Helsing, who mistakes him for a werewolf cat and seeks to add him to his collection.

13. Catfish Folly/ Babysitting Blues/ A Game of Mouse and Cat
No release date yet
Tom and Jerry discover the Butchfish.

12. You're Lion/ Kangadoofus/ Monkey Chow
No release date yet
Tom visits Africa to see his lion relatives.

11. Kitty Cat Blues/ Flamenco Fiasco/ DJ Jerry
No release date yet
Tom tries to win the affection of a lady cat.

10. Snow Brawl/ Snow Mouse/ Hockey Schtick
No release date yet
Snowman versions of Tom and Jerry come to life.

9. Declaration of Independunce/ Kitty Hawked/ 24 Karat Kat
No release date yet
Snowman versions of Tom and Jerry come to life.

8. Game, Set, Match/ Bend It Like Thomas/ Endless Bummer
No release date yet
Tom stuffs Jerry into a paper airplane.

7. Summer Squashing/ Little Big Mouse/ League of Cats
No release date yet
Tom teaches Tyke the ins and outs of the tennis game…

6. Sasquashed/ Xtreme Trouble/ A Life Less Guarded
No release date yet
Tom struggles to guard a summer garden against Jerry…

5. Over the River/ Monster Con/ Invasion of the Body Slammers
No release date yet
Tom pretends to be the legendary Bigfoot...

4. Adventures in Penguin Sitting/ Cat of Prey/ Jungle Love
No release date yet
Tom crashes Jerry's water-park show.

3. Don't Bring Your Pet to School Day/ Cat Show Catastrophe/ The Cat Whisperer
No release date yet
Tom crashes Jerry's water-park show.

2. More Powers to You / Power Tom / Catch Me Though You Can't
No release date yet
Tom is brought to school and he needs to behave.

1. I Dream of Meanie / Zent out of Shape / Which Witch
No release date yet
Tom must guard a set of power rings…