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Where to watch "Swans Crossing"

65. Episode 65
1992 - Season 1
Mila and Sydney go shopping. Callie and Jimmy arm wrestle. Barek sees Owen's video. Nancy shows Mila how to Cheerlead. Sydney has Goodbye to Summer Party, but it is really a party to say goodbye to Garrett because he is going to France.

64. Episode 64
1992 - Season 1
Sydney calls Billy Gunn. Jimmy, Callie and Sajha try to follow Baldie. Ralph drops by Tool and Die.

63. Episode 63
1992 - Season 1
J.T. and Mila have a poetry discussion. Jimmy, Callie and Sajha go to Walker Estate. Sajha walks Sandy home.

62. Episode 62
1992 - Season 1
Sydney and Ralph look for keepsake box. Garrett tells Mila he is going to France. Callie, Jimmy and Sajha plan to go to Walker Estate. Sandy is upset and Glory tries to comfort her.

61. Episode 61
1992 - Season 1
Callie goes to Tool and Die to find Jimmy. Garrett's dad tells him he is going back to France. Sandy and Mila fight about the music video that Owen promised them both they could be in.

60. Episode 60
1992 - Season 1
Sajha tells Callie what happened to him at the Walker Estate. J.T. and Neil have fund raiser. Everyone is talking on the phone.

59. Episode 59
1992 - Season 1
Callie, Barek and Captain Walker go to dinner. Neil and JT prepare for their Casino Night.

58. Episode 58
1992 - Season 1
Jimmy speaks into the communicator. Sydney and Garrett meet at No Man's Land.

57. Episode 57
1992 - Season 1
Garrett tries to write poem for Mila. Jimmy shows Callie Barek's communicator. JT and Neil think of ways to make money.

56. Episode 56
1992 - Season 1
Callie saves Sydney and Captain Walker comes back with the sub. Jazz sees Baldie and they have a little talk.

55. Episode 55
1992 - Season 1
Mila likes Garrett again, and they kiss. Callie and Jimmy talk at Tool and Die. Sydney falls in the water and is caught on a rock.

54. Episode 54
1992 - Season 1
Jimmy feeds Callie ice cream on Glory's front porch. JT and Neil analyze Barek's rocks.

53. Episode 53
1992 - Season 1
Jimmy catches Callie and takes her back to Glory's to recuperate. Sydney and Garrett talk at the pool. Mila tries to sing.

52. Episode 52
1992 - Season 1
Sandy and Owen practice. Garrett hugs Sydney. Callie falls off a ladder at Tool and Die.

51. Episode 51
1992 - Season 1
Saja breaks something to distract Barek while Callie steals Barek's stones. Garrett reads poems to Mila.

50. Episode 50
1992 - Season 1
Jimmy and Callie go to the Tool and Die and almost kiss, but are interrupted by Saja.

49. Episode 49
1992 - Season 1
Callie returns Barek's cotton balls.

48. Episode 48
1992 - Season 1
Neil recovers. Sydney tells Mila about a secret admirer, Chandler.

47. Episode 47
1992 - Season 1
Jimmy, Callie and Barek all meet on the dock. Neil is in a coma. JT and Glory kiss. Mila and Sydney fight about Billy Gunn.

46. Episode 46
1992 - Season 1
There is a party at Swans with Billy Gunn and Mila is in disguise. Neil is in an explosion at his dad's cosmetic lab.

45. Episode 45
1992 - Season 1
There is a gathering at Swans Soda Shop for the arrival of British rock star Billy Gunn, where Sydney arranges for the Countess to find Mila, disguised as a heavy metal rock star. Billy, who had been after Mila, turns his attentions on Sydney. The news of an explosion at the mindshaft brings the festivities to a hault.

44. Episode 44
1992 - Season 1
Glory is taken home and questioned by the FBI. She lies to them to protect JT.

43. Episode 43
1992 - Season 1
Glory is found in the old Walker estate covered by a white sheet.

42. Episode 42
1992 - Season 1
Glory is interrogated by the Baldies and the Snake man. Jimmy finds Barek's secret camera.

41. Episode 41
1992 - Season 1
Glory is held hostage in a snake pit. Callie gets worried and everyone starts searching for her.

40. Episode 40
1992 - Season 1
Callie and Jimmy fight and throw things at the Tool and Die. Glory is kidnapped by the Baldies.

39. Episode 39
1992 - Season 1
One of the Baldies goes searching Glory's room. Sydney and Mila hang at the pool talking once again.

38. Episode 38
1992 - Season 1
Saja and Callie search the docks for evidence of the guys that chased him.

37. Episode 37
1992 - Season 1
Saja is chased by the Baldies and then jumps onto Glory's front porch ruining the lemonade.

36. Episode 36
1992 - Season 1
Sydney and Garrett make a deal about her birth certificate secret. Callie's father leaves Swans Crossing.

35. Episode 35
1992 - Season 1
It's time for the Nudibranch Benefit.

34. Episode 34
1992 - Season 1
Neil is upset that JT is writing poems for Glory instead of working on UB2B. JT and Neil receives a phone call for Professor Vann and they trace it to the Swans Soda Shop.

33. Episode 33
1992 - Season 1
Callie and Jimmy get closer while they look at clouds at the Swans Club. Sandy is upset when Sydney turns her hair back to brown.

32. Episode 32
1992 - Season 1
JT and Neil meet with his father to try and get more funding, but Sydney interrupts their lunch to get a special hair-dye formula to fix Sandy's hair.

31. Episode 31
1992 - Season 1
Saja visits Callie on the sub and they go fishing. Sandy turns her hair orange when she tries to dye it.

30. Episode 30
1992 - Season 1
Garrett isn't grounded anymore and now he can really start his plan to get back at Sydney.

29. Episode 29
1992 - Season 1
Neil thinks he may have been drugged and JT and Neil become suspicious that someone is after them.

28. Episode 28
1992 - Season 1
Sydney holds a meeting of the concert stage committee. The countess visits Captain Walker on the sub.

27. Episode 27
1992 - Season 1
Neil is still missing and JT starts to worry. JT climbs up to Glory's Window to see if Neil somehow got her a message.

26. Episode 26
1992 - Season 1
Garrett tries to convince Sydney she was switched at birth with Sandy. Jimmy ignores Callie and dances with Sophia.

25. Episode 25
1992 - Season 1
Jimmy asks Callie to the dance at the Swans Club. Sydney can't decide what to wear and lends Sandy a dress when she comes over.

24. Episode 24
1992 - Season 1
Garrett plans his revenge on Sydney and agrees to help his dad with the Mayor Roll campaign.

23. Episode 23
1992 - Season 1
Jimmy comes aboard Callie's sub to borrow some fishing gear from Captain Walker. Sydney works on another project.

22. Episode 22
1992 - Season 1
Garrett gets suspended from the baseball team for four weeks. Mila and Sydney hang out at the club and celebrate being free of Garrett.

21. Episode 21
1992 - Season 1
The boys crash the slumber party. Sydney sets up Garrett and he gets busted by the cops.

20. Episode 20
1992 - Season 1
The guys plan their invasion of the slumber party. All the girls arrive, dance, do make-overs, sing and have fun together at until Sydney reveals the deal.

19. Episode 19
1992 - Season 1
Sandy is angry when she finds Mila at Owen's studio.

18. Episode 18
1992 - Season 1
Barek walks Callie home at night. JT is angry and depressed because Garrett got to pitch in the game.

17. Episode 17
1992 - Season 1
Barek walks Callie home at night. JT is angry and depressed because Garrett got to pitch in the game.

16. Episode 16
1992 - Season 1
Everyone hangs out at Swans after the game. Sydney doesn't walk off the field with Garrett and regrets her decision. Garrett takes Mila to Swans instead.

15. Episode 15
1992 - Season 1
The time has arrived for the big game against Newport. Garret is excited to be the starting pitcher.

14. Episode 14
1992 - Season 1
Jimmy is depressed when he can't play in the Big Newport Game because of his shoulder. The Baldie's are hot on the pursuit of Professor Vann.

13. Episode 13
1992 - Season 1
Sandy and Owen practice some new songs. Mystery man Barek comes to town and takes over Tool and Die.

12. Episode 12
1992 - Season 1
Callie is worried about Jimmy and admits to Garrett that she's afraid of the dark and needs his help to find him. They find where he crashed and discover that his shoulder is hurt.

11. Episode 11
1992 - Season 1
Everyone starts having a good time after the cake explosion. Lots of people dance, and they teach Mila to do the Swans Crossing dance.

10. Episode 10
1992 - Season 1
Everyone is getting ready to go to the party. The Countess asks Garrett to escort Mila so it will be a surprise.

9. Episode 09
1992 - Season 1
The Tutu singing party invitations go out for Mila's birthday party. Garrett takes Mila for a swimming lesson. Jimmy is working on his bike at Tool and Die.

8. Episode 08
1992 - Season 1
Sydney is recovering from her stitches. Jimmy and Callie go to check on Saja and Sophia is less then pleased to meet Callie.

7. Episode 07
1992 - Season 1
Sydney is recovering from her stitches. Jimmy and Callie go to check on Saja and Sophia is less then pleased to meet Callie.

6. Episode 06
1992 - Season 1
The Fourth of July celebration turns into chaos as the towers collapse on the pier and fireworks are set off.

5. Episode 05
1992 - Season 1
Everyone is on their way to the pier for the Fourth of July celebration. Sydney is stressing about what to wear, because she thinks she has to look perfect. Garrett finds Tutu and returns him to Mila and the Countess.

4. Episode 04
1992 - Season 1
Sandy and Owen practice for the Fourth of July celebration. Sydney has a dinner party for Glory and JT so Glory can tell her all the info Garrett gave her about Mila.

3. Episode 03
1992 - Season 1
Jimmy goes to pick up Bobby Decastro for baseball practice when he decides to become Saja: Lord of the Warriors and kicks in his front door. Jimmy and Sophia Decastro chat about her car.

2. Episode 02
1992 - Season 1
Sandy tells Owen the news about the explosion. The person in the helmets turns out to be Callie, and she and Garrettt discuss Swans Crossing. Garrett realizes that she is Captain Walker's daughter. Garrett and Callie introduce themselves. Sydney, Glory and J.T. gather at the soda shop to wait for Garrett to show up. Sydney tells Glory that she has already called the police, and they are going to find Garrett any second. Jimmy arrives and order Garrett's favorite drink, which causes Sydney to question Jimmy about Garrett's whereabouts. J.T. then asks Glory if she showed Sydney the note that Garrett left for her. Sydney then gets very angry, and calls to check up on the police search. J.T. then distracts Sydney with the news that there's a new girl moving into town named Mila Rosnovsky, who used to be a TV star. Sydney isn't happy by the news. Neil then arrives, and Sydney interrogates Neil about Mila, because she tried out for one of his father's cosmetics ads. The police fi

1. Episode 01
1992 - Season 1
""Welcome to the town of Swans Crossing, where children grew up believing that the sun never set; rather, it was put into the family vault for the night."" After this voiceover, we are introduced to the world of Swans Crossing, a wealthy New England town, which was founded in the 1692. Sydney Rutledge, the spoiled and manipulative rich girl, returns to Swans Crossing from horse camp, to find that not much is changed. However, she is surprised to see that Garrett Booth, her ex-flame and her equal in lying and deceiving, is back from boarding school in France. She, Garrett's sister, Glory, and Sandy Swan, an insecure aspiring singer, trail him to a clearing, where J.T. Adams and Neil Atwater, two young geniuses, are launching a rocket. The countdown begins, and Garrett begins to give Neil and J.T. a hard time. Just then, Sydney, Glory, and Sandy show up, just as Neil and J.T. begin the countdown again. Garrett begins to run towards Sydney just as the rocket goes off. Meanwhile, a su