19. RR
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Kausi 1. Jakso 19. Peralta saa Francon kiinni, mutta Baron tappaa Peraltan. Baron kuolee. Brenda siepataan. Magali aloittaa uuden elämän väärällä identiteetillä. Franco antautuu ja menee vankilaan. El Gringo, jolla on suunnitelmia hänen varalleen, odottaa häntä siellä.

18. Reflections
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Kausi 1. Jakso 18. Magali kidnapataan. Francolta vaaditaan puoltatoista miljoonaa dollaria timanttien varastamisesta. Pablo onnistuu pelastamaan hänet. Romero ja Eliseo pidättävät Francon. Peralta tilaa Francon perheen murhan.

15. Route
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Kausi 1. Jakso 15. Peralta uhkaa Francoa: jos Franco ei ilmaannu 48 tunnin kuluessa hänen luokseen, hän tappaa tämän perheen.

14. Refuge
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Kausi 1. Jakso 14. Franco pakenee juhlista, ja nyt hänen perheensä saa selville totuuden hänestä. Peralta hyökkää taloon, ja Francon perhe on nyt poliisin hoteissa. Francon mielestä on paras antautua ja lopettaa kaikki.

11. Surrounded
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Kausi 1. Jakso 11. Franco ja Brenda pakenevat Babyn kidnappausyritystä. Brendan 15. syntymäpäivä saapuu. Kesken juhlinnan Romero tulee poliisin kanssa pidättämään Francon. Hänen on paettava pystymättä selittämään tilannetta vaimolleen ja tyttärelleen.

10. RR
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Peralta catches Franco, but Baron kills Peralta. Baron is euthanized. Brenda is kidnapped. Magali begins a new life with a false identity. Franco surrenders, goes to jail. El Gringo, who has plans for him, waits for him there.

9. Reflections
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Magali is kidnapped. Franco is demanded a million and a half dollars for the theft of the diamonds. Pablo manages to rescue her. Romero and Eliseo arrest Franco. Peralta orders the murder of Franco's family.

8. Route
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Peralta threatens Franco: if he doesn't show up with him in 48 hours, he will kill his family.

7. Refuge
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Franco runs away from the party and his family now knows the truth about him. Peralta attempts against the house and Franco's family is now taken into custody. Franco thinks that the best thing is to surrender and end everything.

6. Surrounded
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Franco and Brenda escape the attempted kidnapping of Baby. Brenda's quinceañera arrives. In the middle of the celebration, Romero arrives with the police to arrest Franco. He must flee without being able to give explanations to his wife and daughter.

5. Romance
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Romero appoints Franco to testify. He manages to convince her of his innocence, but Romero compares him to the image of the nightclub and identifies Franco as the murderer. Franco is threatened by the sicario Bebé.

4. Reynosa
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Franco, Magali and Baron travel to Reynosa and manage to finalize the transaction of diamonds, taking one million dollars. When Franco returns, he must face Clara, Langarica's daughter, who accuses him of having sold his father.

3. Requiem
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Franco refuses to sell the precious stones because it's too risky. Finally, he changes his mind and goes to Reynosa with Baron and Magali to carry out the transaction. In this way the team is formed and prepared for its first adventure.

2. Recalculating
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Franco returns to his daily life, hiding what happened. Baron tells him that Fidel, an obscure unionist, wants to stay with his family and they promise each other collaboration. The two of them and Magali will try to sell the precious stones.

1. R
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The doctor informs "Franco" Barrón that he has one month to live. Released, he ends up in the VIP of a den killing a trafficker and stealing precious stones. Then they inform him that there was an administrative error and he is not going to die.