Ghost Hunters International
Ghost Hunters International was a spin-off series of Ghost Hunters that aired on Syfy. The series premiered on January 9, 2008. Like its parent series, GHI was a reality series that followed a team of paranormal investigators; whereas, the original series primarily covers only locations within the United States, the GHI team traveled around the world and documented some of the world's most legendary haunted locations.Ghost Hunters International was a spin-off series of Ghost Hunters that aired on Syfy. The series premiered on January 9, 2008. Like its parent series, GHI was a reality series that followed a team of paranormal investigators;... Read more
Starring Barry Fitzgerald, Barry Fitzgerald
Watch "Ghost Hunters International" on Amazon Prime released in 2008. It's a documentary and reality show, and has a rating of 5.6 out of 10 from Imdb which is fairly okay for this kind of show.