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Where to watch "Crusoe"

13. El Regreso

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Viernes descubre lo que está pasando y se lleva a rastras a un Crusoe atónito, mientras Tuffley y los demás los persiguen. Empieza la cacería. Crusoe está convencido de que Tuffley está engañando a Blackthorn, aunque Viernes no lo cree así. Se convence de la verdad cuando escucha a Blackthorn hablando con Tuffley y West y, horrorizado, cae en la cuenta de que Blackthorn es el "falso amigo" sobre el que lo alertaba el anuncio del periódico que lo llevó a intentar regresar a Inglaterra. Blackthorn regresa a la casa del árbol en busca de la Biblia de Ginebra. La examina pero no consigue encontrar lo que busca, así que ordena a Tuffley y West que quemen la casa y peinen la isla en busca de Crusoe y Viernes. Cuando se van, Crusoe aparece con Viernes y recupera la Biblia, que tiene el lomo estropeado. Así descubre lo que estaba buscando Blackthorn. Con energías renovadas, Crusoe encuentra a los compañeros de Tuffley y los despacha, y lo obliga a confesarlo todo. Atrapado, Tuffley habla. Crusoe no es hijo de James, sino que es sobrino de Blackthorn. El hermano de Blackthorn, William, le pagó a la madre de Crusoe, Alice, para que tuviese a su hijo y heredero (a cambio de dinero). Al morir William, su fortuna pasó a manos de Blackthorn, cuando debería haber sido para Crusoe. Blackthorn se enteró de todo esto y decidió adoptar a los herederos de Crusoe y acabar con su linaje, para que toda la herencia quedase en su poder. Enfadado y asombrado, Crusoe obliga a Tuffley a llevarlo junto a Blackthorn, y le ofrece un trato: los documentos que quiere, a cambio de regresar a salvo a Inglaterra. Le muestra los documentos, y los destruye: no le importa el dinero, lo único que quiere es recuperar a su familia. Irritado, Blackthorn finge estar de acuerdo pero después desvela que tiene a Viernes en su poder, ya que lo capturó mientras Crusoe estaba en la selva con Tuffley y sus compinches. Hace que tiren a Viernes por la borda, atado y amordazado, con lo que a Crusoe no le queda elección: se lanza al mar y salva la vida de su amigo, mientras Blackthorn pone rumbo a Inglaterra con las manos vacías.

12. Cruose: Episode 13 - The Return

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In the nail-biting series finale, Crusoe and Friday defend themselves against Blackthorn and his men. Blackthorn sets out to retrieve the Crusoe bible from the tree house, for it contains the proof that Crusoe is the rightful heir of Blackthorn's fortune. Crusoe, shocked by the discovery of Blackthorn's true intentions, vows to get revenge.

11. Crusoe: Episode 12 - The Traveller

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Crusoe and Friday are startled after a rescue ship arrives off the coast of the island. Upon reaching the beach, they find a shipwrecked lifeboat, and save the sole survivor from being drowned by the current, whom they later discover to be Jeremiah Blackthorn. Crusoe is overcome with joy and gratitude, but Friday isn't convinced that Blackthorn's intentions are pure.

10. Crusoe: Episode 11 - The Hunting Party

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A former king of a neighbouring tribe arrives on the island and sends three warriors to hunt down Crusoe. Friday tries to protect his friend but ends up developing an attraction to the female warrior. Meanwhile, in England, Santana has contacted Susannah over Crusoe's whereabouts, but she is reluctant to believe his lavish story and Olivia returns to England, intent on delivering Crusoe's message.

9. Crusoe: Episode 10 - Smoke and Mirrors

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Crusoe is overjoyed when Susannah appears on the island, claiming that she came ashore from a ship that has come to rescue him. Crusoe travels across the island to the cliffs in order to reach the ship and discover what transpired after mounting a flag as a signal for a rescue. Soon, both of their lives are in danger after Crusoe realises that there is someone else residing on the island.

8. Crusoe: Episode 9 - Name of the Game

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Haunted by the memory of seeing another boy being attacked by a crocodile, Friday is unable to try to pass the final test as a child. Friday and Crusoe use Friday's childhood challenges as a competitive tool. But after an unlucky accident, Friday is once again forced to face the challenge he could not bear to do as a child, in order to save his friend's life.

7. Crusoe: Episode 8 - Heroes and Villains

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Olivia informs Crusoe that the mutineer's ship has been fixed and he must think of a new plan to get on it and off the island. However, new problems arise when Captain Taylor's first mate betrays him. Olivia is caught in the crossfire when the mutineers attack Crusoe and Friday at the tree-house, and someone's attempt to find redemption causes more problems than it remedies.

6. Crusoe: Episode 7 - Bad Blood

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Crusoe goes to find Olivia after Friday attacks him, suffering from delusions from what he believes to be a snake bite. Olivia determines that he had actually ingested some poisoned honey. However, the cure is a rare plant that only grows on the cliffs. Olivia and Crusoe set out on a desperate attempt to retrieve the cure for Friday, who is quickly falling deeper into madness.

5. Crusoe: Episode 6 - Long Pig

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Friday deals with demons from his past as the cannibals return to the island to sacrifice two new captives. Crusoe, unable to stand by, decides to rescue the captives. They are initially only able to rescue one and aren't thrilled to find out exactly who it was they rescued!

4. Crusoe: Episode 5 - High Water

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Crusoe and Friday come across a compass while passing through the jungle, but Friday accidentally drops the compass into the camp fire, melting the needle. Crusoe and Friday then set out to steal a compass from the mutineers and discover that Atkins has been keeping track of the tides. As they make their exit, they run into Olivia, who helps them escape after Atkins returns to the camp.

3. Crusoe: Episode 4 - The Mutineers

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After a merchant ship lands on the island, Crusoe and Friday discover that it has been taken control of by a group of mutineers. Crusoe contemplates forming an alliance with the ship's trapped Captain in hopes that he can provide him with a means to return to England. Captain Taylor agrees, and together they plan to kill and overthrow the leader of the mutineers.

2. Crusoe: Episode 3 - Sacrifice

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Friday has an unusual dream about a young woman whose spirit is lost and yearning for the sea, while Crusoe focuses his attention on fixing the water source to the tree house. However, Crusoe loses his wedding ring, and in the process of trying to retrieve it from the spring, discovers a temple to a water goddess with evidence that a woman was sacrificed on the island.

1. Crusoe: Episode 1 and 2 - Rum and Gunpowder

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Crusoe, the only survivor of a shipwreck, and his trusty companion Friday find themselves in danger when a group of pirates land on the island, searching for a legendary treasure. Judy threatens to kill Crusoe unless he acts as a guide to the island. The situation goes from bad to worse when the Spanish Guard lands on the island and joins forces with the pirates whom they have been sent to arrest.

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