Eat-Man is a Japanese manga series created by Akihito Yoshitomi in 1996 which was serialized by MediaWorks monthly in 19 volumes until 2002 manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao!. In 1997 Studio Deen adapted the manga into a 12 episode anime television series which was broadcast in Japan from January 1 to March 27, 1997 on TV Tokyo. A sequel, Eat-Man '98, was also animated by Studio Deen and ran from October 8 to December 23, 1998. Both anime series are licensed in North America by Bandai Entertainment and the manga series was licensed by Viz Communications before it was dropped.Eat-Man is a Japanese manga series created by Akihito Yoshitomi in 1996 which was serialized by MediaWorks monthly in 19 volumes until 2002 manga magazine Dengeki Comic Gao!. In 1997 Studio Deen adapted the manga into a 12 epi... Read more
Starring Masashi Ebara, Katsuhisa Hôki, Aya Hisakawa
Watch "Eat-Man" on Tubi TV released in 1997. It's a animation and drama show, and has a rating of 7.2 out of 10 from Imdb which is usually fine for this kind of show, and is currently available to watch for free.