Olliver's Adventures
Olliver's Adventures is an animated television show that first aired on Teletoon on September 7, 2002 with the first 13 episodes. It was produced by Collideascope Animation Studios and Decode Entertainment and consists of 117 shorts or 39 episodes of 3 shorts each. The pilot episode, written by Edward Kay, was named Ollie's Under-the-Bed Adventures and won a Gemini Award for Best Animated Program.Olliver's Adventures is an animated television show that first aired on Teletoon on September 7, 2002 with the first 13 episodes. It was produced by Collideascope Animation Studios and Decode Entertainment and consists of 117 ... Read more
It's a animation show, and has a rating of 6.3 out of 10 from Imdb which is usually fine for this kind of show.
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